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2023-11-27 00:29:23

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-11-27 MON

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  1. 互联网时代的客户关系管理正在发生改变。不同行业的企业对于CRM系统的需求不尽相同,房地产经纪人依赖于人际网络来成交,而承包商可能使用CRM系统来跟踪员工的工作时间。在如此丰富的CRM选择中,选择一个适合自己行业的CRM系统是一项挑战。vika维格云提供了行业特定的CRM功能,满足了不同行业的需求,让您的工作更加高效。点击试用vika维格云

  2. AI增强的投诉分析是理解和管理客户反馈的一种革命性方法。投诉分析对于企业改善客户体验、获得竞争优势至关重要。现在,人工智能(AI)可以承担繁重的工作,让我们专注于提供卓越的客户体验。vika维格云的AI增强投诉分析利用AI技术自动化了大部分投诉分析过程,提高了处理速度、准确性和一致性。vika维格云提供了全面的分析功能,帮助企业节省时间,同时提升客户满意度。

  3. 在当今数字化体验中,用户的偏好正在发生变化。越来越多的人希望能够直接、快速、自然地与他们喜爱的品牌进行沟通。这也适用于银行业。银行客户希望他们的问题和困扰能够迅速、轻松地得到解决,就像与同龄人交谈一样。vika维格云的WhatsApp银行解决方案可以帮助银行业满足客户的期望,实现快速、便捷、对话式的银行服务。探索会话式银行的潜力,提升您的客户支持流程。

  4. 销售团队的生产力直接影响着业绩的质量。但是,要保持员工以高质量的工作方式工作,需要采取一些值得一试的措施。当然,没有什么魔法公式可以适用于所有团队,每个团队都有自己的特点,下面我们提供的建议需要根据您企业的实际情况进行调整。通过以下五个不可或缺的实践,您可以提高销售团队的生产力并使其成为公司的典范。想知道更多?请继续阅读。

  5. 当我们在进行大规模的项目或活动时,有时我们只需要偶尔看一眼,就能知道离实现里程碑还有多远。vika维格云的进度条功能可以让团队和领导者快速了解工作的进展情况。进度条直观地展示了您在实现预定目标方面的进展情况。我们建议您在复杂、关键的项目(如活动和发布)旁边显示进度条,以便合作伙伴和高层管理人员可以快速了解项目的状态。

  6. 聊天机器人脚本的编写有一定的技巧,可以根据心理学和用户体验研究进行设计,以吸引用户进行对话。vika维格云的聊天机器人脚本编写涵盖了基于心理学和用户体验研究的12种技巧,可以帮助您更好地与用户进行对话。探索这些技巧,并提升您的聊天机器人与用户的互动性。

  7. 低代码开发平台正在赋予组织构建所需软件的能力。在数码化时代,低代码开发已成为组织的基本技能之一。低代码或无代码开发方法(使用可视化界面而非编程语言)可帮助企业让更多人参与软件开发过程。这对于各个行业的企业来说都是一个重大转变,特别是在企业寻求整合工具的时候。现在,更重要的是为组织找到适用于所有人的工具,而不是为特定团队提供专业工具。了解更多关于低代码和无代码开发的优势和劣势,以及部署最佳实践。

  8. Facebook聊天机器人如何改善客户支持?探索Facebook聊天机器人如何革新您的客户支持流程。通过使用Facebook Messenger聊天机器人,您可以自动化和增强客户支持,确保及时提供帮助,并提高运营效率。在这篇文章中,我们探讨了Facebook Messenger聊天机器人在增强客户支持方面的作用以及自动化的好处。

  9. 对话式人工智能正在改变聊天机器人的流程,为每个用户提供个性化、自动化的对话体验。随着技术的进步,现代聊天机器人的流程已经个性化,为每个用户提供有吸引力的对话体验。 vika维格云的对话式人工智能聊天机器人流程比以往任何时候都更加精细化,为每个客户的需求和偏好提供个性化体验,让他们感觉像是在与真实的人交流,而不是机器。这在客户服务互动中尤为重要。

  10. 我们非常激动地宣布推出全新的vika维格云!vika维格云是我们团队努力的结果,我们进行了完全的核心重设计,为我们的用户提供了第一个以ChatGPT为核心的聊天机器人构建平台。这次全新的发布将以两种方式改变聊天机器人的构建:

  11. 释放ChatGPT的潜力,构建能够自动化复杂多人工作流程的强大聊天机器人和个人助理。
  12. 结束基于糟糕按钮和意图的聊天机器人时代,不再需要大量的训练数据。



LinkedIn Post 1: Title: The Synergy Between AI and AR: Transforming Industries Description: Explore the remarkable advancements in the fusion of AI and AR and how they are shaping our reality. Discover the exciting possibilities for businesses across various industries with

LinkedIn Post 2: Title: Unlock the Power of AI in Sales: 3 Real-Life Use Cases Description: AI is not just a buzzword, it's a game-changer for sales teams. Learn how AI can help sales teams boost efficiency and drive revenue with

LinkedIn Post 3: Title: The Future of Digital Marketing: AI, Personalization, and SEO Description: Stay ahead of the curve in digital marketing with AI-powered tools like Discover how content personalization and SEO are shaping the future of marketing success.

