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2023-11-03 00:27:43

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-11-03 FRI

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  1. 你是否正在寻找一种能够提高生产力、团队管理和资产审查的工具?vika维格云是你的最佳选择!我们的产品类似于Airtable、Smartsheet和Excel,但更加强大,还可以一键生成AI代理和自定义ChatGPT。无论你是营销团队还是其他团队,vika维格云都能以独特的方式展示你的工作进展,帮助你更高效地完成任务。点击了解更多:[链接]

  2. 人工智能在生命科学领域的应用正带来突破性创新。vika维格云为你展示了生命科学领域的AI应用案例,帮助你了解这个领域的未来潜力。通过加速药物研发、提高临床试验效率和推动个性化医疗的实施,人工智能正在改变生命科学的各个方面。加入我们,一起探索人工智能在生命科学中的革命性力量。

  3. vika维格云的新功能将进一步提高你的销售和营销团队的效率。我们很高兴地宣布推出六项全新的功能,帮助你更好地进行潜在客户开发、报告生成以及AI策略的部署。无论你是销售代表还是市场营销人员,这些新功能都能为你提供更好的工具和数据支持。点击了解更多详情。

  4. vika维格云的CEO,Scott Ernst发表了一封公开信,宣布我们的新一代买家参与平台——三款基于人工智能的产品。这些产品将帮助企业创造更个性化的客户体验,从而提升客户满意度。在信中,他还分享了关于B2B市场营销未来的愿景和公司的发展进展。点击了解更多关于我们的发展和愿景。

  5. 在数字时代,买家和卖家之间的互动方式发生了变化。vika维格云将帮助你提供无摩擦的购买体验,通过对话解答买家的问题,提供个性化的服务。通过利用对话解决方案和人工智能技术,你可以为买家提供无摩擦的购买体验,更快地达成交易。点击了解如何提供无摩擦的购买体验。

  6. vika维格云的最新产品更新将帮助你更好地跟踪记录、自定义界面表单等。无论你是新手还是有经验的界面设计师,我们的预设布局将为你节省时间和精力,让你更轻松地创建应用程序。通过选择适合你的预设布局,你可以根据不同用户的需求展示他们所需要的数据,提供更好的用户体验。点击了解更多关于如何选择界面布局的信息。

  7. 创建一个有效的关系数据库可以让你充分利用你的数据。vika维格云为你提供了四个设计提示,帮助你设计一个易于修改和维护的数据库,并帮助你更轻松地找到所需的信息。一个良好设计的数据库可以提高工作效率,避免数据冗余,使查询更加简单快捷。点击了解如何设计一个有效的关系数据库。

  8. 产品反馈工具对于帮助企业收集宝贵的客户见解至关重要。vika维格云为你提供了强大的产品反馈工具,帮助你收集关键的反馈信息,提高客户满意度。借助人工智能的支持,我们的产品反馈工具具有更强大的功能,可以生成报告并解决相关业务问题。点击了解如何利用产品反馈工具做出更好的决策。

  9. 想要改进你的聊天机器人吗?vika维格云为你提供了一篇指南,教你如何使你的聊天机器人更加自然,并在对话中吸引用户。聊天机器人已经成为在线沟通的重要组成部分,不再只是回答基本问题的工具,而是逐渐发展成为可以模拟与人类互动的智能助手。通过使聊天机器人更加自然,你可以更好地与用户建立联系。点击了解如何从机器人到人类的转变。

  10. vika维格云的ChatGPT技术正在改变银行客户服务体验。我们的ChatGPT技术可以创造出引人入胜且直观的用户体验,帮助银行提供更个性化和对话式的客户服务。在今天这个数字化世界,银行业面临着为客户提供更个性化和对话式体验的压力。人工智能技术正在帮助银行实现这个目标,提供更好的客户服务体验。点击了解更多关于ChatGPT技术如何改变银行业的信息。


  1. LinkedIn Post: As a small business owner, you face unique challenges. But did you know that using a chatbot like can actually boost your growth? Learn how in our latest blog post! #smallbusiness #chatbots #growth

  2. LinkedIn Post: Are you new to interface design? With's Interface Designer, you can easily choose from a variety of prebuilt layouts to save time and effort. Check out our blog to learn more! #interface design #productivity

  3. LinkedIn Post: Looking for a powerful alternative to ThoughtSpot? Look no further than's Akkio. Discover how Akkio can help businesses make data-driven decisions faster and at a more affordable price. #dataanalytics #AI

  4. LinkedIn Post: Exciting news from Drift! CEO Scott Ernst announces three new AI-powered products that are revolutionizing the buyer engagement platform. Read all about it in his open letter. #AI #buyerbeware #Drift

