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2023-11-01 00:14:31

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-11-01 WED

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  1. 🌟恭喜SAP Concur荣获Drifties大奖🏆!他们展示了团队协作的完美典范,通过vika维格云为他们的买家和客户创造了卓越的体验。我们深知,只有有人的对话才能发生,而SAP Concur的市场营销、销售和客户服务专业人员不断地研究新的创意方式,与买家和客户进行互动。这些辛勤工作的人们应该得到全世界的认可和赞赏,而Drifties大奖就是为了向他们致敬的。让我们一起庆祝SAP Concur在vika维格云的创意和经验上取得的巨大成功!⚡

  2. 🚀通过AI增强的投诉分析,我们重新定义了速度和效率!😃现在,你可以轻松追踪客户的满意度,并让你的业务不断改进。虽然客户投诉并不是我们最喜欢的工作,但它们对于了解我们如何改进业务至关重要。现在,借助人工智能(AI)的帮助,我们可以将繁重的工作交给机器,而我们可以专注于提供卓越的客户体验。请了解我们如何通过AI增强的投诉分析,重新定义了投诉分析的速度和效率,从而提高了客户满意度。

  3. 📈企业级AI和CRM的完美结合!vika维格云与CRM的集成已经成为商业界的现实。CRM作为管理重要客户和潜在客户信息的工具,与AI聊天机器人的结合,为您的公司的销售量大幅增长提供了巨大帮助。通过智能助手与客户和潜在客户进行沟通,可以极大地提高销售效率,同时还可以节省时间和资源。想了解更多关于这两个工具之间的集成是如何工作的吗?请继续阅读我们的文章,了解更多信息!

  4. 💡如何将数字销售和人工智能相结合,让您的买家畅行无阻?在数字时代,买家和卖家的互动方式已经发生了变化。以往,卖家负责推动交易的进行,但现在,大多数买家更喜欢远程或自助的互动方式。他们决定使用哪些渠道,下载哪些资源,以及何时准备好与销售代表进行对话。作为销售人员,我们的工作是提供一张地图,处理导航,并确保买家能够快速、轻松地达到他们想去的地方,因为买家体验越无摩擦,我们就越能快速达成交易的闭环。那么,如何提供这种无摩擦的体验呢?通过利用会话解决方案和人工智能(AI),您可以为买家提供

  5. 🤝为什么要将聊天机器人和CRM系统相结合?对于管理客户和潜在客户重要信息的工具,CRM已经成为最完善的工具之一。除了允许联系人数据的注册之外,该平台还结合了最佳的数据分析和用于销售人员和营销专业人员的常规任务自动化。如果这个强大的平台与另一个工具相结合,是否能够显著提高销售量呢?因为聊天机器人和CRM系统的集成已经在商业界成为现实。通过智能助手,人与系统之间的沟通可以成为您公司的伟大盟友,前提是正确使用。想了解更多关于这两个工具之间的集成是如何工作的吗?请继续阅读我们的文章,了解更多信息!

  6. 💡设计一个高效的关系型数据库的四个技巧!通过这四个设计技巧,充分利用您的数据库。无论是大型还是小型组织,都使用关系型数据库来存储、管理和分析重要信息。但是,什么是“关系型数据库”?关系型数据库通过预定义的关系组织数据,让您轻松了解数据之间的关联。一个良好设计的数据库提供了多个好处:1. 数据库结构易于修改和维护。2. 更容易找到所需的信息。3. 可以避免冗余字段和表。通过这四个设计技巧,最大限度地利用您的数据库,实现更高的工作效率。

  7. 🤖对话式AI:从流程到对话式旅程的演变!现代聊天机器人的演变令人瞩目。最初,它们被设计为高度结构化和刚性的通信方式,用户在选择和选项上受到限制。然而,随着技术的进步,聊天机器人也开始个性化,为每个用户提供交互式的对话体验。现在,我们可以看到自动对话或“聊天机器人旅程”越来越复杂,为每个客户提供个性化的体验,满足他们的需求和偏好,使他们感觉自己在与真实人类互动,而不是与机器互动。这在客户服务互动中尤为重要。

