2023-10-12 16:10:48
VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-10-12 THU
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Medium AI文章
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1.【聊天机器人策略】聊天机器人已经从简单的基于规则的系统演变为具有智能对话能力的下一代虚拟代理。vika维格云不仅提供了灵活的表格工具,而且让你可以轻松地构建自己的AI代理。一键式的ChatGPT集成,让你的业务运营更加智能化,提升客户体验。#AIChatbot #vika维格云
2.【让你的聊天机器人更像人】想让你的聊天机器人更像人吗?vika维格云可以帮助你实现。我们的平台提供了强大的ChatGPT集成功能,使你的聊天机器人具有更自然、更人性化的对话体验。#AIChatbot #人性化交互 #vika维格云
3.【提升客户体验】Oracle的研究表明,82%的消费者如果对客户服务不满意,就会转换品牌。vika维格云提供的AI聊天机器人,能够大大提升你的客户服务体验,提升客户满意度,提升品牌忠诚度。 #AIChatbot #客户体验 #vika维格云
4.【任务进度一目了然】在大型项目或活动中,你需要时刻关注任务进度。vika维格云的进度条功能让你可以一眼查看任务或项目的状态,使团队和领导者可以快速了解工作状态。#多维表格 #进度管理 #vika维格云
5.【数据库还是电子表格,哪个更好?】选择适合你业务的工具需要了解它们的差异。vika维格云兼具数据库和电子表格的优点,提供更灵活、更强大的数据管理能力。#多维表格 #数据库 #vika维格云
6.【透明度领导】在全球化的竞争环境中,透明度是提升团队效率和合作的关键。vika维格云提供了一套完整的团队协作和项目管理工具,帮助你实现透明度领导。#透明度领导 #团队协作 #vika维格云
7.【如何创建有效的关系数据库】vika维格云提供了强大的多维表格工具,可以帮助你设计和构建高效的关系数据库,提升数据管理和查询的效率。#关系数据库 #多维表格 #vika维格云
8.【智能分配销售线索】每个销售线索都是不同的,每个销售代表也各有特点。vika维格云能够根据地理区域、客户画像等因素,智能分配销售线索,最大化每一个潜在客户的机会。#智能销售 #线索分配 #vika维格云
9.【全新vika维格云:AI驱动的聊天机器人平台】我们很高兴地宣布,全新的vika维格云已经上线!我们的平台彻底重构,使你可以利用ChatGPT创建强大的聊天机器人和个人助手,提升你的业务运营效率。#AIChatbot #vika维格云
10.【诚实的聊天机器人营销指南】vika维格云提供了强大的聊天机器人构建和集成工具,帮助你实现营销自动化,避免客户的噩梦。#AIChatbot #营销自动化 #vika维格云
Post Title: Unleashing the Power of AI and AR with AITable.ai
- Content: Diving into the world of AI and AR? Explore how these technologies are transforming businesses and user experiences. AITable.ai is here to provide a seamless integration between your data and AI Agents, enhancing real-world objects and interactions. Stay tuned to learn how AITable.ai is shaping the future of productivity tools.
Post Title: The Art of Naming Your AI Chatbot
- Content: What's in a name? For AI Chatbots, a whole lot! A well-chosen name can shape the perception and engagement of your bot. Stay tuned for tips on how to pick creative and impactful names for your AITable.ai bots.
Post Title: Revolutionizing Customer Support with AITable.ai Chatbots
- Content: Looking to enhance your customer service? Discover how AITable.ai's chatbots can automate and enhance customer support, ensuring timely assistance and improving operational efficiency. Stay tuned for more insights on using AI-powered tools for customer support!
Post Title: Boosting Customer Engagement with AITable.ai's Conversational AI
- Content: Elevate your customer experience with AITable.ai's Conversational AI. Engage your customers in real-time, solve their queries instantly, and deliver a seamless experience. Join us to learn how to make the most of this technology!
Post Title: Optimizing Your App for Success in the SaaS Marketplace with AITable.ai
- Content: As the SaaS marketplace becomes increasingly competitive, effective app optimization is key to success. AITable.ai provides sophisticated tools to extend your capabilities and boost your app's visibility. Stay tuned for best practice tips!