  5. LinkedIn Post: Giving your chatbot a personality can make a big difference in how it connects with users. Learn how to give your bot a character in our latest blog post! #chatbots #personalization

  6. LinkedIn Post: Artificial intelligence and augmented reality are transforming the way businesses operate. Discover the power of AI and AR in our comprehensive guide. #AI #AR #technology

  7. LinkedIn Post: Building a team culture that supports LGBTIQ members is crucial for inclusivity. Learn how to create a supportive environment in our latest blog post. #LGBTIQ #inclusivity #diversity

  8. LinkedIn Post: Ever wondered how SDRs at Drift use the platform every day? Get insights from a senior SDR and discover why Drift is a game-changer for sales development representatives. #salesdevelopment #Drift #productivity

  9. LinkedIn Post: Increasing sales team productivity is essential for maximizing results. Discover five infallible practices to boost productivity in sales in our latest blog post. #salesteam #productivity

  10. LinkedIn Post: ChatGPT DALL-E 3 is the future of text-to-image generation. Find out how this advanced AI model is revolutionizing image generation in our comprehensive guide. #artificialintelligence #AI


  1. "Track records, customize forms, and more with Say goodbye to gloomy productivity and hello to powerful AI tools! #Productivity #AI #AITable"
  2. "Unlock the potential of AI and AR with Discover how these technologies are transforming industries and creating immersive experiences. #AI #AR #AITable"
  3. "Boost your sales team's productivity and maximize results with Learn the infallible practices to increase sales and create a high-performance team. #Sales #Productivity #AITable"
  4. "From structured flows to personalized conversational journeys, chatbots have come a long way. See how is revolutionizing automated conversations and enhancing customer experiences. #ConversationalAI #Chatbots #AITable"
  5. "Improve your customer support services with Facebook Messenger chatbots powered by Automate and enhance your customer support for timely assistance and operational efficiency. #CustomerSupport #Chatbots #AITable"
  6. "Nurture each lead and maximize opportunities with Learn the importance of lead distribution and discover effective methods to pair leads with the best sales rep. #LeadDistribution #Sales #AITable"
  7. "Design effective interface layouts effortlessly with Choose from a list of predesigned layouts that save you time, effort, and headaches. #InterfaceDesign #Layouts #AITable"
  8. "Collect valuable customer insights and analyze your data with AI superpowers from Discover the best product feedback tools and make better decisions for your business. #ProductFeedback #AI #AITable"
  9. "Build a reliable digital pipeline with Explore how a conversational strategy can engage site visitors and provide buyer insights for a successful go-to-market approach. #DigitalPipeline #ConversationalStrategy #AITable"
  10. "Choose the right tool for your business with Understand the differences between databases and spreadsheets and harness the flexibility and power of a well-designed database. #Databases #Spreadsheets #AITable"

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

标题 关键词 大纲
AI化生命科学:突破性创新 AI, 生命科学 - AI驱动的应用正在改变生命科学行业,从药物研发到个性化医疗。
- 需要解决伦理考虑和监管合规性问题,以维护AI技术与患者和医疗服务提供者之间的信任。
- 通过加速药物研发、临床试验和个性化医疗等方面的实际案例,展示了AI在生命科学领域的成功。
AITable.ai为内容营销团队提供更多视图, 内容营销, 视图 - 提供内容生产、团队管理和资产审查等方面的独特视图,提升生产效率和团队管理。
- 借助一键点击,团队可以按照自己的需要查看所需信息,了解每周交付成果的进展情况,检查团队资源时间表等。
使用ChatGPT革新银行体验 ChatGPT, 银行体验 - 在当今数字化世界中,银行业面临着提供个性化和对话式客户体验的压力。
- 利用对话式解决方案和人工智能(AI),可以为买家提供无摩擦的体验,加快达成交易的速度。
AITable.ai最新功能及更新, 功能更新 - 提供界面表单定制、记录跟踪等功能的更新,帮助用户更好地利用数据库。
- 界面表单功能包括条件字段、只读字段和选择项限制等,提供更灵活、直观的用户体验。
如何设计高效的关系数据库 关系数据库, 数据库设计 - 通过四个设计技巧,最大限度地利用数据库。
- 设计良好的数据库可以提供多个好处,包括易于修改和维护、易于查找所需信息、避免冗余和提高数据一致性等。
AI和ChatGPT如何改变银行业的客户服务体验 AI, ChatGPT, 银行业, 客户服务体验 - AI和ChatGPT技术正在改变银行业的客户服务体验,创造更具吸引力和直观的用户体验。
- 通过自然语言对话生成,可以为客户提供个性化的服务,并帮助银行更好地了解客户需求。免费的AI助手和CRM工具, CRM工具, AI助手 - AITable.ai提供免费的AI助手和CRM工具,帮助企业提高工作效率和客户服务。
- 借助AI技术,可以自动化应答系统、实时分析数据等,提供更好的用户体验和数据分析能力。
如何给聊天机器人取名:考虑因素和创意命名想法 聊天机器人, 取名, 创意命名 - 提供给聊天机器人取名的考虑因素和创意命名想法。
- 通过研究和实验,探索给技术赋予人类特征对其感知的影响,以及如何在对话中更好地吸引用户。
AITable.ai与、Airtable等竞争对手的比较, 竞争对手, 比较 - 与、Airtable等竞争对手进行比较,展示AITable.ai在功能和性能方面的优势。
- 通过对比,让用户更好地了解AITable.ai如何满足他们的需求,并提供更好的使用体验。
金融监管总局如何积极构建中国特色金融监管体系 金融监管, 中国特色金融监管体系 - 金融监管总局通过积极构建中国特色金融监管体系,提高金融监管的效能和水平。
- 通过详细介绍措施和政策,展示金融监管总局在金融监管体系建设方面的积极努力和取得的成果。

