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2024-04-15 02:34:55

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2024-04-15 MON

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  1. 标题:数字营销的未来趋势 描述:了解个性化内容、SEO和人工智能如何成为业务成功的关键,以及它们如何塑造数字营销的未来。 内容:你是否想过营销的未来是什么?我们关注最近几年,以了解对公司和消费者而言数字市场的关键进展。






  2. 标题:如何为企业公司选择最佳对话技术? 描述:在为公司选择对话技术时,将会出现各种各样的选择。在本文中,我们将帮助您进行目标搜索。 内容:虚拟助手、聊天机器人或对话平台是为希望改善客户体验和降低运营成本的企业提供的有价值的工具。但是对于那些尚未将对话技术纳入他们的战略的组织来说,这个决定可能有点困难。




  3. 标题:如何提高销售团队的生产力并最大化结果? 描述:了解如何提高销售生产力并创建高绩效团队! 内容:销售生产力直接影响所获得结果的质量。但要保持员工以高质量工作(即在可用资源的情况下以更少的时间完成更多工作)的方式工作,需要一些值得的步骤。






  4. 标题:ChatGPT改变银行体验 描述:了解ChatGPT如何改变银行客户服务体验,创造引人入胜且直观的用户体验。 内容:在当今数字化世界中,银行业面临着越来越大的压力,要提供更加个性化和富有交流性的客户体验。为了应对这一挑战,许多金融机构正在转向生成式AI和ChatGPT技术来改变他们的客户服务体验。生成式AI能够生成自然语言对话,从而为客户提供引人入胜和直观的用户界面,同时为银行提供更好地理解用户需求的强大工具。




  5. 标题:从机器到人类 | 如何使您的聊天机器人更自然 描述:想要改进您的聊天机器人吗?本指南将解释如何使您的聊天机器人听起来更自然,并如何进行有意义的对话。 内容:聊天机器人已经成为在线沟通渠道中不可或缺的一部分。这些由AI驱动的助手不再仅仅是回答基本问题的工具,它们已经发展成为旨在模仿人类交流的复杂对话代理。然而,为了创造真正与用户共鸣的聊天机器人,使它们听起来更自然和人类化是至关重要的。在本文中,我们将探讨从机器化聊天机器人到类人对话代理的过程。



  6. 标题:聊天机器人个性化——赋予您的机器人个性的简短指南 描述:人们会忘记你说了什么,人们会忘记你做了什么。但人们永远不会忘记你是如何让他们感受的。——玛雅·安吉洛。聊天机器人成为缓解人与计算机之间棘手互动的良药。它们帮助加快了反应时间,并帮助节省了支持的时间... 了解更多 内容:聊天机器人个性化——赋予您的机器人个性的简短指南 ===============================================================

  7. 标题:如何设计一个有效的关系数据库 描述:使用这四个设计技巧充分利用您的数据库。 内容:使用这四个设计技巧充分利用您的数据库。 大大小小的组织都使用关系数据库来存储、管理和分析关键信息。但是什么是“关系数据库”?关系数据库以预定义的关系方式组织数据,让您可以轻松了解数据之间的关系。


  • 数据库结构易于修改和维护。工作流程很少永远不变——你很可能将来需要对核心关系数据模型进行一些调整。幸运的是,良好设计的数据库确保您对一个表中的字段进行的任何修改不会对其他表产生不利影响。
  • 更容易找到所需的信息。有了一致、逻辑的数据库结构(避免了重复字段和表),查询数据库就变得容易得多。
  • 可以避免重复数据和错误。通过遵循良好的数据库设计原则,您可以避免存储重复的数据,减少数据错误的发生。

  • 标题:应对SaaS市场的应用开发人员指南 描述:今天的SaaS应用程序市场为客户提供了扩展SaaS平台功能的复杂工具,而在内部构建这些工具可能需要数年时间。但是由于有太多的应用程序可供选择,客户选择您的应用程序的成功取决于有效的优化。通过正确的优化,您将提高应用程序的可见性,增加安装量,降低用户获取成本,并通过增加应用程序收入来持续增长。



