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2023-11-13 00:27:22

Title Keywords Outline
Chatbot vs. Live Chat – Which is Better for Customer Service? AI chatbot, live chat, customer service - Why companies need effective customer service tools
- What is the difference between chatbots and live chat
- Advantages and disadvantages of using chatbots and live chat for customer service
- How to choose the best option for your business
- Case studies and examples of successful implementation of chatbots and live chat for customer service
What is low-code? low-code development, no-code development, software development, technology - What is low-code development and its advantages
- Comparison between low-code and no-code development
- How low-code development platforms empower organizations
- Best practices for deploying low-code applications
- Case studies of successful implementation of low-code development
Chatbot vs Live Chat Which One is Best for Your Business? chatbot, live chat, customer service
An Honest Guide to Chatbot Marketing chatbot marketing, customer engagement - Importance of chatbot marketing in today's digital landscape
- Common challenges and pitfalls of chatbot marketing
- Strategies for effective chatbot marketing
- Tips for measuring the success of chatbot marketing campaigns
- Examples of successful chatbot marketing campaigns
How to choose the best conversational technology for enterprise companies? conversational technology, enterprise companies, customer experience - Overview of conversational technologies available for enterprise companies
- Factors to consider when choosing the right conversational technology
- Benefits of implementing conversational technology for improving customer experience
- Case studies of enterprise companies using conversational technology
Smartsheet project management: features, pricing, and... project management, Smartsheet, productivity tools - Introduction to Smartsheet as a project management tool
- Overview of features and pricing of Smartsheet
- Comparison of Smartsheet with other project management tools
- Case studies of companies using Smartsheet for project management
How to Use Facebook Chatbots to Improve Customer Support Facebook chatbots, customer support - Benefits of using Facebook chatbots for customer support
- Tips for implementing Facebook chatbots effectively
- Case studies of companies using Facebook chatbots to improve customer support
Automated Rep Availability and More Ways to Be Efficient: What’s New from Drift This July Drift, customer service, automation - Overview of new features and updates from Drift
- Introduction to automated rep availability feature
- How automated rep availability improves customer service efficiency
- Tips for using Drift's new features effectively
- Case studies of companies using Drift for customer service automation
How to Make Your Chatbot Provide Accurate Answers chatbot, natural language processing, data organization - Importance of providing accurate answers with chatbots
- How to organize data for accurate chatbot responses
- Best practices for ensuring accurate answers from chatbots
- Case studies of companies using chatbots to provide accurate answers
CRM industries: breaking down CRM needs by industry CRM, customer relationship management, industry-specific CRM - Importance of CRM in different industries
- Overview of industry-specific CRM vs. general CRM
- Factors to consider when choosing a CRM for specific industries
- Case studies of companies using industry-specific CRM
