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2023-10-23 00:15:48

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-10-23 MON

Hi, 我是AI市场经理。 我通过分析趋势时事、参考竞品博客文章、搜索引擎关键词、配合运营节奏,结合AI大模型,给你汇报今天市场团队的传播计划,以及推荐一些内容选题。


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  1. 你是否曾经想过拥有一款专为你量身定制的工具?或者更广义地说,你是否曾经渴望一款专为你量身定制的工具?我也是如此。这就是为什么当我加入vika维格云作为一名销售开发代表(SDR)时,我感到非常兴奋,因为vika维格云专门为SDR而设计。通过告诉你如何优先处理每一天的工作、简化沟通、以及更轻松地个性化定制,vika维格云旨在使SDR面临的最艰难的部分变得更加可管理。嗨,大家好👋,我是vika维格云的高级销售开发代表Riya。如果你想知道让你的SDR团队加入vika维格云是否值得,我告诉你,它是值得的。作为vika维格云的主要用户和销售人员,你可能想知道我是如何在日常工作中使用vika维格云的。今天,我将向大家介绍我如何在日常工作中使用vika维格云,并解释为什么在使用该产品一年后,我无法想象没有它的生活。开始吧⚡

  2. 成功的企业不断寻求创新解决方案来满足客户的期望。通过利用在Facebook上发送消息的流行度和便利性,Messenger Chatbot可以彻底改变客户支持流程。你是否正在寻找改进客户支持服务的方法?通过使用Facebook Messenger Chatbot,你可以自动化和增强客户支持,确保及时提供帮助,提高运营效率。在本文中,我们将探讨Facebook Messenger Chatbot在提升客户支持方面的作用,以及自动化的好处。

  3. 当今的SaaS应用市场为客户提供了扩展SaaS平台功能的先进工具,而这些工具在自建的平台上可能需要数年时间才能构建。然而,由于可选择的应用程序众多,客户在选择上陷入了困境。因此,在SaaS市场上取得成功取决于有效的优化。通过正确的优化措施,您将提高应用程序的可见性,增加安装量,降低用户获取成本,并实现持续增长和增加的应用程序收入。本指南将为您介绍一些最佳实践技巧,帮助您的应用程序在像vika维格云这样的市场上脱颖而出。通过阅读本文,您将更清楚地了解如何为像vika维格云这样的市场优化您的应用程序,为客户提供更好的服务。

  4. 拥有稳定和可靠的销售渠道对于企业的成功至关重要。然而,在如今的市场环境中,建立一个可靠的数字销售渠道变得越来越具有挑战性。客户期望不断增长,新的工具每天都在涌现,同时更加强调做更多的事情,但用更少的资源。在这种情况下,采用一种能够在与网站访问者实时互动的同时为您的营销策略提供买家洞察的对话策略变得尤为关键。为了向您展示如何实现这一目标,我与vika维格云的三位顶级客户进行了交流,他们完全采用了对话式的方法。因为作为vika维格云的所有者,我知道这种对话策略的重要性。

  5. 随着人工智能(AI)的不断发展和重塑行业,咨询领域也不例外。对于希望为客户提供前沿解决方案和洞察力的咨询师来说,始终保持领先是至关重要的。在本博文中,我们将探讨一些为咨询师量身定制的顶级人工智能工具,这些工具正在改变咨询行业,并提供了针对特定咨询服务的专业人工智能工具。您将了解到这些先进的人工智能技术如何提高您的工作流程效率,节省时间,并最终帮助您为客户提供更好的结果。

  6. Airtable的界面设计师产品专家最近举办了一次社区AMA(问我任何事),涵盖了从应用程序构建的最佳实践到提供给终端用户更多互动性的提示等方面的内容。我们收到了大量的优秀问题,并希望与大家分享我们团队的一些答案。

  7. 编辑一篇聊天机器人脚本需要一些技巧,这些技巧基于心理学和用户体验研究,可以帮助您更好地与用户进行对话。在本文中,我们将探讨12种基于心理学和用户体验研究的技巧,帮助您更好地进行对话,并提供了一些示例。通过采用这些技巧,您可以更好地吸引用户,使他们更愿意与您进行对话。

  8. 在工作中,有时候我们只需要不时地瞥一眼,就可以看到我们离目标有多近。vika维格云的长期期待的进度条可以让团队和领导者快速了解工作的进展情况。进度条的名字已经说明了一切:它是一个显示你相对于预定目标的进度的可视化工具。我们建议您在复杂的、重要的项目(如活动和发布)旁边显示进度条。这样,无论是与合作者还是高管,每个人都可以快速了解项目的状态。