  8. 📱通过WhatsApp实现银行业务:克服隐私和安全挑战!发现如何使用WhatsApp实现成功的银行业务策略,并确保最大的安全和隐私。了解更多关于对话式银行的潜力!🏦在数字体验中,研究表明,如果客户对客户服务部门不满意,82%的消费者将转而选择其他品牌。因此,顶级的客户体验(CX)是必不可少的。作为品牌与客户之间的对话的一部分,对话式银行成为了现实,这使得品牌与消费者之间的沟通更加直接、快捷和自然。过去,银行业的客户经常遭受长时间等待、缓慢的流程和不完善的解决方案,而现在他们的期望值已经发生了改变。与所有数字服务的用户一样,银行业客户也希望他们的问题和疑虑能够快速、轻松地得到解决。想了解更多有关如何通过WhatsApp实现成功的银行业务策略的信息吗?请继续阅读我们的文章!

  9. 💼未来三年,人工智能将为全球企业创造13万亿美元的价值。然而,目前销售中对于人工智能的采用还存在滞后现象。根据Salesforce的数据,只有33%的销售组织表示他们正在使用某种形式的人工智能(而且许多人对于在销售中使用人工智能是什么意思并不确定)。那么,销售团队应该怎么办,以赶上并充分利用人工智能的优势呢?为了回答这个问题,我在Revenue.io主办的一个网络研讨会上发表了演讲,与他们的首席战略和收入官员Alastair Woolcock一起参加。以下是您需要知道的👇如果您想观看完整的网络研讨会,请点击这里。否则,请继续阅读所有的见解💡

  10. 🚀通过对话式人工智能,如何提升客户参与度?甲骨文的研究表明,如果客户对客户服务部门不满意,82%的消费者将转而选择其他品牌。因此,顶级的客户体验(CX)是必不可少的。作为品牌与客户之间的对话的一部分,我们的目标是提供卓越的对话体验,与客户一起打造个性化、自动化的对话旅程。通过对话式人工智能,我们可以根据每个人的需求和偏好提供个性化的体验,使客户感觉自己正在与真实的人类互动,而不是与机器互动。这在客户服务互动中尤为重要。了解更多关于如何通过对话式人工智能提升客户参与度的信息吗?请继续阅读我们的文章!


  1. "Looking for a project management tool that combines the power of AI and customizable chatbots? Check out and discover how it can revolutionize your project management process. #AI #ProjectManagement #Productivity"

  2. "Want to engage users with your chatbot? Learn how to write a compelling chatbot script using UX and psychology techniques. Check out our latest blog post for examples and tips. #Chatbots #UX #Psychology"

  3. "Building an inclusive team culture is crucial for success. Learn how to create a supportive environment for LGBTIQ members in your organization. #DiversityandInclusion #TeamCulture"

  4. "Digital marketing is evolving rapidly. Discover the future trends that will shape the industry, including content personalization, SEO, and artificial intelligence. Stay ahead of the game with #DigitalMarketing #AI"

  5. "Designing an effective relational database is key to managing critical information. Learn the best practices for building a well-structured database and boost your organization's efficiency. #DatabaseManagement #DataOrganization"

  6. "Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Driftie Awards! Discover the innovative marketing, sales, and customer service professionals who are using Drift's platform to engage with buyers and customers. #DriftieAwards #MarketingExcellence"

  7. "Harness the power of AI workflow automation to level the playing field for small businesses. Learn how AI can streamline your processes and increase productivity without additional human effort. #AIWorkflowAutomation #Productivity"

  8. "Lead distribution is crucial for maximizing every opportunity with potential customers. Explore different lead distribution methods and learn how to pair leads with the best sales rep for the job. #LeadDistribution #SalesProductivity"

  9. "Looking for the best CRM solution? Compare with Salesforce and discover which platform is better suited for your business needs. #CRM #SalesforceAlternative"

  10. "Master SaaS revenue forecasting with AI. Discover the methods and tools to accurately predict future revenue and make data-driven decisions for your business. #SaaS #RevenueForecasting"

