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2024-05-27 00:16:32

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2024-05-27 MON

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  1. 金融数据可视化:正确的方法 金融数据可视化是一种强大的工具,可以简化决策过程。学习如何在几个点击中创建有效的仪表板。 解锁金融数据可视化的力量可以改变企业分析和传递复杂信息的方式。通过有效的可视化,公司可以简化决策过程,增强利益相关者之间的合作,并最终推动更好的业务结果。你准备好利用这个具有改变游戏规则潜力的工具了吗?

主要观点: - 金融数据可视化对于向利益相关者提供对复杂金融数据的易于理解的见解至关重要。 - 可视化金融数据通常是预测收入的第一步。 - 常见的金融可视化类型包括条形图、折线图、散点图和热力图,可以有效传达信息。 - vika维格云提供了一个全面的解决方案,用于创建有效的金融数据可视化,使用户能够获取可操作的见解并提升业绩。

  1. ChatGPT:革新银行体验 了解ChatGPT如何改变银行客户服务体验,创造引人入胜和直观的用户体验。 在今天的数字世界中,银行业面临着越来越大的压力,要提供更个性化、更具对话性的客户体验。为了应对这一挑战,许多金融机构正在转向生成式人工智能和ChatGPT技术,以革新其客户服务体验。生成式人工智能能够生成自然语言对话,为客户创造引人入胜和直观的用户界面,同时为银行提供更好地了解用户需求的强大工具。


ChatGPT如何帮助? ChatGPT是一个由生成式人工智能驱动的开放平台,允许用户快速构建个性化的对话和交流。

  1. 最佳大型语言模型概览 寻找市场上最佳的大型语言模型?了解正在改变我们处理和分析语言方式的顶尖模型。 人工智能在最近几年取得了重大进展。得益于自然语言处理(NLP)的最新进展,我们正在进入一个新的对话式人工智能解决方案时代。你对当前最强大的语言模型感到好奇吗?在本文中,我们将探讨最强大的基于人工智能的聊天软件系统,并讨论它们如何革新我们的交流方式。

最佳高科技大型语言模型: - GPT-3:最强大的语言模型之一 - GPT-3是OpenAI开发的一种极具影响力的模型,在该领域具有1750亿个参数。GPT-3展示了卓越的能力,可以生成具有创造性和逻辑性的文本,几乎可以模拟人类的写作风格和思维方式。

  1. UX、心理学和机器人——如何编写聊天机器人脚本【包含示例】 编写聊天机器人脚本?探索基于心理学和用户体验研究的12种技巧,帮助你吸引用户进行聊天交流。 UX、心理学和机器人——如何编写聊天机器人脚本【包含示例】 =======================================================================

  2. 建立支持LGBTIQ成员的团队文化 协作时间,取消团队头脑风暴。结果表明,头脑风暴通常是浪费时间的,至少根据Sheena Iyengar教授的说法。

  3. 对话式银行:如何在首次互动中解决问题 现代客户需要即时答案。通过对话式银行策略,可以实现这一目标,提高用户满意度。 你可能已经知道聊天机器人通过提供即时响应改变了客户服务行业。但是大多数情况下,它们无法真正回应用户需求,可能会降低整体用户满意度。




  1. 如何利用Facebook聊天机器人提升客户支持 希望增强您的客户服务?了解如何通过Facebook聊天机器人改进客户支持流程。

成功的企业不断寻求创新解决方案来满足客户的期望。通过利用Facebook消息发送的流行度和便利性,Messenger聊天机器人可以革新客户支持。您是否正在寻找改进客户支持服务的方法?通过使用Facebook Messenger聊天机器人,您可以自动化和增强客户支持,确保及时的帮助,提高运营效率。在本文中,我们探讨了Facebook Messenger聊天机器人在增强客户支持方面的作用以及自动化的好处。

Facebook聊天机器人是什么? Facebook聊天机器人是自动化的软件程序,可以与用户进行实时、一对一的对话。

  1. 全新的Botpress:基于GPT的机器人构建平台 全新的Botpress是一个完全重新设计的机器人构建平台,其核心是ChatGPT,是连接您的应用程序和内容与LLM的最便捷方式,用于创建自己的自动化、聊天机器人、助手或副驾驶员。 我们非常高兴地宣布全新的Botpress发布!(立即可用