Post Title: AITable.ai - Your Industry-Specific CRM Solution
- Content: Every industry has unique CRM needs. AITable.ai offers a flexible and adaptable CRM system, catering to diverse industry requirements. Join us to explore how AITable.ai can revolutionize your CRM experience!
Post Title: Develop a Winning Chatbot Strategy with AITable.ai
- Content: Leverage the power of AI chatbots to enhance your business outcomes. Learn how to develop an effective chatbot strategy with AITable.ai that aligns with your goals. Stay tuned for more insights!
Post Title: Introducing the New AITable.ai: Your Go-to Platform for Bot Building
- Content: We're thrilled to announce the all-new AITable.ai - a GPT-native bot-building platform that revolutionizes bot building. From automating complex workflows to ending the era of button-based bots, AITable.ai is here to change the game!
Post Title: AITable.ai: Balancing Live Chat and AI Chatbots for Optimal Customer Service
- Content: Struggling to choose between live chat and AI chatbots for your business? Why not have the best of both worlds? With AITable.ai, balance the human touch of live chats with the efficiency of AI chatbots for optimal customer service.
Post Title: What's New in AITable.ai: Your One-Stop Solution for Productivity
- Content: Discover the latest features and enhancements in AITable.ai! From starred apps on your home screen to updated project status bars, we're constantly innovating to provide the best productivity tools for you. Stay tuned for more updates!
"Looking to streamline operations and improve customer service? Discover how with AITable.ai's AI Agents you can develop a chatbot strategy that really delivers! #ChatGPT #AI #CustomerService"
"Ever thought about how to make your chatbot sound more human? With AITable.ai's AI Agents, your chatbot can engage users in meaningful conversations. #AIChatbot #ConversationalAI"
"Dive into the world of interface design with AITable.ai! Choose from our pre-designed layouts and present the right data to your users. #InterfaceDesign #AI #Productivity"
"Unlock the power of relational databases with AITable.ai. Simplify your data management and uncover valuable insights. #DatabaseDesign #AI"
"Maximize your project management success with AITable.ai! Plan, coordinate, and track tasks effectively for ultimate productivity. #ProjectManagement #AI"
"Discover the power of low-code development with AITable.ai. Build the software you need without the coding headache. #LowCode #AI"
"Stay on top of your tasks with AITable.ai's progress bars! Check the status of tasks and projects at a glance. #TaskManagement #AI"
"Revolutionize your customer support with AITable.ai's Facebook chatbots. Enhance your customer service and improve operational efficiency. #Chatbots #CustomerSupport #AI"
"Maximize every opportunity with potential customers with AITable.ai. Distribute leads effectively and drive sales success. #Sales #AI"
"Transform your data management with AITable.ai! Understand the difference between databases and spreadsheets and choose the right tool for your business. #DataManagement #AI"
选题: 简体中文-中国内地
Title | Keywords | Outline |
如何制定有效的AI Chatbot策略 | AI, ChatGPT, AITable.ai, 企业级AI | 当今数字时代,企业正在寻求创新的方式来与他们的客户互动并优化他们的运营。这篇文章将解释如何使用AITable.ai制定有效的AI Chatbot策略,从而提升您的业务成果。 |
人性化你的Chatbot:如何让你的Chatbot听起来更自然 | AI, ChatGPT, 人性化Chatbot | Chatbot已经成为在线通信的重要部分,但要创造出真正能与用户产生共鸣的Chatbot,关键在于让它们听起来更自然和人性化。这篇文章将探索如何利用AITable.ai让你的Chatbot从机器人化走向人性化。 |
