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2024-06-24 00:14:46

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2024-06-24 MON

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  1. 你知道什么是关系型数据库吗?无论是大型还是小型组织,都需要关系型数据库来存储、管理和分析重要信息。想要更好地利用数据库,我们为您分享了四个设计技巧。优秀的数据库设计可以带来多重好处:首先,数据库结构易于修改和维护,可以适应工作流程的变化;其次,数据库结构合理,便于快速查找所需信息,提升查询效率;最重要的是,通过避免冗余字段和表的设计,您可以避免数据混乱和信息错误。如果您对关系型数据库设计感兴趣,不妨点击链接了解更多详情。

  2. 在如今数字化的世界中,银行业正面临越来越大的压力,要求提供个性化和富有对话性的客户体验。为了应对这一挑战,许多金融机构开始采用生成式人工智能和ChatGPT技术,以改变他们的客户服务体验。生成式人工智能可以生成自然语言对话,为客户提供引人入胜、直观易用的用户界面,同时也为银行更好地了解用户需求提供了强大的工具。在本文中,我们将探讨使用生成式人工智能和ChatGPT在银行业的优势,以及它如何以传统方法无法比拟的方式改善客户服务体验。

  3. 在Driftie Awards 2023年度颁奖典礼上,我们见证了一群充满创造力和经验的营销、销售和客户服务专业人士的辛勤努力。我们对这些人的成就给予了高度的认可。因此,我们特别举办了Driftie Awards,旨在表彰我们最优秀、最有才华的客户,他们在使用Drift时展现出了惊人的创意和实战经验。经过我们内部Drift专家组的细致甄选,我们评选出了六个得奖者,无论是企业还是个人,他们的使用方式都让我们惊叹不已。现在,让我们一起揭晓首届Driftie Awards的获奖者!首个获奖公司是SAP Concur,他们展现的团队合作精神令人难以忘怀。

  4. 您是否知道在CRM中集成聊天机器人可以大幅提升销售量?CRM不仅能够记录客户和潜在客户的联系信息,还能提供数据分析和自动化任务的功能。而将CRM与聊天机器人进行集成已经成为商业界的现实。通过智能机器人与系统之间的交流,您的公司能够获得巨大的好处。当然,合理使用这两种工具之间的集成才能发挥最大的效果。想要了解这两种工具之间的集成如何运作吗?请继续阅读本文,了解更多信息!

  5. 人工智能(AI)和增强现实(AR)的协同作用已经改变了企业的运营方式以及用户与数字和现实环境的互动方式。AI模拟人类智能的能力和AR增强真实世界物体的能力,使企业能够利用这些技术解决问题、预测未来并创建沉浸式体验。本指南探讨了AI和AR的动态融合,深入探讨了它们在各个行业的应用,并揭示了正在塑造我们现实的重要进展。

  6. 想要提升您的聊天机器人体验吗?本指南将为您解释如何使聊天机器人更加自然,并展示如何开展有意义的对话以吸引用户。聊天机器人已经成为在线沟通渠道中不可或缺的一部分。这些由AI驱动的助手不再仅仅是回答基本问题的工具,它们已经发展成为复杂的对话代理,旨在模仿与人类的互动。然而,要创建与用户真正产生共鸣的聊天机器人,必须使其听起来自然而人性化。在本文中,我们将探讨从机器人式聊天机器人到类人对话代理的过程。

  7. 您是否曾经遇到过忘记回复重要客户邮件的尴尬时刻?那封非常重要的邮件,您竟然忘记回复了。这种情况如何避免呢?共享收件箱可以帮助您的团队节省时间和提高效率。让我们一起探讨如何使用共享收件箱来提高团队的工作效率,避免重要邮件遗漏的尴尬。

  8. 工作永远不会结束,但是如果您只专注于推动业务发展的关键活动,工作是否真的可以结束并变得更好呢?答案是肯定的。G2近日发布了2023年春季奖项,我们非常高兴地看到Drift在九个类别中被评为领导者!而这九个类别的目标都是为了减少将业务推向最佳状态所需的时间和成本。想要了解更多详情吗?让我用Daft Punk的歌词为您解释。

  9. 想要了解如何在Airtable公式中使用IF函数吗?IF函数(有时也被称为“IF语句”)可能听起来很吓人,但实际上它们是数据库和电子表格中最常用的函数之一,可以为公司提供有关数据的深入洞察。在公式中,IF函数允许您比较输入并根据结果为真或为假采取不同的行动。IF的概念在各种逻辑选择中都会出现。例如:“如果我按照黄色砖路走,我就能见到绿野仙踪中的奥兹大师。”如果输入为真,您将按照黄色的路线走并看到奥兹大师。如果输入为假,您选择不按照那条路走,那么您将完全看不到奥兹大师。