  1. 标题:会话AI:从流程到对话旅程的演变 描述:了解当今会话AI聊天机器人流程如何演变,为每个用户提供个性化的自动对话旅程。通过会话AI解锁您的业务潜力 内容:聊天机器人的演变已经是了不起的。最初,它们被设计为高度结构化和刻板的沟通形式,用户在选择和选项上受到限制。然而,随着技术的进步,聊天机器人的流程变得个性化,为每个用户提供 engaging 的对话体验。


  1. 标题:什么是低代码? 描述:低代码和无代码开发平台使组织能够构建他们需要的软件。 内容:低代码和无代码开发平台使组织能够构建他们需要的软件。 技术界一直在谈论低代码开发多年,但现在,对低代码开发的一些了解已经成为组织的必备技能。





  1. LinkedIn Post: "Discover the Power of Large Language Models in Language Processing. Learn how AI-powered chat software systems like are revolutionizing the way we communicate. #AI #LanguageProcessing #ConversationalAI"

  2. LinkedIn Post: "Transforming Banking Customer Service with ChatGPT. Find out how ChatGPT technology is creating engaging and intuitive user experiences in the banking industry. #ChatGPT #Banking #CustomerService"

  3. LinkedIn Post: "Unlock the Potential of AI Workflow Automation with Streamline and improve manual tasks with AI-powered automation tools. #AI #Automation #Productivity"

  4. LinkedIn Post: "From Robot to Human: Making Chatbots Sound Natural. Learn how is creating chatbots that mimic human-like interactions for better user experiences. #Chatbots #AI #ConversationalAgents"

  5. LinkedIn Post: "Improving Customer Support with Facebook Chatbots. Discover how AI-powered chatbots on Facebook are revolutionizing customer service interactions. #Chatbots #CustomerSupport #AI"

  6. LinkedIn Post: "ChatGPT DALL-E 3: The Future of Image Generation. Explore the advanced features and capabilities of ChatGPT DALL-E 3 for text-to-image generation. #ChatGPT #DALL-E3 #ImageGeneration"

  7. LinkedIn Post: "Enhancing Digital Sales with Conversational Solutions. Learn how leveraging conversational solutions and AI can provide a frictionless buying experience. #DigitalSales #ConversationalAI"

  8. LinkedIn Post: "Providing Accurate Answers with AI-Powered Chatbots. Discover how ensures accurate responses for customer queries. #Chatbots #AI #CustomerService"

  9. LinkedIn Post: "The Future of Project Management: AI Workflow Automation. Harness the power of AI to streamline your project management processes with #AI #ProjectManagement #WorkflowAutomation"

  10. LinkedIn Post: "AI Data Analysis Made Easy with Simplify your data analysis tasks with AI-driven tools for better insights and productivity. #DataAnalysis #AI"


  1. Looking to build more productive AI Agents with 1-click? Discover the power of, the ultimate productivity tool for creating custom ChatGPTs. #AI #Productivity

  2. From robotic chatbots to human-like conversational agents, is revolutionizing online communication. Engage users with natural and meaningful conversations. #Chatbots #AI

  3. Supercharge your workflows with AI Tools for Consultants. Discover how can transform your consulting services and enhance productivity in just a few clicks. #Consulting #AI

  4. Transparency is key in leadership. Learn why and how to lead with transparency in your organization to foster trust and create a positive work culture. #Leadership #Transparency

  5. Celebrate the winners of the 2023 Driftie Awards, the best and brightest customers using Drift's platform to engage with their buyers and customers. Congrats to all! #DriftieAwards #CustomerEngagement

  6. AI-enhanced complaint analysis is redefining customer feedback management. Discover how can help you track customer satisfaction and improve your business. #AI #CustomerExperience

  7. Unveiling the new era of bot-building platforms: Connect your apps and content with AI-powered automations, chatbots, and assistants with ease. #BotBuilding #AI

  8. Stay updated with the latest features in Star your favorite apps, track project progress, and more with our user-friendly interface. #Productivity #Updates

  9. Drive more revenue with digital sales tips from Learn how to navigate the buyer's journey and leverage conversational solutions and AI to close deals faster. #DigitalSales #AI