利用会话AI提升客户参与度的方法 | AI, 会话AI, 客户参与度, AITable.ai | 本文将探讨如何利用AITable.ai的会话AI工具来提升客户参与度,以提供更优质的客户体验。 |
如何使用Facebook Chatbots提升客户支持 | AI, Chatbot, Facebook Chatbots, 客户支持 | 本文将探讨如何使用AITable.ai的Facebook Chatbots工具来提升您的客户支持服务,以提供及时的帮助并提高运营效率。 |
如何有效地设计和管理关系数据库 | AI, 关系数据库, AITable.ai | 本文将提供一些有效的关系数据库设计和管理技巧,帮助您更好地利用AITable.ai来存储、管理和分析关键信息。 |
如何通过AITable.ai跟踪工作进度 | AI, 工作进度跟踪, AITable.ai | 本文将指导您如何使用AITable.ai的进度条功能来跟踪任务和项目的状态,以便于您随时了解工作进度。 |
如何在AITable.ai中设计并应用先进的引导分发策略 | AI, 引导分发, AITable.ai | 本文将探讨如何在AITable.ai中设计并应用先进的引导分发策略,以最大限度地利用每一个与潜在客户的机会。 |
AITable.ai:一站式的ChatGPT-native机器人构建平台 | AI, ChatGPT, AITable.ai, 机器人构建平台 | 本文将介绍AITable.ai的全新设计,这是一个完全以ChatGPT为核心的机器人构建平台,将彻底改变机器人构建的过程。 |
AITable.ai中的新功能:2023年6月更新 | AI, AITable.ai, 新功能 | 本文将介绍AITable.ai在2023年6月的最新功能更新,包括界面表单的新选项和功能,以帮助您更好地管理数据和提高工作效率。 |
如何使用AITable.ai提高你的数字音乐产业的创新和升级 | AI, 数字音乐产业, AITable.ai | 本文将探讨如何使用AITable.ai的工具来提高你的数字音乐产业的创新和升级,包括如何利用AI和ChatGPT技术来改变传统的音乐创作和推广方式。 |
选题: 繁体中文-中国内地
Title | Keywords | Outline |
如何利用AI ChatGPT 提升小型企業成長 | 自動化吸客, A.I. 化生意系統, 企業級AI, AI, ChatGPT, Custom ChatGPT, build an ai chatbot that trains from your data, AI chatbot | - 說明小型企業面臨的挑戰 - 介紹AITable.ai的AI ChatGPT如何解決這些問題 - 展示如何使用AITable.ai建立AI ChatGPT |
AITable.ai和人工智能(AI)及擴增實境(AR)的終極指南 | AI, Automation, Marketing Automation, Lead Magnet, AI chatbot | - 解釋AI和AR的基本概念 - 介紹AITable.ai如何結合AI和AR技術 - 展示如何使用AITable.ai實現AI和AR的應用 |
如何為您的ChatGPT命名:要考慮的提示和創新的ChatGPT名稱想法 | AI, ChatGPT, Custom ChatGPT, build an ai chatbot that trains from your data, AI chatbot | - 解釋為何要為ChatGPT命名 - 提供命名ChatGPT的提示和創新想法 - 展示如何使用AITable.ai來命名ChatGPT |
如何選擇介面佈局 | Airtable ai, Automation, Marketing Automation, Lead Magnet, AI chatbot | - 介紹介面佈局的重要性 - 提供選擇AITable.ai介面佈局的提示和建議 - 展示如何在AITable.ai中選擇介面佈局 |
SaaS市場上的應用開發者指南:如何在AITable.ai上脫穎而出 | AI, Automation, Marketing Automation, Lead Magnet, AI chatbot, Table-based AI, ChatGPT integration, AI agents, 1-click AI solutions, Chatbot development platform, Table-to-chatbot conversion, AI Copilot widget, Embeddable chat widget, Online editing table data, Q&A AI chatbot, Enterprise ChatGPT assistant, Discord chatbot, Slack bot integration, API for chatbot development, AI-powered customer service | - 解釋在SaaS市場上優化應用的重要性 - 提供在AITable.ai上成功優化應用的策略和提示 - 展示如何使用AITable.ai優化您的應用 |
如何使用對話式AI提高客戶參與度 | AI, Automation, Marketing Automation, Lead Magnet, AI chatbot, Table-based AI, ChatGPT integration, AI agents, 1-click AI solutions, Chatbot development platform, Table-to-chatbot conversion, AI Copilot widget, Embeddable chat widget, Online editing table data, Q&A AI chatbot, Enterprise ChatGPT assistant, Discord chatbot, Slack bot integration, API for chatbot development, AI-powered customer service | - 解釋對話式AI的重要性 - 介紹如何使用AITable.ai的對話式AI提高客戶參與度 - 展示使用AITable.ai實現對話式AI的步驟 |
揭示新的AITable.ai:內建GPT的bot構建平台 | AI, Automation, Marketing Automation, Lead Magnet, AI chatbot, Table-based AI, ChatGPT integration, AI agents, 1-click AI solutions, Chatbot development platform, Table-to-chatbot conversion, AI Copilot widget, Embeddable chat widget, Online editing table data, Q&A AI chatbot, Enterprise ChatGPT assistant, Discord chatbot, Slack bot integration, API for chatbot development, AI-powered customer service | - 介紹新的AITable.ai和其特點 - 解釋AITable.ai如何改變bot構建過程 - 展示如何使用新的AITable.ai構建bot |
給您的Bot一個性格:如何使您的Bot具有人格特質 | AI, Automation, Marketing Automation, Lead Magnet, AI chatbot, Table-based AI, ChatGPT integration, AI agents, 1-click AI solutions, Chatbot development platform, Table-to-chatbot conversion, AI Copilot widget, Embeddable chat widget, Online editing table data, Q&A AI chatbot, Enterprise ChatGPT assistant, Discord chatbot, Slack bot integration, API for chatbot development, AI-powered customer service | - 解釋為何要給bot一個性格 - 提供給bot賦予性格的提示和方法 - 展示如何使用AITable.ai給bot賦予性格 |