  9. 作为客户服务经理,您知道您的团队是公司成功的支撑。为了确保您的团队能够为客户提供最好的服务,您努力确保他们配备了合适的工具和技术。您可能一直在考虑是选择聊天机器人还是在线客服,对于您的业务来说哪个更好?在这份信息丰富的指南中,我们将探讨聊天机器人和在线客服的优缺点,以帮助您做出明智的决策。

  10. vika维格云很高兴宣布推出六个新功能,这些功能将使您的销售和营销团队更加高效,无论是在潜在客户开发、报告还是使用AI playbooks方面。请继续阅读,了解有关这些新功能的更多信息。通过在Prospector中为销售代表提供Salesforce活动的功能,销售代表现在可以在vika维格云的账户和联系人页面上查看Salesforce活动(如点击、网络研讨会注册和表单填写)。这有助于销售代表全面了解买家的旅程,同时消除了在不同平台之间切换的需求。更重要的是,这些增强的数据还改善了我们的参与评分,因此您的销售代表可以更准确地确定高意向的潜在客户。


  1. Exciting updates coming to this month! Stay tuned for game-changing features that will revolutionize your productivity. 🚀

  2. Don't miss out on the latest industry trends and updates! Check out our blog for insights on AI workflow automation and how it can supercharge your business. #AI #Automation

  3. Looking to boost customer engagement and improve your customer support? Discover how's conversational AI can take your customer experience to the next level. #CustomerExperience #AI

  4. The power of AI is transforming the way we process and analyze language. Learn about the best large language models available today and how they can revolutionize communication. #AI #LanguageModels

  5. Building an effective relational database is crucial for maximizing your data management capabilities. Check out our guide on how to design a database that meets your organization's needs. #DataManagement #DatabaseDesign

  6. Want to increase sales team productivity and maximize results? Discover the top strategies to develop a high-performance sales team and drive success. #SalesProductivity #TeamDevelopment

  7. Integrations between chatbots and CRMs can significantly enhance your customer support process. Find out why combining these two tools is a game-changer for your business. #Chatbots #CRMIntegration

  8. Stay ahead of the competition with's AI-powered CRM solutions. Automate your customer relationship management processes and unlock new levels of efficiency. #CRM #Automation

  9. The future of customer service is here. Learn how to leverage Facebook chatbots to revolutionize your customer support and provide timely assistance to your customers. #Chatbots #CustomerSupport

  10. Dive into the world of AI workflow automation with Discover how this technology is reshaping industries and streamlining processes for businesses of all sizes. #AI #Automation


  1. "📈 Transform your business with AI-powered buyer engagement tools from Create personalized customer experiences with ease. #AI #CustomerExperience"

  2. "💬 Looking to improve customer support? Discover the benefits of using AI-powered chatbots in the banking sector. #Chatbots #Banking #CustomerService"

  3. "🔍 Unlock the power of low-code development with Empower your organization to build the software you need, without extensive coding. #LowCode #NoCode #SoftwareDevelopment"

  4. "⏳ Keep track of your work progress with's progress bars. Get a visual update on your tasks and projects at a glance. #Productivity #ProjectManagement"

  5. "🚀 Supercharge your workflow with AI workflow automation from Increase productivity and focus on strategic work. #Automation #Productivity #AI"

  6. "💪 Work smarter, not harder with Drift's nine award-winning solutions. Reduce time and costs to optimize your business. #WorkSmarter #Drift #Productivity"

  7. "💬 Enhance customer support with Facebook chatbots. AI-powered bots can provide accurate answers and generate leads. #Chatbots #CustomerSupport #AI"

  8. "🛍️ AI is transforming the retail and eCommerce industry, delivering personalized shopping experiences. Stay ahead of the game with #AI #eCommerce #Personalization"

  9. "🎆 Discover the latest updates from Drift, including automated rep availability and fastlane features. Boost sales and improve customer experience. #Drift #Sales #CustomerExperience"

  10. "💡 Give your chatbot a personality and create memorable interactions with your customers. Learn how to make your bot stand out with #Chatbot #AI #CustomerExperience"

In Canada French:

  1. "📈 Transformez votre entreprise avec les outils d'engagement des acheteurs alimentés par l'IA d' Créez des expériences client personnalisées en toute simplicité. #IA #ExpérienceClient"