  10. Discover how AI is transforming the customer experience in retail and eCommerce. Stay ahead of the competition by adopting AI strategies in your business. #AI #RetailTransformation

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline数字营销的未来趋势 数字营销, 个性化内容, SEO, AI 为什么个性化内容、SEO和人工智能是数字营销成功的关键,以及它们如何塑造数字营销的未来。解决数字营销中的问题和提供解决方案。
企业如何选择最适合的对话式技术? 对话式技术, 虚拟助手, 聊天机器人, AI 介绍不同类型的对话式技术,并帮助企业选择最适合其需求的技术。解决企业选择对话式技术的问题,并提供解决方案。
如何提高销售团队的生产力并最大化业绩? 销售团队, 生产力, 业绩 探讨提高销售团队生产力的实践方法,包括适应企业文化、激励团队成员等方面。解决提高销售团队生产力的问题,并提供解决方案。聊天机器人改变银行体验 聊天机器人, ChatGPT, 银行体验 探讨聊天机器人和ChatGPT技术如何改变银行客户服务体验,并提供传统方法无法达到的优势。解决银行客户服务体验的问题,并提供解决方案。
如何使聊天机器人更具自然之感 聊天机器人, 用户体验, 自然之感 探讨如何使聊天机器人更具自然之感,并进行有意义的对话与用户互动。解决聊天机器人设计问题,并提供解决方案。
为聊天机器人赋予个性 聊天机器人, 个性化, 用户体验 探讨为聊天机器人赋予个性的重要性,以及如何创造一个与用户进行有意义对话的角色。解决聊天机器人个性化问题,并提供解决方案。
设计有效的关系型数据库的方法 关系型数据库, 数据库设计, 数据查询 提供设计有效的关系型数据库的四个技巧,并解决数据库设计问题。
SaaS市场中的应用开发者指南 SaaS应用开发, 应用市场, 优化 提供在SaaS市场优化应用的最佳实践,解决应用开发者优化应用的问题,并提供解决方案。
会话式AI的演进 会话式AI, 自动化对话, 个性化体验 探讨会话式AI聊天机器人的演进,以提供针对每个用户个性化的自动化对话体验。解决会话式AI的问题,并提供解决方案。
低代码开发平台的优缺点 低代码开发, 无代码开发, 软件开发 探讨低代码开发平台的优点和缺点,并提供最佳实践方法。解决低代码开发平台问题,并提供解决方案。

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
Introducing the Winners of the Awards, Driftie Awards, recognition, customer engagement Celebrating the best and brightest customers of with the inaugural Awards. Learn about the winners and their exceptional use of for marketing, sales, and customer service.
Enhance Your Productivity with AI Workflow Automation, AI workflow automation, productivity, small business Discover how AI workflow automation can revolutionize your business operations and boost productivity. Learn about the benefits, implementation process, and future trends in AI workflow automation.
Unleashing the Power of AI and Augmented Reality with, AI, augmented reality, applications Explore the dynamic fusion of AI and augmented reality and how is leveraging these technologies for problem-solving, predictions, and immersive experiences across various industries.
Simplify Your Decision-making with the IF Function in, IF function, data analysis, decision-making Learn how to use the powerful IF function in to analyze data, compare inputs, and make informed decisions. Discover how this function can streamline your data analysis and improve business insights.
Transforming Customer Support with Chatbots, chatbots, customer support, AI technology Harness the power of AI chatbots in improving customer support. Explore how chatbots can assist with common queries, generate leads, and enhance the customer experience.
A Comprehensive Guide to Conversational Marketing with, conversational marketing, chatbot builder, customer connections Dive into the world of conversational marketing and discover how's chatbot builder technology can help build authentic relationships, foster trust, and understand customer needs.
The Future of Interface Design: Exploring's Layout Options, interface design, predesigned layouts, customization Get started with's Interface Designer and explore the predesigned layouts for efficient app creation. Learn how to choose the right layout, customize interfaces, and present relevant data to users.
Harnessing AI Tools for Consultants: Boosting Workflows with, AI tools, workflow optimization, consulting industry Discover the top AI tools transforming the consulting industry and how can enhance workflows, save time, and deliver better results for consultants and their clients.
Database vs. Spreadsheet: Making the Right Choice for Your Business with, database, spreadsheet, data management Understand the differences between databases and spreadsheets and make the right choice for your business with Explore the advantages of databases for complex use cases and data management.'s Latest Updates: Empowering Sales and Marketing Teams, product updates, sales, marketing, AI playbooks Stay up-to-date with the latest features and updates from Discover how these updates empower sales and marketing teams with enhanced prospecting, reporting, and AI playbooks.