Chatbot與即時聊天 – 對於客戶服務來說哪個更好? | AI, Automation, Marketing Automation, Lead Magnet, AI chatbot, Table-based AI, ChatGPT integration, AI agents, 1-click AI solutions, Chatbot development platform, Table-to-chatbot conversion, AI Copilot widget, Embeddable chat widget, Online editing table data, Q&A AI chatbot, Enterprise ChatGPT assistant, Discord chatbot, Slack bot integration, API for chatbot development, AI-powered customer service | - 比較Chatbot與即時聊天的優缺點 - 解釋為何AITable.ai的Chatbot是更好的選擇 - 展示如何在AITable.ai中使用Chatbot |
选题: 英语-美国
Title | Keywords | Outline |
"The Ultimate Guide to AI and AR Integration with AITable.ai" | AI, AR, AITable.ai, Integration | Explore the synergy of AI and AR, discuss their impact on business operations, and demonstrate how AITable.ai can be used to leverage these technologies. |
"Perfecting Your Chatbot Name with AITable.ai: A Comprehensive Guide" | AI Chatbot, Naming, AITable.ai, Tips | Discuss the importance of a chatbot name, provide creative chatbot name ideas, and explain how AITable.ai can assist in the naming process. |
"Enhancing Customer Support with Facebook Chatbots through AITable.ai" | Facebook Chatbots, Customer Support, AITable.ai | Discuss the role of Facebook Messenger Chatbots in enhancing customer support and demonstrate how to use AITable.ai to implement these chatbots. |
"Boosting Customer Engagement with Conversational AI on AITable.ai" | Customer Engagement, Conversational AI, AITable.ai | Discuss the role of conversational AI in customer engagement and demonstrate how to utilize AITable.ai's conversational AI features. |
"AITable.ai: A Guide to Thriving in the SaaS Marketplace" | SaaS, AITable.ai, Marketplace, Strategies | Discuss challenges and strategies for success in the SaaS marketplace, focusing on how AITable.ai can be leveraged for optimal results. |
"AITable.ai for Various Industries: Tailoring CRM Needs" | CRM, Industry-specific, AITable.ai | Discuss the diverse CRM needs of various industries and how AITable.ai can be customized to meet those needs. |
"Developing a Successful Chatbot Strategy with AITable.ai" | Chatbot Strategy, AITable.ai | Provide a step-by-step guide to developing a chatbot strategy using AITable.ai, focusing on key components and best practices. |
"Introducing AITable.ai: A Revolution in Bot-Building" | AITable.ai, Bot-Building, AI, GPT-native | Introduce AITable.ai as a revolutionary bot-building platform, discuss its key features and benefits, and explain how it compares to traditional chatbot-building processes. |
"Chatbot vs Live Chat on AITable.ai: Which is Best for Your Business?" | AITable.ai, Chatbot, Live Chat, Comparison | Discuss the pros and cons of chatbots and Live Chat, and recommend how to make the best choice for your business using AITable.ai. |
"What's New in AITable.ai: Latest Updates and Features" | AITable.ai, Updates, Features | Provide an overview of the latest updates and features in AITable.ai, and demonstrate how they can enhance user experience and productivity. |
选题: 英语-加拿大
Title | Keywords | Outline |
"How to Develop an AI Strategy That Delivers Results with AITable.ai" | AI strategy, AITable.ai, ChatGPT, AI agents | Discuss the importance of AI strategy, introduce AITable.ai as a tool for developing a successful strategy, and provide examples of how to use AITable.ai to achieve specific business goals. |