  1. 释放ChatGPT,构建加速的聊天机器人和个人副驾驶员,自动化复杂的多人工作流程。
  2. 结束基于糟糕的按钮和意图的机器人时代,这些机器人需要大量的训练数据。


  1. 在SaaS市场上蓬勃发展的应用开发人员指南 今天的SaaS应用市场为客户提供了扩展SaaS平台能力的复杂工具。但是由于有太多的应用可供选择,客户面临着选择困难。



  1. 以Drift更加努力、更加优化、更加高效地工作 "更加努力、更加优化、更加高效地工作,使我们更强大。如今,工作从不结束。"Daft Punk的歌词表达得很好:工作从不结束。但这是真的吗?如果您只关注对业务产生影响的活动,是否工作仍然没有结束并且变得更好呢?


想知道如何做到这一点吗?让我用Daft Punk的歌词为您解释👇 1. 更加努力 更加努力并不一定意味着做更多的事情或加班。相反,它意味着将高质量的工作投入到对您的业务最重要的任务中。对于销售团队来说,实时聊天、AI销售助手和买家意向数据提供商都是很好的工具,可以帮助他们优先处理工作。

  1. 全面指南:对话式营销 想要提升您的营销战略?了解如何利用最新技术与您的受众建立有意义的连接。 由下一代聊天机器人构建技术驱动的对话式营销工具已成为营销领域的一项重大变革。通过进行有意义的对话,这些人工智能工具可以建立个人联系,培养信任,并在更深层次上了解客户需求。您是否希望与您的客户建立真实的关系?本全面指南探讨了如何利用这种新颖的营销方法来建立信任和忠诚度、了解客户需求、提升客户体验等等。

什么是对话式营销? 对话式营销是一种以客户为中心的方法,强调企业与客户之间的实时、一对一的联系。

  1. 多样化的Airtable视图为内容营销团队提供了更多选择 通过独特的方式查看您的工作,提升制作、团队管理和资产审查能力。




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  2. "Not all industries have the same CRM needs. Find out how can provide industry-specific solutions to help you streamline your business processes. #CRM #IndustrySpecific #AITable"

  3. "Struggling to choose the best interface layout for your project?'s Interface Designer offers a variety of prebuilt layouts to save you time and effort. #InterfaceDesign #AITable"

  4. "Unlock the power of AI with's ChatGPT DALL-E 3. Explore its advanced image generation capabilities and unique ability to produce readable text. #AI #ImageGeneration #AITable"

  5. "Congratulations to the winners of the inaugural Driftie Awards! Discover how these companies and individuals are leveraging's solutions to drive success. #DriftieAwards #SuccessStories #AITable"

  6. "Choosing the right conversational technology for your enterprise company can be challenging. Learn how can help you automate customer service and gain a competitive edge. #ConversationalAI #CustomerService #AITable"

  7. "Discover the groundbreaking AI use cases in life sciences. See how is revolutionizing drug discovery, clinical trials, and personalized medicine. #AI #LifeSciences #AITable"

  8. "Give your chatbot a personality with Learn how to create authentic connections with your audience and enhance your customer support process. #ChatbotPersonality #CustomerSupport #AITable"

  9. "Maximize every opportunity with potential customers by implementing lead distribution strategies. Find out how can help you nurture each lead effectively. #LeadDistribution #Sales #AITable"

  10. "Stay up to date with the latest features and improvements in From star favorites on the home screen to progress bars, discover how we're enhancing your user experience. #NewFeatures #UserExperience #AITable"


  1. Boost your consulting workflow and productivity with AI tools tailored for consultants. Stay ahead of the curve and deliver cutting-edge solutions to your clients. #AItools #Consultants #Productivity

  2. Want to supercharge your customer engagement? Discover how Conversational AI can transform your customer experience and keep your customers satisfied. #CustomerEngagement #ConversationalAI #CX

  3. Designing an effective relational database? Follow these tips to easily modify and maintain your database structure while finding information more efficiently. #DatabaseDesign #RelationalDatabase

  4. Exciting news from! Our latest features empower sales and marketing teams, helping them become more efficient and effective. Stay ahead of the competition with our AI-powered tools. #ProductUpdate #AI #SalesandMarketing