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline vs. Salesforce: 如何選擇最適合你的業務管理平台?, Salesforce, 業務管理平台 在選擇業務管理平台時,AITable.ai和Salesforce是兩個值得考慮的選項。本文將深入比較這兩個平台的優點和特點,幫助你選擇最適合你業務需求的平台。
AI增強的投訴分析:重新定義速度和效率 AI增強的投訴分析, 客戶反饋, 效率 投訴分析對於企業改善客戶體驗和獲得競爭優勢至關重要。本文將介紹AI增強的投訴分析如何重新定義速度和效率,幫助企業更好地理解和管理客戶反饋。
AITable.ai新功能介紹:自定義界面表單和更多, 自定義界面表單, 效率 AITable.ai最新的功能更新帶來了自定義界面表單和更多選項,讓用戶在使用界面表單時擁有更多控制權,同時提供更簡單的使用體驗。本文將介紹這些新功能,幫助用戶更好地利用AITable.ai提高工作效率。
AI工具助力顧問:優化工作流程 AI工具, 顧問, 工作流程 AI工具正在改變顧問行業,提供高效的自動化和有價值的洞察力。本文將介紹一些正在改變顧問行業的頂尖AI工具,以及針對特定顧問服務量身定制的專業AI工具。你將了解到這些先進的AI技術如何提高工作流程,節省時間,並為客戶提供更好的結果。
如何通過聊天機器人最大化小企業增長 聊天機器人, 小企業增長, 效率 聊天機器人可以成為小企業的強大工具,幫助企業自動化任務,提高客戶服務質量並增加銷售額。本文將介紹聊天機器人的好處,以及如何利用它們節省時間並增加收益。
ChatGPT在銀行業的革命 ChatGPT, 銀行客戶服務, 用戶體驗 ChatGPT和生成式AI技術正在改變銀行業的客戶服務體驗,創造出一個引人入勝和直觀的用戶界面。本文將討論在銀行業中使用ChatGPT和生成式AI技術的優勢,以及它如何以傳統方法無法實現的方式改善客戶服務體驗。
如何設計一個有效的關聯性數據庫 關聯性數據庫, 數據分析, 效率 有效的關聯性數據庫設計對於大大小小的組織來說都是至關重要的。本文將介紹四個設計提示,幫助你充分利用你的數據庫,提高數據分析的效率。
WhatsApp銀行:克服隱私和安全挑戰 WhatsApp銀行, 隱私, 安全 了解如何使用WhatsApp實施成功的銀行策略,並確保最大程度的安全和隱私。本文將介紹將對話式銀行應用於WhatsApp的潛力和優勢。
最佳產品反饋工具:揭示商業洞察的利器 產品反饋工具, 商業洞察, AI 產品反饋工具對於幫助企業收集有價值的客戶洞察至關重要。AI技術的應用使這些反饋平台的潛力倍增,重塑了企業收集和分析反饋的方式。本文將介紹如何利用產品反饋工具的力量,更深入地了解客戶,做出更好的決策。
如何制定一個聊天機器人策略 聊天機器人, 策略, 客戶參與 本文將提供一個逐步指南,教你如何制定一個與你的目標相符的聊天機器人策略,以提高客戶參與度並優化業務成果。