LinkedIn Post 4: Title: AI-Driven Data Analysis Made Easy: ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis Description: Simplify data analysis tasks with ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis. Discover how this AI-driven tool can revolutionize the way you handle data, no coding required, with

LinkedIn Post 5: Title: AI Tools for Consultants: Supercharge Your Workflow Description: Maximize efficiency and deliver better results for your clients with AI tools tailored for consultants. Explore how and other AI tools are transforming the consulting industry.

LinkedIn Post 6: Title: The Power of AI in Life Sciences: Groundbreaking Innovations Description: Dive into the transformative power of AI in life sciences. Discover real-life examples and the potential future of AI in drug discovery, clinical trials, and personalized medicine with

LinkedIn Post 7: Title: Welcome to the Future of Work Management with Description: Streamline workloads, resources, and timelines with Discover how AI-powered work management tools can optimize productivity and efficiency for your team.

LinkedIn Post 8: Title: Unleash the Potential of Product Feedback with AI Superpowers Description: Collect valuable customer insights and make better decisions with AI-powered product feedback tools. Discover how and other AI tools are reshaping the way businesses analyze feedback.

LinkedIn Post 9: Title: Accelerate Sales with AI: Embrace the Future of Sales Teams Description: Don't miss out on the AI revolution in sales. Learn how AI can empower sales teams and drive revenue growth with

LinkedIn Post 10: Title: Enhance Customer Experience with Accurate Chatbot Answers Description: Ensure your chatbot provides accurate answers every time with Discover the importance of structured data and how to organize information in a table for reliable chatbot responses.


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选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
自动化销售代表在线可用性以及其他有效提高效率的方法:AITable.ai本月的新功能, 自动化销售代表, 在线可用性, 提高效率 - 为了避免错过任何对话,AITable.ai推出了自动化销售代表在线可用性功能,让销售代表在登录时自动更新在线状态,并在登出或失去互联网连接时切换到离线状态。
- 了解AITable.ai新功能的设置方法,提高销售团队的效率。
AI增强的投诉分析:重新定义速度和效率 AI增强, 投诉分析, 客户反馈, 提高速度和效率 - 了解使用人工智能增强的投诉分析在理解和管理客户反馈方面的作用。
- 投诉分析对于改善客户体验和获取竞争优势至关重要。
- 利用AI技术自动化投诉分析的大部分过程,加快处理速度并提高准确性和一致性。
- AITable.ai提供综合分析能力和隐私功能,帮助企业节省时间并提高客户满意度。
WhatsApp银行:克服隐私和安全挑战 WhatsApp银行, 对话式银行, 隐私和安全挑战 - 探索如何使用WhatsApp实施成功的银行战略,并确保最大限度的安全和隐私。
- 发现对话式银行的潜力,了解如何通过WhatsApp改善客户支持流程。
不同行业的CRM需求解析 CRM需求, 不同行业, 客户关系管理 - 不同行业的企业对于客户关系管理的需求是不同的,了解不同行业的CRM需求和选择适合自己的CRM系统。
- 了解行业特定和通用的CRM系统的区别,并考虑选择适合自己行业的CRM系统的因素。
如何提高销售团队的生产力并最大化结果? 销售团队生产力, 最大化结果, 提高效率 - 销售团队的生产力直接影响所取得的结果的质量。
- 了解如何提高销售团队的生产力,并创建一个高绩效团队。
- 确定销售团队是否需要提高生产力的方法,并了解衡量团队绩效的指标。
用进度条追踪工作进展 进度条, 任务状态, 项目管理 - 使用进度条可以轻松查看任务和项目的状态。
- 了解进度条的定义和用途,并掌握在Airtable中创建进度条的方法。
UX、心理学和机器人:如何编写聊天机器人脚本 UX, 心理学, 机器人, 聊天机器人脚本 - 探索基于心理学和用户体验研究的12种编写聊天机器人脚本的技巧,帮助您引导用户进行对话。
- 了解如何编写引人入胜的聊天机器人脚本,并通过例子展示技巧的应用。
低代码开发平台是什么? 低代码开发平台, 无代码开发平台, 自助建站 - 了解低代码开发平台和无代码开发平台的定义和优势。
- 探索低代码开发平台的优缺点,并了解部署和使用低代码开发平台的最佳实践。
AITable.ai工作管理:功能、定价和..., 工作管理, 定价, 功能 - 工作管理涉及组织、计划、优先级排序和跟踪任务和项目,以有效和高效地管理工作量、资源和时间表。
- 了解AITable.ai提供的工作管理功能、定价和优势,帮助团队提升生产力和管理资产。
如何利用Facebook聊天机器人改进客户支持 Facebook聊天机器人, 客户支持, 自动化客服 - 探索如何利用Facebook聊天机器人革新客户支持流程。
- 了解使用Facebook聊天机器人可以实现自动化和增强客户支持,确保及时提供帮助并提高运营效率。