  10. 传统的产品开发流程通常需要大量时间用于研究、设计和测试,然后才能进行产品发布。现在,您不再需要拘泥于这种冗长的流程。敏捷产品管理可以帮助您更快地推出产品,并根据用户反馈进行迭代。敏捷方法的核心是快速响应变化和持续交付价值,这种方法已经在许多企业中得到了广泛应用。如果您想要了解更多关于敏捷产品管理的信息,不妨继续阅读本文。


  1. "Is your company stuck with just one product? Learn three steps to take your business to the next level with #ProductDevelopment #BusinessGrowth"

  2. "Chatbot automation is revolutionizing the way we do business. Discover how you can make it work for your company with #ChatbotAutomation #AI"

  3. "Looking for the latest updates in productivity tools? Check out what's new with in July 2023. #ProductivityTools #NewFeatures"

  4. "Discover the best large language models available today and how they're transforming the way we communicate. #AI #LanguageModels #ChatGPT"

  5. "Integrating chatbots with CRMs can significantly increase your sales volume. Find out how it works with #CRM #Chatbots #Automation"

  6. "Banking customer service experiences are being revolutionized by ChatGPT technologies. Learn how is leading the way. #ChatGPT #BankingExperience"

  7. "Drive more pipeline with Learn pro tips from super users on how to boost revenue. #SalesTips #PipelineGeneration"

  8. "Unlock the power of artificial intelligence and augmented reality with Explore the ultimate guide to AI and AR. #AI #AR #Technology"

  9. "Get your buyers on the revenue freeway with Discover how digital sales tips can accelerate your sales process. #DigitalSales #BuyersJourney"

  10. "Looking for the best work management solution? Compare with other popular options like Notion and #WorkManagement #Productivity"


  1. Boost your small business growth and improve customer satisfaction with AI-powered chatbots. Discover the benefits today! #SmallBusiness #Chatbots #AI #AITable

  2. Can't decide between project management tools? Compare and Trello to find the best fit for your business. #ProjectManagement #AITable #Trello

  3. Increase sales team productivity and maximize results with these five infallible practices. Learn more now! #SalesProductivity #TeamManagement #AITable

  4. Notion or Find out which work management solution is right for your business. #WorkManagement #Notion #Mondaydotcom #AITable

  5. Introducing the new Botpress: a GPT-native bot-building platform. Revolutionize your automation with AI-powered chatbots. #Botpress #GPTnative #AITable

  6. Chatbot vs Live Chat: Which one is best for your business? Explore the pros and cons to make an informed decision. #Chatbot #LiveChat #CustomerService #AITable

  7. Looking for a Salesforce alternative? Discover why businesses are turning to for smarter data-driven decisions. #Salesforce #CRM #AITable

  8. Take your chatbot to the next level by making it sound natural and engaging. Learn how in our latest guide. #Chatbot #AI #AITable

  9. AI is transforming the retail and eCommerce industry. Stay ahead of the competition with these strategies. #AI #CustomerExperience #Retail #AITable

  10. Harness the power of AI workflow automation and elevate your business productivity without more human effort. #AI #WorkflowAutomation #Productivity #AITable