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
The Best Language Models for AI-Powered Chat Software AI language models, chat software, conversational AI Discover the top language models that are transforming the way we communicate with AI-powered chat software. Explore the benefits and features of these models and how they are revolutionizing conversations.
How to Drive Digital Sales with Conversational Solutions digital sales, conversational solutions, AI Learn how the shift in buyer-seller interactions in the digital era has changed the sales landscape. Discover how leveraging conversational solutions and AI can help businesses drive digital sales and provide a frictionless buying experience.
Transforming Banking Customer Service with ChatGPT banking customer service, ChatGPT, generative AI Find out how generative AI and ChatGPT technologies are revolutionizing banking customer service experiences. Learn about the advantages of using these technologies and how they improve customer service in ways traditional methods cannot.
The Power of ChatGPT DALL-E 3 for Image Generation ChatGPT DALL-E 3, image generation, text-to-image Explore the advanced capabilities of ChatGPT DALL-E 3 for image generation. Discover its unique features, use cases, and how it outperforms older image generators.
Enhancing Customer Support with Facebook Chatbots Facebook chatbots, customer support, AI Learn how artificial intelligence and Facebook chatbots can improve customer support. Discover how chatbots can assist with common queries, generate leads, and provide a better customer experience.
Harnessing the Power of AI Workflow Automation AI workflow automation, productivity, no-code Discover how AI workflow automation can streamline processes and increase productivity. Learn about its applications across industries and how it enables small businesses to compete with larger competitors.
From Robotic Chatbots to Human-like Conversational Agents chatbots, conversational agents, human-like interactions Understand the importance of creating chatbots that sound natural and human. Explore the evolution of chatbots and how they can resonate with users by mimicking human-like interactions.
Chatbot vs. Live Chat: Choosing the Right Customer Service Solution chatbot, live chat, customer service Compare the benefits of chatbots and live chat for customer service. Learn which solution is better suited for different customer service scenarios and how to choose the right option for your business.
The Latest Updates in Drift for Improved Customer Support Drift updates, customer support, automated rep availability Discover the latest updates in Drift that enhance customer support. Learn about features like automated rep availability and how they improve the customer experience.
What's New in July 2023 updates, progress bar, home screen redesign Explore the latest updates in for improved productivity and user experience. Learn about the new progress bar feature, redesigned home screen, and other enhancements.
The Power of ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis for Simplifying Tasks ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis, data analysis, automation Learn how ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis simplifies data analysis tasks without coding. Discover its features, capabilities, and use cases that save time and effort in data analysis.
The Impact of Tesla's FSD Subscription Price Cut Tesla, FSD subscription, autonomous driving Explore the impact of Tesla's price cut on Full Self-Driving (FSD) subscription. Learn about the implications for Tesla customers and the autonomous driving industry.
The Future of Cryptocurrency Amid SEC Scrutiny cryptocurrency, SEC, Coinbase Understand the tension between cryptocurrency platforms and regulators like the SEC. Learn how legal battles and SEC scrutiny are shaping the future of cryptocurrency.
Momofuku's Trademark Controversy: Lessons in Brand Protection Momofuku, trademark controversy, brand protection Discover the lessons learned from Momofuku's trademark controversy and the importance of brand protection. Learn how businesses can navigate trademark issues and protect their brand identity.
How to Make Your Chatbot Provide Accurate Answers chatbot, accuracy, structured data Learn how to ensure your chatbot provides accurate answers for structured data queries. Explore the importance of organizing data in tables and how it improves chatbot performance.
How to Welcome New Team Members for Success team onboarding, new hires, company culture Discover effective strategies for welcoming new team members and setting them up for success. Learn how to create a positive onboarding experience and foster a strong company culture.
Smartsheet Project Management: Features, Pricing, and Benefits Smartsheet, project management, productivity Explore the features, pricing, and benefits of Smartsheet for project management. Learn how Smartsheet can improve productivity and coordination in project teams.