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
低代码与无代码开发的优势和劣势 低代码、无代码、开发平台 为什么低代码和无代码开发平台成为组织构建所需软件的有力工具?本文将探讨低代码和无代码开发的优势和劣势,并介绍一些部署的最佳实践。
使用AITable.ai构建自定义ChatGPT的一键式方法、ChatGPT、自定义AI Agent 想要构建自定义ChatGPT或AI Agent吗?本文将介绍使用AITable.ai一键式方法来构建自定义ChatGPT的步骤和技巧,帮助您快速实现自己的AI智能助手。
GPT-3与其他大型语言模型的对比 GPT-3、大型语言模型、人工智能 GPT-3是目前最强大的语言模型之一,但还有其他令人印象深刻的大型语言模型。本文将介绍GPT-3以及其他一些值得关注的大型语言模型,并讨论它们如何改变我们处理和分析语言的方式。
在AITable.ai中使用IF函数的方法 IF函数、、公式 IF函数是数据库和电子表格中最常用的函数之一,它可以让您根据条件执行不同的操作。本文将介绍在AITable.ai中使用IF函数的方法,并说明它如何帮助公司从数据中获取洞察力。
提高聊天机器人准确回答问题的方法 聊天机器人、准确回答、数据组织 聊天机器人需要在价格和日期等问题上提供准确的回答。本文将介绍如何在AITable.ai中组织数据以确保聊天机器人能够准确回答这些问题,并提供一些策略和技巧。
开发聊天机器人策略的步骤指南 聊天机器人、策略、目标 想要利用聊天机器人提升业务吗?本文将提供一个逐步指南,教您如何制定与目标一致的聊天机器人策略,以增强客户参与度并提升业务效果。
通过心理学和用户体验编写聊天机器人脚本的技巧 聊天机器人、脚本编写、用户体验 编写聊天机器人脚本需要考虑心理学和用户体验的因素。本文将介绍基于心理学和用户体验研究的12种技巧,帮助您更好地吸引用户进行聊天。
如何正确进行界面设计布局 界面设计、布局、最佳实践 界面设计布局是一个重要的决策,但是很多人对如何正确进行布局感到困惑。本文将回答一些关于界面设计布局的常见问题,并提供一些建议和技巧。
构建支持LGBTIQ成员的团队文化 团队文化、LGBTIQ、多样性与包容性 构建支持LGBTIQ成员的团队文化对于企业来说至关重要。本文将探讨如何创建一个支持LGBTIQ成员的多样性和包容性的团队文化,并提供一些建议和实践经验。
聊天机器人流程如何演变为对话旅程 聊天机器人、对话旅程、个性化 聊天机器人流程已经从高度结构化和刻板的通信方式演变为为每个用户提供个性化、自动化的对话旅程。本文将介绍聊天机器人流程如何演变为对话旅程,并探讨其在提供个性化用户体验方面的重要性。