  2. "💬 Vous souhaitez améliorer le support client? Découvrez les avantages de l'utilisation de chatbots alimentés par l'IA dans le secteur bancaire. #Chatbots #Banque #ServiceClient"

  3. "🔍 Libérez le potentiel du développement low-code avec Donnez à votre organisation les moyens de créer le logiciel dont elle a besoin, sans programmation complexe. #LowCode #NoCode #DéveloppementLogiciel"

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  5. "🚀 Optimisez votre flux de travail avec l'automatisation des workflows IA d' Augmentez votre productivité et concentrez-vous sur le travail stratégique. #Automatisation #Productivité #IA"

  6. "💪 Travaillez de manière plus intelligente, pas plus dur, avec les neuf solutions primées de Drift. Réduisez le temps et les coûts pour optimiser votre entreprise. #TravailIntelligent #Drift #Productivité"

  7. "💬 Améliorez le support client avec les chatbots Facebook. Les bots alimentés par l'IA peuvent fournir des réponses précises et générer des leads. #Chatbots #SupportClient #IA"

  8. "🛍️ L'IA transforme le secteur du commerce de détail et du commerce électronique, offrant des expériences d'achat personnalisées. Restez en avance sur la concurrence avec #IA #CommerceÉlectronique #Personnalisation"

  9. "🎆 Découvrez les dernières mises à jour de Drift, notamment la disponibilité automatique des représentants et les fonctionnalités de fastlane. Augmentez vos ventes et améliorez l'expérience client. #Drift #Ventes #ExpérienceClient"

  10. "💡 Donnez une personnalité à votre chatbot et créez des interactions mémorables avec vos clients. Apprenez comment rendre votre bot unique avec #Chatbot #IA #ExpérienceClient"

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
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- AITable.ai相对于Excel的优势和特点
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- 如何将企业项目管理迁移到AITable.ai并提高协作效率和团队协作能力

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
ChatGPT自動化吸客:AI助手如何提升業務效率 ChatGPT, 自動化吸客, AI助手, 業務效率 了解如何使用ChatGPT AI助手自動化吸客,提高業務效率,節省時間和資源。我們將探討ChatGPT的功能和優勢,以及如何利用它來自動化銷售和市場營銷任務,實現更高的業績和客戶滿意度。
如何選擇最適合你業務的CRM系統 CRM系統, 業務需求, 客戶關係管理 不同行業有不同的客戶關係管理需求。本文將介紹如何選擇最適合你業務的CRM系統,並探討行業專用CRM和通用CRM的優缺點。通過了解不同CRM的特點和功能,你可以更好地理解如何選擇一個能夠滿足你業務需求的CRM系統。
AI在銷售團隊中的應用:3個實際案例 AI, 銷售團隊, 應用案例 了解AI在銷售團隊中的應用,並通過3個實際案例了解如何利用AI提高銷售效率和業績。我們將探討AI在銷售領域的潛力和價值,以及如何有效地應用AI技術來改善銷售流程和客戶體驗。
AI工具助力顧問行業:提升工作效率的關鍵 AI工具, 顧問行業, 工作效率 探索一些專為顧問行業設計的頂尖AI工具,這些工具正在改變咨詢行業,提供高效的自動化和寶貴的洞察力。你將了解這些先進的AI技術如何提高你的工作流程,節省時間,並為客戶提供更好的解決方案。
AI增強的投訴分析:重新定義速度和效率 AI增強, 投訴分析, 客戶反饋 了解如何利用AI增強的投訴分析方法,重新定義速度和效率,從而更好地理解和管理客戶反饋。我們將探討投訴分析對業務改善和競爭優勢的重要性,以及如何利用AI技術自動化投訴分析過程,提高處理速度和準確性,並改善客戶滿意度。
數碼營銷未來趨勢:個性化內容和AI的關鍵 數碼營銷, 個性化內容, AI 了解個性化內容、搜索引擎優化和人工智能如何成為業務成功的關鍵,以及它們如何塑造數碼營銷的未來。我們將探討社交媒體和電子商務的快速增長,以及5G網絡的普及如何推動營銷方法的發展。通過了解這些趨勢和技術,你可以更好地利用它們來提高你的業務效果和競爭力。
AI工作流自動化:提升生產力的關鍵 AI工作流自動化, 生產力, 人力資源管理 了解如何利用AI工作流自動化提高生產力,實現更高效的業務運營。我們將探討AI工作流自動化的基本原理和應用,以及如何選擇和實施適合你業務的工具和系統。通過適應AI工作流自動化,你可以減少繁重的手動任務,提高生產力,並實現更好的業績。
對話式AI:從流程到個性化旅程的演變 對話式AI, 流程, 個性化旅程 探索對話式AI聊天機器人流程如何演變為為每個用戶提供個性化、自動化的對話旅程,以提供更好的客戶體驗。我們將探討現代對話式AI聊天機器人流程的發展,以及如何利用自然語言處理等AI技術創建個性化的對話旅程,使客戶感覺像在與真人進行交互。
如何提高銷售團隊生產力並最大化效果? 銷售團隊, 生產力, 效果最大化 了解如何提高銷售團隊的生產力,創建高效能的團隊,並實現卓越的業績。我們將分享五個提高銷售生產力的實用方法,包括培養團隊的工作效率和投入度,建立良好的溝通和合作環境,並提供持續的培訓和發展機會。通過遵循這些實踐,你可以幫助你的銷售團隊達到更好的成果。
AI助力SaaS收入預測:更快、更準確 AI, SaaS, 收入預測 了解如何利用AI技術快速準確地進行SaaS收入預測,幫助你的業務制定更明智的決策和管理風險。我們將介紹SaaS收入預測的基本原理和方法,以及如何選擇和應用AI工具來提高預測的準確性。同時,我們將介紹一個基於AI的工具Akkio,它可以顯著提升你的預測能力,幫助你實現收入增長。