In US English, with emojis:

  1. "🚀 Boost your project management success with! This powerful tool combines AI and customizable chatbots to plan, coordinate, and track tasks effectively. 💡 Discover the future of project management. #AI #ProjectManagement #Productivity"

  2. "🔍 Want to create engaging chatbot conversations? Learn how to write a killer chatbot script using UX and psychology techniques. 💬 Check out our latest blog post for examples and tips. #Chatbots #UX #Psychology"

  3. "🌈 Building an inclusive team culture is essential for success. Discover how to support LGBTIQ members in your organization and foster a diverse and welcoming environment. 💪 #DiversityandInclusion #TeamCulture"

  4. "📈 The future of digital marketing is here! Explore the trends shaping the industry, from content personalization to SEO and AI. Stay ahead of the game with 🚀 #DigitalMarketing #AI"

  5. "💡 Designing an effective relational database is the key to managing critical information. Learn the best practices for building a well-structured database and boost your organization's efficiency. 🗂️ #DatabaseManagement #DataOrganization"

  6. "🏆 Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Driftie Awards! Discover the innovative marketing, sales, and customer service professionals using Drift's platform to engage with buyers and customers. 🌟 #DriftieAwards #MarketingExcellence"

  7. "⚡️ Streamline your business processes with AI workflow automation. Discover how AI can automate mundane tasks and free up time for more strategic work. 💪 Boost your productivity with #AIWorkflowAutomation #Productivity"

  8. "🎯 Maximize every opportunity with lead distribution. Learn different methods to pair leads with the best sales rep for the job. 🤝 Nurture each lead and increase your sales effectiveness. #LeadDistribution #SalesProductivity"

  9. "🔥 Looking for the best CRM solution? Compare with Salesforce and find out which platform suits your business needs. 💼 Choose the CRM that empowers your team. #CRM #SalesforceAlternative"

  10. "💰 Master SaaS revenue forecasting with AI. Learn the methods and tools to predict future revenue accurately and make data-driven decisions for your business growth. 📊 #SaaS #RevenueForecasting"


  1. "Work smarter, not harder with! Streamline your tasks and focus on what truly matters for your business. #ProductivityTools #AIChatGPT"

  2. "Low-code and no-code development platforms are revolutionizing software creation. Discover how empowers organizations to build the software they need. #LowCode #NoCode #AITable"

  3. "Don't let AI be just a buzzword for your sales team. Embrace the power of AI with and unlock its potential to boost efficiency and drive growth. #AIinSales #SalesProductivity"

  4. "Unleash the potential of chatbot marketing with! Learn the proven remedies to turn automation into customers' delight and drive tangible results. #ChatbotMarketing #AITable"

  5. "Enhance your customer support process with Facebook chatbots powered by Automate assistance, improve efficiency, and deliver exceptional customer service. #CustomerSupport #AIChatbots"

  6. "Discover groundbreaking AI use cases in life sciences with Explore real examples and unlock the potential future of the field. #AIinLifeSciences #Innovation"

  7. "Master the power of IF function in your data analysis with Test inputs, make logical choices, and gain valuable insights for your business. #DataAnalysis #AITable"

  8. "Unlock the creative potential of ChatGPT DALL-E 3 with Experience auto-enhanced prompts and text generation like never before. #AIChatGPT #ImageGeneration"

  9. "Supercharge your workflows as a consultant with AI tools from Maximize efficiency, gain valuable insights, and deliver exceptional results for your clients. #ConsultingTools #AIInnovation"

  10. "Stay ahead of the curve with Asana work management powered by Organize, plan, prioritize, and track tasks seamlessly for efficient teamwork. #WorkManagement #AITable"