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) AI, AR, guide, applications, industries, advancements In this ultimate guide, we explore the synergy between AI and AR and delve into their applications across various industries. Discover the remarkable advancements that are shaping our reality and learn how businesses can leverage these technologies to solve problems, make predictions, and create immersive experiences.
How to Welcome New Team Members onboarding, team members Learn effective strategies for welcoming new team members and ensuring a smooth onboarding process. Discover how to create a welcoming environment, introduce new hires to the team, and provide the necessary resources for success.
How to Make Your Chatbot Provide Accurate Answers chatbot, accurate answers, structured data Explore the importance of providing accurate answers in chatbot interactions and learn how to organize your data in a table to ensure accuracy. Discover step-by-step instructions for structuring your data and optimizing your chatbot's performance.
3 Real-Life Ways Sales Teams Can Embrace AI AI in sales, sales efficiency, AI adoption Explore real-life examples of how sales teams can leverage AI to boost efficiency and drive revenue. Learn how AI can enhance prospecting, lead generation, and customer engagement to achieve better sales outcomes.
14 Best Product Feedback Tools (+ AI Superpowers) product feedback tools, AI, customer insights Discover the best product feedback tools that offer AI-powered capabilities for collecting and analyzing customer insights. Learn how these tools can help businesses make data-driven decisions and improve customer satisfaction.
AI Topic Grouping and More Data-Driven Insights AI-driven insights, data analysis, data-driven decision making Learn about the latest advancements in AI-driven data analysis and explore the use cases that can save you time and improve your decision-making process. Discover how AI can revolutionize the way you handle data without the need for coding.
New Features from Enhancing Efficiency in Sales and Marketing, new features, sales, marketing, efficiency Explore the latest features from that can enhance efficiency in sales and marketing. Learn how these new capabilities can streamline prospecting, reporting, and AI-driven playbooks to drive better results.
AI Use Cases in Life Sciences: Transforming the Industry AI in life sciences, drug discovery, personalized medicine Discover how AI is revolutionizing the life sciences industry, from accelerating drug discovery and development to enabling personalized medicine. Explore real-world examples of AI success and the potential future of the field.
The Future of Digital Marketing: Trends and Innovations digital marketing, content personalization, AI, SEO Explore the future of digital marketing and the key trends shaping the industry. Discover how content personalization, AI, and SEO are transforming the way businesses reach and engage with their target audience.
AI Tools for Consultants: Revolutionizing Workflows AI tools for consultants, workflow optimization, service quality Learn about the top AI tools that are revolutionizing the consulting industry and enhancing workflow optimization. Discover how integrating AI into your consulting workflow can improve efficiency and deliver better results for your clients.

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
How to Boost Your Team's Efficiency with, team efficiency, productivity tools In this article, we explore how can help boost your team's efficiency and streamline your workflow. We will discuss the challenges faced by teams, the solutions offered by, and how it can improve productivity and collaboration.
The Future of AI in Marketing: Trends and Predictions AI in marketing, future trends, predictions Discover the latest trends and predictions for the future of AI in marketing. We will discuss how AI is revolutionizing the marketing industry, the key trends to watch out for, and how businesses can leverage AI to stay ahead of the competition.
AI and Conversational Banking: Transforming the Customer Experience AI, conversational banking, customer experience Learn how AI and conversational banking are transforming the customer experience in the banking industry. We will explore the benefits of AI-powered chatbots, virtual assistants, and conversational platforms in providing exceptional service and improving customer satisfaction.
The Power of Financial Data Visualization with financial data visualization,, data-driven insights Unlock the power of financial data visualization with We will discuss the importance of visualizing financial data, the benefits of using for data visualization, and how it can help businesses make informed decisions and drive better financial outcomes.
The Rise of AI Workflow Automation: Simplifying Business Processes AI workflow automation, business processes, productivity tools Explore the rise of AI workflow automation and how it simplifies business processes. We will discuss the benefits of AI automation, the key features of AI workflow tools like, and how businesses can leverage automation to increase productivity and efficiency.
AI Tools for Consultants: Streamlining Workflows and Enhancing Productivity AI tools for consultants, productivity tools, workflow optimization Discover the top AI tools for consultants that can streamline workflows and enhance productivity. We will discuss the different AI tools available, their features and benefits, and how they can help consultants deliver better results for their clients.
The Future of Digital Marketing: Personalization, AI, and SEO future of digital marketing, personalization, AI, SEO Learn about the future of digital marketing and how personalization, AI, and SEO are shaping the industry. We will discuss the importance of personalized content, the role of AI in marketing automation, and the impact of SEO on business success.
Maximizing Customer Support with AI Chatbots: Case Study AI chatbots, customer support, case study Discover how AI chatbots can revolutionize customer support and improve customer satisfaction. We will present a case study on how implemented AI chatbots for their customer support, the benefits they experienced, and best practices for implementing chatbots in customer service.
The Evolution of Conversational Technology: Choosing the Right Solution conversational technology, virtual assistants, chatbots Understand the different types of conversational technology and how to choose the right solution for your company. We will discuss the benefits of conversational AI, the various options available, and factors to consider when selecting a conversational technology solution.
The Impact of AI in Healthcare: Revolutionizing Patient Care AI in healthcare, patient care, medical technology Explore the impact of AI in healthcare and how it is revolutionizing patient care. We will discuss the applications of AI in medical diagnosis, patient monitoring, and personalized treatment, and how it is improving healthcare outcomes.