  5. Looking for a project management tool? Say goodbye to complex spreadsheets and hello to Plan, coordinate, and track tasks with ease. #ProjectManagement

  6. Naming your chatbot is crucial for creating an engaging user experience. Check out our tips and creative name ideas to make your chatbot stand out from the crowd. #Chatbot #UserExperience #Naming

  7. Stay up to date with the latest features and improvements in From star favorites to progress bars, we've got you covered. #ProductUpdate

  8. Building an inclusive environment in your team? Discover strategies to create a high-performance team and increase sales productivity. #TeamBuilding #SalesProductivity

  9. Unlock the potential of your business with ChatGPT and revolutionize the banking experience. Discover how AI-powered chatbots are transforming customer service. #ChatGPT #Banking #CustomerService

  10. Want to engage users with your chatbot script? Learn 12 techniques based on psychology and UX studies that will help you create compelling conversations. #ChatbotScript #UserEngagement #Psychology

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

| Title | Keywords

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
如何選擇最適合的企業級AI工具? 企業級AI,, 免費Airtable替代品, 數據分析工具
- 為什麼企業需要使用AI工具
- AITable.ai作為企業級AI工具的優點和功能
- 如何選擇最適合企業的AI工具
Title Keywords Outline
智能聊天機器人在電商運營中的應用 智能聊天機器人, 電商運營管理, 在線客服機器人
- 電商運營中的問題和挑戰
- 智能聊天機器人在電商運營中的作用和優勢
- 如何有效應用智能聊天機器人提升電商運營效率
Title Keywords Outline
AI技術如何改善銀行業的客戶體驗 AI技術, 銀行業, 客戶體驗
- 銀行業面臨的客戶體驗問題
- AI技術在銀行業的應用和優勢
- AI技術如何改善銀行業的客戶體驗
Title Keywords Outline
如何寫一個引人入勝的聊天機器人腳本 聊天機器人, 智能聊天機器人, UX, 心理學
- 聊天機器人的重要性和應用場景
- 如何根據心理學和UX研究寫一個引人入勝的聊天機器人腳本
- 聊天機器人腳本的實例和技巧
Title Keywords Outline
AI如何改變零售和電子商務中的客戶體驗 AI, 零售, 電子商務, 客戶體驗
- 零售和電子商務行業的客戶體驗挑戰
- AI在零售和電子商務中的應用和效果
- 如何運用AI提升零售和電子商務的客戶體驗
Title Keywords Outline
如何選擇最適合的項目管理工具 項目管理, 敏捷項目管理,, 免費Airtable替代品
- 項目管理的重要性和需求
- AITable.ai作為項目管理工具的優點和功能
- 如何選擇最適合項目管理的工具
Title Keywords Outline
個人ChatGPT如何提升工作效率 個人ChatGPT,, 自動化工具
- 自動化工具在個人工作中的作用和優勢
- 個人ChatGPT作為自動化工具的功能和應用場景
- 如何有效使用個人ChatGPT提升工作效率
Title Keywords Outline
虛擬客服代理如何提升客戶服務 虛擬客服代理, 在線客服機器人, AI助手
- 客戶服務中的問題和挑戰
- 虛擬客服代理在客戶服務中的作用和優勢
- 如何有效應用虛擬客服代理提升客戶服務質量
Title Keywords Outline
如何選擇最適合的數據分析工具 數據分析工具,, 數據可視化
- 數據分析工具的重要性和需求
- AITable.ai作為數據分析工具的優點和功能
- 如何選擇最適合數據分析的工具