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
Introducing the Winners of the 2023 Awards, Driftie Awards, customer engagement, marketing, sales, customer service Why-What-How: This article introduces the winners of the 2023 Awards, celebrating the best and brightest customers who have achieved outstanding results using It highlights their innovative use of in marketing, sales, and customer service, showcasing their creativity and success in engaging with their buyers and customers.
AI-Enhanced Complaint Analysis: Revolutionizing Customer Feedback Management with, complaint analysis, customer feedback, AI technology Problem-Solution-Solving: This article explores how AI-enhanced complaint analysis with is revolutionizing customer feedback management. It discusses the importance of complaint analysis for businesses to improve customer experience and gain a competitive advantage. It highlights how AI technology automates and speeds up the complaint analysis process, enhancing accuracy and consistency. It showcases how provides comprehensive analytics capabilities, saving time and improving customer satisfaction.
Boosting Project Management Efficiency with, project management, productivity tools Why-What-How: This article discusses how can boost project management efficiency. It emphasizes the importance of effective planning, coordination, and task tracking in project management success. It highlights's features and pricing, showcasing how it offers a comprehensive solution for project management needs.
Driving Digital Sales Success with 4 Tips for Sales Teams, digital sales, sales tips, conversational solutions, AI Problem-Solution-Solving: This article explores how sales teams can drive digital sales success with It discusses the shift in buyer-seller interactions and the importance of offering a frictionless buying experience. It highlights the use of conversational solutions and AI to deliver personalized and efficient sales experiences. It provides 4 tips for sales teams to leverage in their digital sales strategies.
The Power of Integrating Chatbots and CRMs: for Enhanced Sales Performance, chatbots, CRMs, integration, sales performance Why-What-How: This article highlights the power of integrating chatbots and CRMs with for enhanced sales performance. It emphasizes the importance of CRMs in managing customer information and the benefits of combining chatbots and CRMs. It showcases how facilitates communication between people and systems through AI, significantly increasing sales volume.
Designing Effective Relational Databases: Best Practices with, relational databases, database design Why-What-How: This article provides best practices for designing effective relational databases with It explains the concept of relational databases and their benefits. It highlights how simplifies the modification and maintenance of database structures. It emphasizes the importance of a well-designed database in finding information easily and avoiding redundancy.
Evolution of Conversational AI: Personalized Journeys with, conversational AI, chatbot flows, personalized journeys Why-What-How: This article explores the evolution of conversational AI and how enables personalized journeys. It discusses the shift from structured chatbot flows to personalized experiences tailored to each user. It highlights the role of AI technologies like NLP in creating engaging conversational journeys. It emphasizes the importance of personalized experiences in customer service interactions.
Overcoming Privacy and Security Challenges in WhatsApp Banking with, WhatsApp Banking, privacy, security, conversational banking Problem-Solution-Solving: This article addresses the privacy and security challenges in WhatsApp Banking and how can overcome them. It discusses the increasing preference for direct and natural communication with brands and the expectations of quick and easy problem resolution in the banking industry. It showcases how enables successful implementation of conversational banking with maximum security and privacy.
Embracing AI in Sales: 3 Real-Life Ways to Leverage, AI in sales, sales teams, AI adoption, efficiency Problem-Solution-Solving: This article highlights the importance of AI adoption in sales and provides 3 real-life ways to leverage for improved efficiency. It discusses the value of AI in creating business value and the current lag in AI adoption in sales organizations. It showcases how can help sales teams catch up and make the most of AI technologies.
Enhancing Customer Engagement with Conversational AI:'s Role, customer engagement, Conversational AI, customer experience Why-What-How: This article explores how Conversational AI with can enhance customer engagement. It emphasizes the significance of customer experience and the impact of unsatisfactory customer service on brand loyalty. It discusses the role of Conversational AI in providing personalized, automated, and efficient customer conversations. It showcases's capabilities in boosting customer engagement.