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
如何设计有效的关系型数据库 关系型数据库, 数据库设计, 数据库管理 在这篇文章中,我们将分享四个设计提示,帮助您充分利用关系型数据库。我们将探讨关系型数据库的定义、它们的优势以及如何设计一个易于修改和维护的数据库结构。通过遵循这些设计原则,您可以更轻松地查询和管理数据库,提高工作效率。
ChatGPT:颠覆银行体验的未来 ChatGPT, 银行客户服务, 人工智能 这篇文章将介绍ChatGPT在银行业中的应用,以及它如何改善传统方法无法解决的客户服务体验问题。我们将讨论ChatGPT在银行业中的优势,并探讨如何利用它来创造更具吸引力和直观的用户界面,同时帮助银行更好地了解用户的需求。
2023 Driftie Awards 获奖者介绍 Driftie Awards, 营销, 销售, 客户服务 这篇文章将介绍2023年Driftie Awards的获奖者。我们将分享他们在使用Drift平台时取得的卓越成就,并向这些营销、销售和客户服务专业人士致以崇高的敬意。这些获奖者是通过他们对Drift的创造性使用而脱颖而出,展示了他们在与买家和客户互动中的无限创意和丰富经验。
CRM与聊天机器人的集成:为什么应该结合这两个工具? CRM, 聊天机器人, 自动化, 销售, 营销 这篇文章将介绍CRM和聊天机器人之间的集成,以及结合这两个工具可以显著提高销售业绩的原因。我们将讨论CRM的功能和优势,以及聊天机器人的作用和应用场景。通过深入了解这两个工具的集成方式,您可以更好地利用它们,增加销售量和提升客户体验。
人工智能(AI)和增强现实(AR)终极指南 人工智能, 增强现实, 应用场景 这篇综合指南将帮助您了解人工智能(AI)和增强现实(AR)的基本概念和应用。我们将探讨这两个领域在各行各业的应用场景,并介绍它们如何改变企业运营和用户体验。通过深入了解AI和AR的基础知识,您可以更好地把握这些令人兴奋的领域的发展趋势。
聊天机器人命名的科学:如何为您的机器人取名 聊天机器人, 品牌, 用户体验 这篇文章将探讨聊天机器人命名的科学,以及如何为您的机器人取一个能够区分其他机器人的独特名字。我们将分享一些命名的最佳实践,并提供一些示例,帮助您更好地理解如何为您的机器人取一个既有个性又能人性化的名字。通过正确命名您的机器人,您可以增强您的品牌形象,并在用户心中留下深刻印象。
未来的数字营销趋势 内容个性化, SEO, 人工智能 这篇文章将介绍未来的数字营销趋势,包括内容个性化、SEO和人工智能的应用。我们将探讨这些趋势对企业成功的关键作用,以及它们如何正在塑造数字营销的未来。通过了解这些趋势,您可以更好地规划和实施数字营销策略,提高市场竞争力。
为企业选择最佳对话技术的方法 对话技术, 企业级AI, 智能助手 这篇文章将帮助您选择适合企业的对话技术。我们将介绍不同类型的对话技术,并帮助您找到最适合您公司需求的技术。通过正确选择对话技术,您可以为客户提供更好的服务体验,提高运营效率,并获得竞争优势。
酒店聊天机器人指南 酒店聊天机器人, 客户体验, 人工智能 这篇指南将介绍酒店聊天机器人的最新发展和应用。我们将探讨酒店聊天机器人如何提供便利、奢华和个性化的服务体验,以及它们如何满足不同类型客人的需求。通过了解酒店聊天机器人的优势和功能,您可以更好地利用这项技术,提升酒店的客户体验。
从机器人到人类 如何使聊天机器人更具人性化 这篇文章将介绍如何使聊天机器人更具人性化,并如何在对话中与用户进行有意义的交流。我们将探讨从机器人到人类的过渡过程,并分享一些改善聊天机器人交互的最佳实践。通过使聊天机器人更具人性化,您可以提高用户体验,并建立更紧密的联系和关系。
如何通过共享收件箱节省团队时间 共享收件箱, 团队协作, 时间管理 这篇文章将介绍如何通过共享收件箱来节省团队时间。我们将讨论共享收件箱的优势,以及如何正确使用它来提高团队的协作和效率。通过合理利用共享收件箱,您可以更好地管理团队的工作流程,提高工作效率和时间管理能力。

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline企業級AI解決方案的最佳選擇, 企業級AI, 自動化吸客, A.I. 化生意系統 - 為什麼企業需要AI解決方案
- AITable.ai的功能和優勢
- 如何利用AITable.ai實現自動化吸客和A.I. 化生意系統
了解市場運營管理的最新趨勢 市場運營管理, 數字化轉型, 數據可視化 - 市場運營管理的重要性
- 最新的市場運營管理趨勢
- 如何實現數字化轉型和數據可視化
ChatGPT和企業市場運營的結合 ChatGPT, 企業市場運營, 智能聊天機器人 - ChatGPT在企業市場運營中的應用
- 如何利用ChatGPT提升企業市場運營效率
- ChatGPT和智能聊天機器人的未來發展
如何利用AI自動化應答系統提升客戶服務 AI自動化應答系統, 自動化客服, 在線客服機器人 - AI自動化應答系統的優勢和功能
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如何將ChatGPT應用於內容營銷 ChatGPT, 內容營銷, 智能聊天機器人 - ChatGPT在內容營銷中的應用場景
- 如何利用ChatGPT創造有吸引力的內容
- ChatGPT和智能聊天機器人在內容營銷中的未來發展下一代企業CRM系統, 企業CRM系統, 客戶管理 - 企業CRM系統的重要性和功能
- AITable.ai作為下一代企業CRM系統的優勢
- 如何利用AITable.ai實現客戶管理和提升業務效率
如何利用AI自動化營銷軟件優化營銷策略 AI自動化營銷軟件, 個人ChatGPT, A.I. 化生意系統 - AI自動化營銷軟件在營銷策略中的應用
- 如何利用AI自動化營銷軟件優化營銷效果
- AI自動化營銷軟件和個人ChatGPT的未來發展