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
Automated Rep Availability: Improve Efficiency with, automated rep availability, efficiency, chatbots In this article, we explore how's automated rep availability feature can improve efficiency in customer service. We discuss the problem of missed chats and the solution provided by's intelligent system. We also provide a step-by-step guide on setting up automated rep availability for sales teams, highlighting the benefits and time-saving aspects.
Unleashing the Power of AI Workflow Automation with, AI workflow automation, productivity, no-code Discover how's AI workflow automation can revolutionize productivity. We dive into the concept of AI workflow automation and its benefits across industries. We discuss the problem of manual tasks and the solution provided by's no-code platform. We provide insights on implementing AI workflows, selecting the right tools, and monitoring performance for optimization.
The Future of Customer Engagement: Conversational AI with, conversational AI, customer engagement, AI chatbots Explore the future of customer engagement with's conversational AI. We discuss the importance of customer experience and the role of chatbots in improving customer support. We highlight the benefits of using's AI chatbots for automating and enhancing customer support, ensuring timely assistance and improving operational efficiency.
The Power of Data-Driven Insights: Leveraging for Business Success, data-driven insights, business success, AI analytics Learn how's data-driven insights can drive business success. We discuss the problem of data analysis and the solution provided by's AI analytics platform. We highlight the benefits of leveraging for making informed decisions, optimizing processes, and improving overall business performance.
Streamlining Your CRM with Boosting Sales Productivity and Results, CRM automation, sales productivity, AI CRM Discover how can streamline your CRM and boost sales productivity. We discuss the challenges faced by sales teams and the solution provided by's AI CRM automation. We highlight the benefits of using for enhancing customer relationship management, improving sales performance, and maximizing results.
Transforming Data Management: AI-Powered Tables with, AI-powered tables, data management, spreadsheet API Explore how's AI-powered tables can transform data management. We discuss the problem of manual data handling and the solution provided by's spreadsheet API. We highlight the benefits of using for efficient data processing, real-time synchronization, and smart customer insights.
The Rise of AI Language Models: Exploring's Cutting-Edge Solutions, AI language models, chatbots, NLP Dive into the world of AI language models with's cutting-edge solutions. We discuss the latest advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and how's chatbots are transforming communication. We highlight the benefits of leveraging's AI language models for language processing, analysis, and improved customer interactions.
Revolutionizing the Customer Support Experience:'s Facebook Chatbot Integration, Facebook chatbots, customer support, automation Discover how's Facebook chatbot integration is revolutionizing the customer support experience. We discuss the challenges faced by businesses in providing timely assistance and the solution provided by's chatbot automation. We highlight the benefits of using's Facebook chatbots for automating customer support, enhancing operational efficiency, and improving customer satisfaction.
The Future of CRM: AI-Powered Automation with, AI-powered automation, CRM, customer relationship management Explore the future of CRM with's AI-powered automation. We discuss the challenges faced by businesses in managing customer relationships and the solution provided by's AI automation. We highlight the benefits of using for automating CRM processes, improving customer engagement, and driving business growth.
Empowering Sales Teams with Unlocking Efficiency and Success, sales teams, efficiency, AI solutions Learn how empowers sales teams and unlocks efficiency and success. We discuss the challenges faced by sales teams and the solution provided by's AI solutions. We highlight the benefits of using for prospecting, reporting, and setting up AI playbooks, enabling sales teams to achieve higher productivity and better results.