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
From Robot to Human: Enhancing the Naturalness of Your Chatbot Conversations chatbot, natural language processing, user engagement This article explores the importance of making chatbots sound more natural and human-like. It discusses the challenges of creating human-like interactions and provides strategies and techniques to enhance the naturalness of chatbot conversations. The article also highlights the benefits of engaging users in meaningful conversations and how it can improve user experiences.
AI Tools for Consultants: Boosting Productivity and Efficiency AI tools, consultant workflow, productivity This article showcases the top AI tools specifically designed for consultants to enhance their workflows and increase productivity. It discusses the various AI technologies available in the market and their applications in the consulting industry. The article also provides insights on how consultants can select the right AI tool based on their specific needs and requirements.
The Power of Transparency in Leadership: Building Trust and Fostering Collaboration transparency, leadership, trust, collaboration This article delves into the importance of leading with transparency in organizations. It explores how transparency can build trust among employees, foster collaboration, and improve overall organizational culture. The article provides practical tips and strategies for leaders to embrace transparency and create a more open and inclusive work environment.
Celebrating Excellence: Introducing the Winners of AITable's Annual Awards AITable, Driftie Awards, customer success stories This article highlights the winners of AITable's annual awards, recognizing their exceptional use of the platform and their achievements in utilizing AI-powered solutions. It showcases the success stories of these winners and how they have leveraged AITable to drive positive outcomes in their businesses.
AI-Enhanced Complaint Analysis: Revolutionizing Customer Feedback Management AI-enhanced complaint analysis, customer feedback, automation This article explores how AI-enhanced complaint analysis is transforming the way businesses manage and analyze customer feedback. It discusses the benefits of using AI technology to automate complaint analysis, improve efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. The article also highlights AITable's comprehensive analytics capabilities in complaint analysis with privacy features.
Unveiling the New AITable: Taking Bot-Building to the Next Level AITable, bot-building platform, ChatGPT-native This article announces the launch of the new AITable, a revolutionary bot-building platform that is ChatGPT-native at its core. It discusses the unique features and capabilities of the new platform, including its ability to create AI-powered automations, chatbots, assistants, and copilots with ease. The article also emphasizes the advantages of using AITable over traditional bot-building tools.
AI in Retail and eCommerce: Transforming Customer Experiences AI in retail, AI in eCommerce, personalized shopping experiences This article explores how AI is transforming the retail and eCommerce industries, specifically in delivering personalized shopping experiences. It discusses the growing demand for personalized experiences among consumers and the role of AI in meeting those expectations. The article also provides strategies and best practices for businesses looking to adopt AI in their retail and eCommerce operations.
Supercharging Sales: Leveraging Conversational Solutions and AI conversational solutions, AI in sales, frictionless buying experience This article highlights how businesses can leverage conversational solutions and AI to deliver a frictionless buying experience. It discusses the changing dynamics of buyer-seller interactions and the role of AI in enabling remote and self-service interactions. The article provides insights on how businesses can use conversational solutions and AI to meet buyer expectations and drive sales.
The Future of Database Management: Databases vs. Spreadsheets database management, spreadsheets, data organization This article compares the differences between databases and spreadsheets in terms of data management and organization. It highlights the limitations of spreadsheets and the advantages of using databases for complex use cases. The article also discusses the future trends in database management, including the rise of no-code solutions and increased adoption of AI-powered tools.
AI-Driven Revenue Forecasting for SaaS Companies revenue forecasting, SaaS companies, AI-powered forecasting This article explores the importance of revenue forecasting for SaaS companies and how AI can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of the forecasting process. It discusses the challenges faced by SaaS companies in revenue forecasting and provides insights on various methods and best practices for improving accuracy. The article also introduces AITable's AI-based tool for revenue forecasting.