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
Three steps to take your company out of the one-product... Product life cycle, company growth, diversify - Why it's important to diversify your company's product offerings
- What steps to take to expand beyond one product
- How to navigate the challenges and risks of diversification
- Case studies of successful companies that have diversified their product lines
What is Chatbot Automation and How Can You Make It Work? Chatbot automation, business automation - The benefits of chatbot automation for businesses
- How to implement chatbot automation effectively
- Best practices for optimizing chatbot performance
- Real-world examples of successful chatbot automation implementations
What’s new in AITable: July 2023 AITable updates, productivity tools - Overview of the latest updates and features in AITable
- How these updates enhance productivity
- Step-by-step guide on how to use the new features
- User testimonials and success stories with the new AITable updates
The Best Large Language Models Available Today Large language models, AI-powered chat software - Introduction to large language models and their applications
- In-depth analysis of the best AI-powered chat software systems
- How these language models are transforming communication
- Real-world use cases and success stories
Integrations between chatbots and CRMs: why should you combine both tools? Chatbot-CRM integration, sales automation - The benefits of integrating chatbots and CRMs for sales and marketing
- How chatbots can enhance customer data collection and analysis
- Step-by-step guide on how to integrate chatbots with CRMs
- Real-world examples of successful chatbot-CRM integrations
ChatGPT to revolutionize the banking experience ChatGPT, banking customer service - The challenges of traditional banking customer service
- How ChatGPT is transforming the banking customer experience
- Case studies of banks that have successfully implemented ChatGPT
- Tips for implementing ChatGPT in banking
Drive More Pipeline with AITable: Pro Tips from 3 Super Users Sales pipeline, digital sales tips - The importance of a strong sales pipeline in today's business landscape
- Strategies for driving more pipeline using AITable
- Real-life success stories from AITable super users
- Pro tips for optimizing the use of AITable for pipeline generation
Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) AI, AR - An overview of AI and AR technologies
- How AI and AR are transforming various industries
- Use cases and success stories of AI and AR implementations
- The future prospects and potential of AI and AR technologies
Get Your Buyers on the Revenue Freeway with AITable Digital sales, buyer engagement - The changing dynamics of the buyer's journey in the digital era
- How AITable can help drive buyer engagement and revenue generation
- Strategies for leveraging AITable to create a frictionless buying experience
- Real-world examples of successful revenue generation with AITable
AITable: Best Competitor Alternative (Cheaper & Faster) AITable features, alternative to competitors - AITable's unique features and advantages over competitors
- Cost-effective pricing and affordability of AITable
- Success stories and testimonials from businesses that have switched to AITable
- AITable's roadmap and future plans for further improvement