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
An Open Letter from Redefining the Future of Buyer Engagement, buyer engagement platform, personalized customer experiences, B2B marketing, customer experience - Why's recent announcement is a game-changer in the buyer engagement platform industry
- What's vision for the future of B2B marketing entails
- How is revolutionizing the customer experience through AI-powered products
- The significance of personalized customer experiences in today's digital landscape
- The impact of's products on bridging the gap between B2B and B2C sales processes
Revolutionizing the Banking Sector: The Power of AI Chatbots AI chatbots, banking sector, customer service, personalized experiences - How AI chatbots are transforming the banking sector
- The benefits of using AI chatbots in providing excellent customer service
- Enhancing personalized experiences through AI chatbot interactions
- Streamlining banking processes and reducing customer wait times with AI chatbots
- The future of AI chatbots in the banking industry
The Rise of Low-Code Development: Empowering Organizations to Build Efficiently low-code development, no-code development, software development, efficiency - Understanding the rise of low-code and no-code development platforms
- The advantages and disadvantages of low-code and no-code development
- How low-code development democratizes software building across organizations
- Best practices for deploying low-code and no-code solutions
- The role of low-code development in consolidating tools and improving efficiency
Boosting Productivity with Progress Bars:'s New Feature, progress bars, task management, project status - Introducing's latest feature: progress bars for enhanced task and project management
- How progress bars provide a quick and visual update on task and project status
- The benefits of using progress bars in large-scale initiatives and campaigns
- Step-by-step guide on creating progress bars using's platform
- Improving productivity and milestone tracking with progress bars
Harnessing the Power of AI Workflow Automation with AI workflow automation, productivity, business operations - Understanding the transformative impact of AI workflow automation on businesses
- How AI workflow automation streamlines manual tasks and improves efficiency
- Key steps to implement AI workflows, from assessing current processes to monitoring performance
- Exploring the future trends in AI workflow automation, including no-code solutions and increased adoption
- Real-world examples of AI workflow automation platforms like
Unleashing the Potential of AI in Retail and eCommerce with AI in retail, AI in eCommerce, personalized shopping experiences - Exploring how AI is transforming the retail and eCommerce industries
- The importance of personalization in the customer experience and the role of AI
- Strategies for adopting AI in retail and eCommerce businesses
- Case studies highlighting successful AI implementations in the industry
- How's AI solutions can drive growth and customer satisfaction in retail and eCommerce's Latest Updates: Empowering Businesses with Automation updates, automation, productivity -'s recent updates and their impact on empowering businesses
- Highlighting key features like automated rep availability and fastlane for enhanced customer support
- How's updates address customer needs and save time
- Step-by-step guide on implementing and maximizing the benefits of's new features
- The future of automation in business operations and the role of
Utilizing Facebook Chatbots for Superior Customer Support with Facebook chatbots, customer support, automation, lead generation - The advantages of using Facebook chatbots for customer support
- How AI-powered chatbots can handle common inquiries and generate leads
- Best practices for implementing Facebook chatbots effectively
- Real-world examples of businesses leveraging Facebook chatbots for improved customer support
- How's chatbot solutions integrate seamlessly with Facebook for superior customer experiences
AI and Augmented Reality: The Ultimate Guide to Cutting-Edge Technologies AI, augmented reality, technology, industry applications - Understanding the synergy between AI and augmented reality and their impact on industries
- Exploring the applications of AI and augmented reality across various sectors
- The basics of AI and augmented reality technologies and their capabilities
- Real-world examples of AI and augmented reality implementations
- How businesses can harness the potential of AI and augmented reality with's solutions
Supercharging Workflows: AI Tools for Consultants with AI tools for consultants, workflow automation, productivity - The revolution of AI tools in the consulting industry and their benefits
- Top AI tools tailored for consultants and their specific consulting services
- How AI tools enhance workflow efficiency and deliver better results for clients
- Factors to consider when selecting AI tools for consultants
- How's AI tools can supercharge consultants' workflows and drive productivity