"An Honest Guide to AI Marketing with AITable.ai" | AI Marketing, AITable.ai, Automation, Marketing Automation | Explain the benefits and challenges of AI marketing, how AITable.ai simplifies the process, and give practical tips for implementing AI marketing strategies with AITable.ai. |
"How to Name Your AI Agent: Tips to Consider and Creative Name Ideas" | AI agent, AITable.ai, AI chatbot | Discuss the importance of naming an AI agent, provide tips on naming, and offer creative ideas for AI agent names. |
"Choosing Interface Layouts Made Easy with AITable.ai" | AITable.ai, Interface layouts, Online editing table data | Discuss the importance of an effective interface layout and how AITable.ai simplifies the process of choosing and customizing layouts. |
"How to Design an Effective Relational Database with AITable.ai" | AITable.ai, Relational database, Q&A table chatbot | Provide tips for designing an effective relational database, and how AITable.ai can assist in the process. |
"How to Use the IF Function in AITable.ai Formulas" | AITable.ai, IF function, Table-based AI | Explain the IF function, provide examples of how to use it in AITable.ai, and discuss its practical applications. |
"AITable.ai Project Management: Features, Pricing, and More" | AITable.ai, Project management, 1-click AI solutions | Discuss the features and benefits of AITable.ai for project management, cover pricing options, and compare with other tools. |
"What is Low-Code? Understanding with AITable.ai" | AITable.ai, low-code, No-code development platforms | Define low-code and no-code development and discuss how AITable.ai empowers organizations to build the software they need. |
"Track Your Work Progress with AITable.ai" | AITable.ai, Work Progress, AI Copilot widget | Discuss the importance of tracking work progress and how AITable.ai makes it easy with its AI Copilot widget. |
"AITable.ai: The Ultimate Guide to AI and Augmented Reality" | AITable.ai, AI, Augmented Reality | Discuss the synergy between AI and AR, and how AITable.ai leverages these technologies to offer innovative solutions. |
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From Robot to Human | How to Make Your Chatbot Sound Natural
UX, Psychology, and Bots — How to Write a Chatbot Script [Examples Included]
How to Name Your Chatbot: Tips to Consider and Creative Chatbot Name Ideas
Lead distribution: why it matters and applying it to your team
Unveiling the new Botpress: a GPT-native bot-building platform
Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR)
How to Name Your Chatbot: Tips to Consider and Creative Chatbot Name Ideas
Unveiling the new Botpress: a GPT-native bot-building platform
Chatbot Personality — Your Short Guide to Giving Your Bot a Character
Chatbot vs. Live Chat – Which is Better for Customer Service?
Lead distribution: why it matters and applying it to your team
From Robot to Human | How to Make Your Chatbot Sound Natural
How to Name Your Chatbot: Tips to Consider and Creative Chatbot Name Ideas
Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR)
Lead distribution: why it matters and applying it to your team
Unveiling the new Botpress: a GPT-native bot-building platform
From Robot to Human | How to Make Your Chatbot Sound Natural
Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR)
How to Name Your Chatbot: Tips to Consider and Creative Chatbot Name Ideas
Unveiling the new Botpress: a GPT-native bot-building platform