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
How to Boost Small Business Growth with AI-powered Chatbots AI-powered chatbots, small business growth, customer satisfaction, automate tasks, improve customer service, increase sales Why-What-How: This article explores the benefits of AI-powered chatbots for small businesses and how they can contribute to growth and customer satisfaction. It discusses the automation of tasks, improvement of customer service, and increase in sales as key aspects of leveraging chatbots. Problem-Solution-Solving: The problem faced by small businesses is the need for efficient customer engagement and satisfaction. The solution lies in the implementation of AI-powered chatbots, which can automate tasks, improve customer service, and increase sales, thereby solving the problem and helping businesses achieve growth. vs. Competitor: Choosing the Best Productivity Tool for Your Business, productivity tools, comparison, features, usability Why-What-How: This article provides a comparison between and a competitor's productivity tool to help readers choose the best option for their business. It discusses the features and usability of both tools, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each. Problem-Solution-Solving: The problem faced by businesses is the difficulty in choosing the right productivity tool. The solution lies in comparing and a competitor's tool, assessing their features and usability, and making an informed decision based on the comparison.
Agile Product Management: Streamlining Processes for Efficient Product Development Agile product management, traditional product development, processes, best practices Why-What-How: This article delves into the world of agile product management and how it streamlines processes for efficient product development. It discusses the drawbacks of traditional product development and highlights the benefits of adopting agile practices. Problem-Solution-Solving: The problem faced by companies is the lengthy and inefficient process of traditional product development. The solution lies in adopting agile product management, which streamlines processes and allows for more efficient and effective product development.
How to Increase Sales Team Productivity and Maximize Results Sales team productivity, high performance team, sales productivity, employee engagement Why-What-How: This article provides valuable insights on increasing sales team productivity and creating a high-performance team. It discusses the importance of sales productivity, the steps needed to increase productivity, and the role of employee engagement. Problem-Solution-Solving: The problem faced by businesses is the need to increase sales team productivity. The solution lies in implementing strategies to increase productivity, such as setting clear goals, providing training and support, and fostering employee engagement, thereby maximizing results. vs. Notion: Which Work Management Solution is Right for Your Business?, Notion, work management solution, comparison, features, compatibility Why-What-How: This article compares and Notion as work management solutions to help businesses choose the right option. It discusses the features and compatibility of both tools, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. Problem-Solution-Solving: The problem faced by businesses is the difficulty in choosing the right work management solution. The solution lies in comparing and Notion, assessing their features and compatibility, and making an informed decision based on the comparison.
The New Era of Bot Building: Unveiling's GPT-native Platform, bot-building platform, GPT-native, automation, chatbots Why-What-How: This article introduces's GPT-native bot-building platform, revolutionizing the way bots are built. It explains the advantages of GPT-native technology and its impact on automation and chatbot development. Problem-Solution-Solving: The problem faced by businesses is the limitations of traditional bot-building platforms. The solution lies in adopting's GPT-native platform, which offers advanced automation and chatbot capabilities, solving the problem and enabling businesses to build more efficient and effective bots.
Chatbots vs. Live Chat: Finding the Best Customer Service Solution for Your Business Chatbots, Live Chat, customer service, comparison, pros and cons Why-What-How: This article compares chatbots and live chat as customer service solutions to help businesses find the best option. It discusses the pros and cons of each, highlighting their unique benefits and considerations. Problem-Solution-Solving: The problem faced by businesses is the dilemma of choosing between chatbots and live chat for customer service. The solution lies in comparing the two options, assessing their pros and cons, and making an informed decision based on the comparison. The Best Salesforce Alternative for Data-driven Decisions, Salesforce alternative, CRM, data-driven decisions Why-What-How: This article highlights as the best alternative to Salesforce for businesses looking to make data-driven decisions. It discusses the features and benefits of in comparison to Salesforce, emphasizing its affordability and compatibility. Problem-Solution-Solving: The problem faced by businesses is the need for a Salesforce alternative that offers comprehensive features and affordability. The solution lies in choosing, which provides generative business intelligence, streamlined data analysis, and industry-agnostic compatibility at a more affordable price.
From Robotic to Human-like: Enhancing Chatbot Interactions Chatbots, human-like interactions, natural language processing, user experience Why-What-How: This article explores the journey from robotic chatbots to human-like conversational agents. It discusses the importance of human-like chatbots in improving user experiences, the role of natural language processing technology, and strategies for making chatbots sound more natural. Problem-Solution-Solving: The problem faced by businesses is the need to create chatbots that resonate with users and provide meaningful interactions. The solution lies in making chatbots sound more natural and human-like, enhancing the user experience and improving customer satisfaction.
AI in Retail and eCommerce: Transforming Customer Experience AI, retail, eCommerce, customer experience, personalization Why-What-How: This article takes a closer look at how AI is transforming the retail and eCommerce industry and provides strategies for adopting AI to enhance customer experiences. It discusses the importance of personalization, the benefits of AI in tailoring customer experiences, and the best practices to follow. Problem-Solution-Solving: The problem faced by businesses in retail and eCommerce is the need to provide personalized shopping experiences and meet the expectations of modern consumers. The solution lies in leveraging AI to transform customer experiences, adopting personalization strategies, and staying competitive in the industry.
AI Workflow Automation: Boosting Small Business Productivity AI workflow automation, small business productivity, efficiency, no-code solutions Why-What-How: This article explores the power of AI workflow automation in boosting small business productivity. It discusses the benefits of automation, the process of implementing AI workflows, and future trends such as no-code solutions. Problem-Solution-Solving: The problem faced by small businesses is the need to streamline processes and improve productivity. The solution lies in harnessing the power of AI workflow automation, which enables the automation of mundane tasks and allows employees to focus on more strategic work, thereby boosting productivity.