The trends that will mark 2023 in conversational banking conversational banking, customer experience, banking technology - Overview of conversational banking as a new trend
- Key technologies shaping conversational banking in 2023
- Impact of conversational banking on customer experience
- Case studies of banks adopting conversational banking technology
ChatGPT to revolutionize the banking experience ChatGPT, banking technology, customer service - How ChatGPT is transforming the banking industry
- Advantages of using ChatGPT in banking
- Examples of ChatGPT applications in banking customer service
- Future prospects of ChatGPT in the banking sector
Introducing the Winners of the 2023 Driftie Awards Driftie Awards, customer engagement, marketing - Introduction to the Driftie Awards and its purpose
- Announcement of the winners and their achievements
- Highlights of the award-winning customer engagement strategies
- Insights from the winners on their use of Drift for marketing and customer service
9 Ways to Work It Harder, Make It Better, and Do It Faster with Drift Drift, productivity tools, marketing automation - Overview of Drift's features and capabilities
- Strategies for maximizing productivity and efficiency with Drift
- Case studies of companies using Drift to improve work processes and results
How to Name Your Chatbot: Tips to Consider and Creative Chatbot Name Ideas chatbot, branding, chatbot marketing - Importance of choosing the right name for your chatbot
- Tips for naming your chatbot effectively
- Examples of creative chatbot names and their significance
- Factors to consider when naming a chatbot for branding and marketing purposes
首批创业200ETF来了!易方达、华夏、富国、银华出手 - 证券时报 创业板, ETF, 证券投资 - 创业板200ETF的意义和影响
- 易方达、华夏、富国、银华等公司参与创业板200ETF的原因和战略
- 创业板200ETF的投资机会和风险
“双11”透视:“多巴胺经济”爆发,国货崛起 - 中国经济网 双11, 国货, 电商 - “双11”购物节的发展和影响
- “多巴胺经济”现象对消费行为的影响
- 国货品牌在“双11”中的崛起和竞争优势
人民日报专访住建部部长倪虹:推动构建房地产发展新模式——中国青年网 - 中青网 住建部, 房地产发展, 中国青年 - 中国房地产发展的新模式和趋势
- 住建部部长倪虹对房地产发展的看法和政策
- 推动房地产行业高质量发展的举措和实践
聊聊这届“双11”的冷知识和有趣事-中新网 - 中国新闻网 双11, 购物节, 电商 - “双11”购物节的起源和发展
- “双11”购物节的冷知识和有趣事实
- 中国电商行业和消费者行为的变化和趋势
完善法治保障护航金融高质量发展——2023金融街论坛年会与会嘉宾共话金融法治建设_中国网 - 中国网 金融街, 法治建设, 金融发展 - 金融街论坛年会的主题和议程
- 与会嘉宾对金融法治建设的看法和建议
- 法治保障对金融高质量发展的重要性和作用
中海信托荣膺第二届信托业金牛奖两项大奖_中证网 - 中证网 信托业, 中海信托, 金牛奖 - 信托业金牛奖的意义和评选标准
- 中海信托获得金牛奖的原因和业绩
- 中海信托在信托业发展中的创新和贡献
夜问丨卡顿的手机遇到“摇一摇跳转”怎么就丝滑了?_广告_速度_传感器 - 搜狐 手机技术, 摇一摇跳转, 用户体验 - 手机卡顿问题的原因和解决方案
- “摇一摇跳转”技术如何提升手机流畅度
- 传感器在手机技术中的作用和优化
中韩长沙共探新能源电池及材料产业技术-中新网 - 中国新闻网 新能源电池, 产业技术, 合作交流 - 中韩在新能源电池和材料产业中的合作和交流
- 长沙作为新能源产业发展的热点和创新中心
- 新能源电池和材料产业技术的最新进展和应用
突破技术壁垒!海上直驱风电机组核心技术国产化实现跨越式发展 - 中国经济网 风电, 核心技术, 国产化 - 海上直驱风电机组的技术特点和优势
- 国产化实现对海上直驱风电机组的突破和跨越式发展
- 国内风电行业在核心技术上的自主创新和发展
“老字号”拥抱“双十一” “新国潮”解锁新消费 - 新华网 双十一, 新国潮, 老字号 - “双十一”购物节对传统老字号企业的影响和机遇
- “新国潮”现象在“双十一”中的表现和潜力
- 传统老字号企业如何利用“双十一”推动新消费时代
上海张江初步形成细胞和基因全产业链发展势头强劲-中新网 - 中国新闻网 张江科技城, 细胞和基因产业, 创新发展 - 上海张江科技城在细胞和基因产业中的发展和创新
- 细胞和基因产业全产业链的形成和发展趋势
- 张江科技城在细胞和基因产业中的创新和创业环境
新华全媒+|直击“双十一”现场看供给侧变革 - 新华网 双十一, 供给侧改革, 消费行为 - “双十一”购物节对供给侧改革的影响和推动
- 供给侧改革在“双十一”中的体现和实践
- 消费行为的变化和趋势对供给侧改革的影响
兴业银行制定推进普惠金融高质量发展33条举措 - 泉州网 兴业银行, 普惠金融, 金融发展 - 兴业银行推进普惠金融的意义和目标
- 兴业银行制定的33条举措和措施
- 普惠金融对金融发展的影响和作用
香港贸发局在进博会组织超850场商贸对接 - 南方网 香港贸发局, 进博会, 商贸合作 - 进博会对香港贸发局的商贸合作机会和平台
- 香港贸发局在进博会中组织的商贸对接活动和成果
- 香港与内地的商贸合作前景和发展
穆迪对美国信用评级转为负面白宫愤怒 - RFI - 法国国际广播电台 美国经济, 信用评级, 穆迪 - 美国信用评级转为负面的影响和后果
- 穆迪评级对美国经济的分析和判断
- 白宫对穆迪评级的回应和反应
依依不舍“四叶草” 本届进博会配套活动122场以会促展、促谈 - 中国经济网 进博会, 配套活动, 会展交流 - 本届进博会的配套活动和丰富内容
- 会展交流对进博会的促进作用和效果
- 配套活动中的重要会议和议题
北京市西城区委书记孙硕:擦亮“金”字招牌积极服务国家金融管理中心功能建设_中证网 - 中证网 西城区, 金融管理中心, 北京 - 西城区作为国家金融管理中心的服务支持区
- 西城区委书记孙硕对金融管理中心建设的看法和工作
- 西城区为金融管理中心提供的服务和保障