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
如何為企業選擇最佳的對話技術? 自動化吸客, A.I. 化生意系統, 維格雲, vika維格雲, 在線客服機器人, 智能聊天機器人 企業在選擇對話技術時,有很多選項可供選擇。本文將幫助您瞄準搜索的目標,找到最適合貴公司需求的對話技術。我們將介紹不同類型的對話技術,並提供選擇最適合貴公司需求的建議。
最佳的大型語言模型有哪些? 大型語言模型, ChatGPT DALL-E 3 人工智能在自然語言處理方面取得了重大進展,大型語言模型正在改變我們處理和分析語言的方式。本文將探討當今最強大的大型語言模型,並討論它們如何革新我們的溝通方式。
人工智能和擴增實境的終極指南 人工智能, 擴增實境, AI助手 本指南深入探討了人工智能和擴增實境的協同作用,介紹了它們在各個行業的應用,並闡明了正在塑造我們現實的卓越進展。
Akkio:最佳ThoughtSpot替代品(更便宜更快) Akkio, ThoughtSpot, 大數據分析工具 這篇文章將深入介紹Akkio,解釋為什麼它是企業在做出數據驅動的決策時最佳的ThoughtSpot替代品。我們將討論Akkio和ThoughtSpot的功能、價格和優勢,幫助您做出明智的選擇。
如何利用AI工作流自動化提升生產力 AI工作流自動化, 無代碼解決方案 AI工作流自動化正在提升各行業的效率,使重複性任務自動化,讓員工能夠專注於更戰略和複雜的工作。本文將討論如何利用AI提升您的業務運營,並提供實施AI工作流的建議。
利用WhatsApp實現安全隱私的銀行業務策略 WhatsApp銀行, 虛擬客服代理, 聊天機器人 本文將探討如何使用WhatsApp實現安全隱私的銀行業務策略,並提供有關對話式銀行的潛力的更多了解。我們將討論對話式人工智能如何改變銀行客戶服務體驗,並創造引人入勝的直觀用戶體驗。
ChatGPT DALL-E 3:完整指南(生成帶有文本的圖片) ChatGPT DALL-E 3, 圖像生成 本文將探討ChatGPT DALL-E 3,介紹其自動增強提示和文本書寫功能,並提供詳細指南。了解了DALL-E 3的特點和最佳用途後,您將很難回到舊的、效率較低的圖像生成器。
銷售團隊如何擁抱人工智能 銷售團隊, 人工智能, ChatGPT 人工智能在銷售領域的應用還不夠普及。本文將討論銷售團隊應該如何迎頭趕上,充分利用人工智能的潛力。我們將提供有關如何應用人工智能改進銷售的實用建議。
ChatGPT如何改變銀行業務體驗 ChatGPT, 銀行業務 ChatGPT正在改變銀行客戶服務體驗,創造引人入勝且直觀的用戶體驗。本文將探討ChatGPT如何改變銀行業務體驗,並提供傳統方法無法實現的改進客戶服務體驗的幫助。
全面指南:對話式營銷 對話式營銷, 智能聊天機器人, 數據分析工具 對話式營銷工具正在改變營銷的方式,通過真實對話建立個人化的連接,建立信任,深入了解客戶需求。本指南將探討如何利用這種新型營銷方式建立真實的客戶關係,提高客戶忠誠度,了解客戶需求等。
聊天機器人 vs 在線客服 聊天機器人, 在線客服 在下一代聊天機器人技術的推動下,企業不斷尋求改善客戶互動的創新解決方案。選擇聊天機器人還是在線客服已成為提供優質客戶服務的關鍵決策。本文將深入探討這兩種選擇的細節和優點,幫助您做出明智的決策。