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
AI-powered Data Analysis: Unlocking Insights with AITable AI-powered data analysis, data insights, AITable - Why AI-powered data analysis is crucial for businesses
- What is AITable and how it revolutionizes data analysis
- How AITable unlocks valuable insights for businesses
Boosting Sales Efficiency with AITable CRM AITable CRM, sales efficiency, customer relationship management - The importance of efficient CRM in sales
- How AITable CRM improves sales efficiency
- Benefits of AITable CRM for businesses
The Future of Conversational Marketing with AITable Conversational marketing, AITable, customer engagement - The rise of conversational marketing
- How AITable enhances customer engagement
- Future trends in conversational marketing
AI in Life Sciences: Transforming Healthcare with AITable AI in life sciences, healthcare innovation, AITable - The impact of AI in life sciences
- Use cases of AI in healthcare
- How AITable revolutionizes healthcare industry
Streamline Project Management with AITable Gantt AITable Gantt, project management, productivity tools - The importance of efficient project management
- How AITable Gantt improves project efficiency
- Benefits of AITable Gantt for project management
Elevating Customer Support with AITable Chatbots AITable chatbots, customer support, automation - The role of chatbots in customer support
- How AITable chatbots enhance customer support
- Benefits of AITable chatbots for businesses
The Power of AI Automation: Boosting Productivity with AITable AI automation, productivity tools, AITable - The benefits of AI automation in business
- How AITable AI automation improves productivity
- Future trends in AI automation
AITable vs Competitors: Choosing the Right Productivity Tool AITable, productivity tools, comparison - Comparison of AITable with competing productivity tools
- Key features and advantages of AITable
- How to choose the right productivity tool
The Art of Design: Creating Engaging Interfaces with AITable AITable interface design, user experience, design principles - Importance of engaging interfaces in software
- How AITable's Interface Designer simplifies design process
- Best practices for AITable interface design
AI Ethics in the Digital Age: Ensuring Responsible AI Use AI ethics, responsible AI, AITable - The significance of AI ethics in the digital age
- AITable's commitment to responsible AI use
- Ensuring ethical AI practices with AITable

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
Boosting Productivity: How Transforms Workflows for Consultants, productivity tools, consultants, AI automation In this article, we will explore how revolutionizes workflows for consultants. We will discuss the challenges faced by consultants and how provides a solution through its AI automation features. We will also provide practical tips on how consultants can maximize their productivity using, ultimately delivering better results for their clients.
The Power of Conversational AI: Enhancing Customer Engagement with, conversational AI, customer engagement Learn how's conversational AI capabilities can transform customer engagement. We will delve into the importance of delivering a top-notch customer experience and how can help achieve that. Discover the benefits of using conversational AI and practical strategies for maximizing customer engagement with
Designing an Effective Relational Database with, relational database, database design Dive into the world of database design with We will discuss the fundamentals of a relational database and how can help you design an effective database structure. Learn the benefits of a well-designed database and gain practical insights on maximizing the use of for database management.
What's New from September Product Updates and Features, product updates, features Stay up-to-date with the latest product updates and features from Discover how these new additions enhance productivity and streamline workflows for users. We will provide an overview of the key updates and highlight the benefits they bring to users.
Revolutionizing Banking: How ChatGPT Transforms the Customer Experience ChatGPT, banking, customer experience Explore the transformative power of ChatGPT in the banking industry. Discover how ChatGPT enhances the customer experience by providing personalized and intuitive interactions. We will discuss real-world examples of ChatGPT in banking and the benefits it brings to both customers and financial institutions.
Crafting Engaging Chatbot Scripts with, chatbot scripts, user engagement Learn the art of crafting engaging chatbot scripts with We will explore psychological and UX techniques that can help you create chatbot scripts that captivate users and drive meaningful conversations. Gain practical tips and examples to enhance user engagement with chatbots.
Maximizing Sales Team Productivity: Strategies and Tools with, sales team productivity, tools Unlock the full potential of your sales team with We will discuss strategies for maximizing sales team productivity and how can support these efforts. Explore the tools and features offered by that can empower your sales team to achieve better results.
The Future of Conversational AI: Evolving Chatbot Journeys with, conversational AI, chatbot journeys Discover the future of conversational AI with We will explore how chatbot journeys have evolved to provide personalized and automated experiences for users. Dive into the capabilities of in creating sophisticated chatbot journeys that deliver exceptional user experiences.
The Latest News in Canada: Recalls, Innovations, and More Canada news, recalls, innovations Stay updated with the latest news in Canada. We will cover a range of topics including recalls, innovations, and noteworthy events happening across the country. Get informed about the latest developments and trends in various industries and sectors.
The Impact of Global Tax Deals: Insights from Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Global tax deals, Janet Yellen, international relations Gain insights into the impact of global tax deals with a focus on comments from Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. We will explore the unresolved issues in international tax agreements and the implications for countries like the US, India, and China. Stay informed about the ongoing discussions and negotiations in the realm of global taxation.