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
How to Leverage Chatbots for Small Business Growth chatbot, small business, growth
- Why small businesses need chatbots to boost growth
- What are the benefits of using chatbots for small businesses
- How to implement chatbots effectively in a small business to drive growth
Title Keywords Outline
The Power of Interface Layouts in AITable, interface design, layout options
- The importance of choosing the right interface layout in
- Different interface layouts available in and their use cases
- Tips for selecting the most suitable interface layout for your specific needs
Title Keywords Outline
Akkio: The Best AI-Powered Alternative to ThoughtSpot Akkio, ThoughtSpot alternative, AI-powered analytics
- Why Akkio is the top alternative to ThoughtSpot for businesses
- The key features and benefits of using Akkio for data-driven decision making
- A comparison between Akkio and ThoughtSpot in terms of AI capabilities and pricing
Title Keywords Outline
The Future of Conversational Marketing with Drift Drift, AI-powered marketing, personalized customer experiences
- The new AI-powered products by Drift and their impact on buyer engagement
- Drift's vision for the future of B2B marketing and customer experience
- The evolution of conversational marketing and its role in driving personalized customer experiences
Title Keywords Outline
Creating a Memorable Chatbot Personality chatbot personality, human-computer interaction, user experience
- The importance of giving chatbots a unique and engaging personality
- Tips for developing a chatbot character that resonates with users
- How a well-defined chatbot personality can enhance the overall user experience
Title Keywords Outline
The Synergy of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality AI, AR, applications, immersive experiences
- An overview of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) technologies
- The applications and impact of AI and AR across various industries
- The future trends and advancements in the field of AI and AR
Title Keywords Outline
Fostering a Supportive Team Culture for LGBTIQ Members LGBTIQ, team culture, inclusivity
- The importance of creating a supportive and inclusive team culture for LGBTIQ members
- Strategies for fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace
- The benefits of a diverse and inclusive team environment for overall team performance
Title Keywords Outline
How Sales Development Representatives Can Leverage Drift for Success sales development representatives, Drift, sales productivity
- How Drift is specifically designed to cater to the needs of sales development representatives
- Real-life examples of how sales development representatives can use Drift to streamline their workflow
- The impact of using Drift on sales productivity and overall performance
Title Keywords Outline
Increasing Sales Team Productivity for Maximum Results sales team productivity, high-performance team
- The importance of sales team productivity in achieving desired results
- Strategies for increasing sales team productivity and creating a high-performance team
- Case studies and success stories of companies that have successfully maximized sales team productivity
Title Keywords Outline
Unleashing the Power of AI Workflow Automation in AI workflow automation, productivity, no-code solutions
- How AI workflow automation can revolutionize business operations and enhance productivity
- The key benefits and use cases of AI workflow automation in
- The future of AI workflow automation, including the rise of no-code solutions and increased adoption

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
How to Boost Productivity with, productivity tools, increase productivity - Why boosting productivity is crucial for businesses
- What is and how it can help improve productivity
- How to leverage to streamline workflows and maximize results
The Power of AI and AR in Business AI, AR, artificial intelligence, augmented reality - Why AI and AR are transforming the business landscape
- What is AI and AR and how they work together
- How businesses can leverage AI and AR to solve problems and create immersive experiences
7 Tips for Effective Customer Support with, customer support, chatbots - Why customer support is crucial for business success
- How chatbots can revolutionize customer support
- 7 tips for using chatbots to enhance customer support and improve operational efficiency
The Future of Conversational AI: Personalized Journeys with, conversational AI, chatbot journeys - Why conversational AI is evolving towards personalized journeys
- How is leading the way in creating personalized chatbot journeys
- The benefits of using for businesses and customers
The Role of in Sales Team Productivity, sales team productivity, maximize results - Why sales team productivity is crucial for business growth
- How can help increase sales team productivity
- Tips and strategies for using to maximize sales results vs. Competitors: Choosing the Right Productivity Tool, productivity tools, comparison - The differences between and competitors like Airtable, Smartsheet, and Excel
- The unique features and benefits of
- How to choose the right productivity tool for your business
The Impact of Database vs. Spreadsheet: Making the Right Choice with, database, spreadsheet, comparison - The differences between databases and spreadsheets
- The limitations of spreadsheets and the advantages of databases
- How can help businesses make the right choice between databases and spreadsheets
Unlocking the Full Potential of Tips and Tricks for Success, tips and tricks, maximize results - How to get the most out of for your business
- Tips and tricks for optimizing workflows and maximizing results
- Real-life examples and success stories of businesses using
The Role of AI in Lead Distribution: Maximizing Opportunities with, AI, lead distribution - Why lead distribution is crucial for maximizing sales opportunities
- How AI technology, specifically, can optimize lead distribution
- Strategies and best practices for using for lead distribution Revolutionizing Interface Design for Better User Experience, interface design, user experience - The importance of interface design in providing a great user experience
- How is revolutionizing interface design for better usability
- Tips and best practices for designing interfaces with