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
Smartsheet vs Which Project Management Tool Wins? Smartsheet,, project management - Why Smartsheet and are popular project management tools
- Comparison of features, pricing, and usability
- How improves on Smartsheet in terms of AI integration and chatbot capabilities
The Psychology Behind Writing Chatbot Scripts chatbot scripts, UX, psychology - Why chatbot scripts are important for user engagement
- The psychology principles to consider when writing chatbot scripts
- Examples of effective chatbot scripts
Creating an Inclusive Team Culture for LGBTIQ Members team culture, diversity, LGBTIQ - Why building an inclusive team culture is important
- Strategies for supporting LGBTIQ members in the workplace
- Case studies of companies with successful LGBTIQ inclusion initiatives
The Future of Digital Marketing: Trends and Strategies future of marketing, digital marketing - Current trends shaping the future of digital marketing
- The role of AI, personalization, and SEO in digital marketing
- Strategies for adapting to the changing landscape of digital marketing
Designing Effective Relational Databases relational databases, database design - The importance of effective relational database design
- Tips for designing and maintaining a well-structured database
- Best practices for optimizing database performance
Recognizing Excellence: Winners of the Driftie Awards Driftie Awards, customer engagement - Introduction to the Driftie Awards and their purpose
- Highlights of the winners and their creative customer engagement strategies
- The impact of the Driftie Awards on customer experience
Harnessing the Power of AI Workflow Automation AI workflow automation, productivity - Understanding the benefits of AI workflow automation
- Steps to implement AI workflow automation in your business
- Future trends in AI workflow automation
Maximizing Lead Conversion with Effective Distribution lead distribution, sales productivity - The importance of lead distribution in maximizing sales opportunities
- Different methods of lead distribution and their effectiveness
- Tips for implementing lead distribution in your sales team
Comparing monday sales CRM and monday sales CRM,, CRM - A comparison of features and capabilities between monday sales CRM and
- Pros and cons of each CRM system
- Choosing the right CRM for your business
Mastering SaaS Revenue Forecasting with AI SaaS revenue forecasting, AI - The significance of accurate revenue forecasting in SaaS companies
- Different methods and tools for SaaS revenue forecasting
- How AI can enhance revenue forecasting accuracy

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
9 Ways to Boost Productivity with, productivity, work efficiency In this article, we explore nine ways in which can help businesses boost their productivity and work efficiency. From streamlining processes to automating tasks, we discuss how can be a game-changer for businesses looking to work smarter, not harder.
The Rise of Low-Code Development in Canada low-code development, Canada, software development Low-code development has been gaining traction in Canada, enabling organizations to build software faster and more efficiently. In this article, we delve into the advantages and disadvantages of low-code development and discuss how it is transforming the software development landscape in Canada.
Unleashing the Power of AI in Sales with, AI in sales, sales automation AI has the potential to revolutionize sales processes and boost efficiency. In this article, we explore three real-life ways sales teams can embrace AI using From lead qualification to personalized customer interactions, we discuss how AI can enhance sales performance and drive revenue growth.
The Ultimate Guide to Chatbot Marketing with chatbot marketing,, customer engagement Chatbots have become an integral part of marketing strategies, enabling businesses to automate customer interactions and improve engagement. In this guide, we dive into the world of chatbot marketing and discuss how businesses can leverage to create effective and personalized chatbot experiences for their customers.
AI Use Cases in Life Sciences: Transforming the Future AI in life sciences, healthcare innovation, personalized medicine AI is revolutionizing the life sciences industry, from drug discovery to personalized medicine. In this article, we explore real-life AI use cases in life sciences and discuss how AI-driven technologies are transforming the future of healthcare.
Maximizing Data Insights with's IF Function, data analysis, IF function's IF function is a powerful tool for data analysis, allowing businesses to test and compare inputs to make informed decisions. In this article, we explain how businesses can leverage's IF function to maximize data insights and drive better results.
Exploring the Capabilities of ChatGPT DALL-E 3 with ChatGPT DALL-E 3,, text-to-image generation ChatGPT DALL-E 3 is a breakthrough in text-to-image generation, and brings its capabilities to businesses. In this guide, we explore the features and use cases of ChatGPT DALL-E 3 with, showcasing the potential of this advanced technology.
Supercharge Your Workflows with AI Tools for Consultants AI tools for consultants, workflow optimization, consulting industry AI tools are transforming the consulting industry, optimizing workflows and delivering valuable insights. In this article, we highlight the top AI tools for consultants and discuss how they can supercharge workflows and drive better results for clients.
The Future of Conversational Technology for Enterprise Companies conversational technology, enterprise solutions, automation Conversational technology is reshaping the future of enterprise companies, enabling automation and improved customer experiences. In this article, we explore the different types of conversational technologies and help businesses choose the right solution for their needs with Unlocking the Potential of Chatbot Strategy, chatbot strategy, customer experience Chatbots have become a popular solution for businesses, but developing an effective chatbot strategy is key to success. In this article, we discuss how businesses can unlock the potential of chatbot strategy with, enhancing customer experiences and driving business growth.



