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2024-06-28 00:14:16

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2024-06-28 FRI

Hi, 我是AI市场经理。 我通过分析趋势时事、参考竞品博客文章、搜索引擎关键词、配合运营节奏,结合AI大模型,给你汇报今天市场团队的传播计划,以及推荐一些内容选题。


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朋友圈段落1: "在当今数字化转型的时代,AI技术正日益成为各行各业的关键驱动力。作为企业级AI平台的领导者,vika维格云正在帮助企业实现从数据到智能决策的转变。无论您是需要构建智能聊天机器人、进行多维数据分析还是进行市场运营管理,vika维格云都提供了全面且高效的解决方案。让我们一起开启数字化转型的新篇章吧!#AI #数字化转型 #智能决策"

朋友圈段落2: "想象一下,您可以通过简单的拖拽和点击,快速构建多维表格和BI看板,实现数据可视化和全面的项目管理。vika维格云为您提供了强大的数据分析工具和项目管理功能,助您轻松应对各种挑战。无论您是在做电商运营管理还是门店管理,vika维格云都是您的最佳选择!#数据分析 #项目管理 #数字化运营"

朋友圈段落3: "在当今竞争激烈的市场中,提升营销活动的转化率至关重要。vika维格云为您提供了免费的AI助手和智能客服机器人,帮助您实现24小时在线客服和自动化应答系统。让我们一起提升客户满意度,打造卓越的客户体验吧!#市场营销 #客户满意度 #智能客服"

朋友圈段落4: "对于企业来说,数据是最宝贵的资产之一。vika维格云为您提供了强大的数据管理和分析功能,帮助您轻松管理和利用数据。无论是需求管理还是人力资源管理,vika维格云都是您的最佳合作伙伴!#数据管理 #数据分析 #企业决策"

朋友圈段落5: "vika维格云是一款功能强大且易于使用的企业级AI平台,帮助您实现数字化转型的目标。无论您是在进行研发管理还是采购管理,vika维格云都提供了全面的解决方案。让我们一起迈向智能化和高效化的未来!#数字化转型 #企业决策 #智能化"

朋友圈段落6: "想要实现高效的工作流程和提升团队协作效率吗?vika维格云为您提供了全面的协作工具和项目管理功能,帮助您打造高效团队。无论您是在进行市场运营管理还是敏捷项目管理,vika维格云都是您的不二选择!#团队协作 #项目管理 #高效工作"

朋友圈段落7: "在当今快节奏的商业环境中,智能聊天机器人正成为企业提升客户服务和销售能力的利器。vika维格云为您提供了最先进的智能聊天机器人技术,帮助您实现自动化客服和个性化服务。让我们一起打造卓越的客户体验吧!#智能聊天机器人 #客户服务 #个性化体验"

朋友圈段落8: "vika维格云是一款功能强大且易于使用的企业级AI平台,帮助您实现数字化转型的目标。无论您是在进行数据分析还是多维表格管理,vika维格云都提供了全面的解决方案。让我们一起迈向智能化和高效化的未来!#数字化转型 #企业决策 #智能化"

朋友圈段落9: "vika维格云为您提供了免费的AI助手和智能客服机器人,帮助您实现24小时在线客服和自动化应答系统。无论您是在做电商运营管理还是市场营销管理,vika维格云都是您的最佳合作伙伴!#智能客服 #自动化应答 #客户满意度"

朋友圈段落10: "vika维格云是一款功能强大且易于使用的企业级AI平台,帮助您实现数字化转型的目标。无论您是在进行需求管理还是人力资源管理,vika维格云都提供了全面的解决方案。让我们一起迈向智能化和高效化的未来!#数字化转型 #企业决策 #智能化"


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  2. Exciting news! has launched a game-changing bot-building platform that is ChatGPT-native at its core. Say goodbye to button-based and intent-based bots and say hello to turbocharged chatbots and personal copilots. Learn more about the new Botpress from [link to blog post]

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  6. AI workflow automation is revolutionizing industries and helping small businesses compete with the big guys. Find out how's no-code solution can supercharge your workflows and boost productivity without requiring more human effort: [link to blog post]

  7. Chatbots have changed the way we engage with digital interfaces, but their success heavily relies on their user interface (UI). Check out's collection of chatbot UI examples and learn how to design an effective user interface that enhances the user experience: [link to blog post]

  8. AI tools are transforming the consulting industry, providing efficient automation and valuable insights. Explore's top AI tools for consultants and discover how they can enhance your workflow, save time, and deliver better results for your clients: [link to blog post]

  9. Building a reliable digital pipeline can be challenging, but's conversational strategy can help engage site visitors in real time and provide valuable buyer insights. Learn from Drift's super users how to drive more pipeline and create personalized customer experiences: [link to blog post]

  10. Data analysis made easy with's ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis. Discover how this AI-driven tool simplifies data tasks, enhances data visualization, and saves you hours of work per week. No coding required! Find out more: [link to blog post]

In UK English:

  1. Want to build authentic relationships with your customers? Discover how's conversational marketing tools can create personal connections, foster trust, and understand customer needs on a deeper level. Check out our comprehensive guide to conversational marketing: [link to blog post]

  2. Exciting news! has launched a game-changing bot-building platform that is ChatGPT-native at its core. Say goodbye to button-based and intent-based bots and say hello to turbocharged chatbots and personal copilots. Learn more about the new Botpress from [link to blog post]

  3. Looking for alternatives to Salesforce? Check out our list of the top 10 Salesforce alternatives in 2024. Find the CRM that best fits your business needs and discover how can help boost your productivity: [link to blog post]

  4. Designing an effective relational database can make a huge difference in your organization's efficiency. Learn four key tips from on how to design a database that is easy to modify, helps you find information quickly, and avoids redundancy: [link to blog post]

  5. Save your team time and improve communication with a shared inbox. Discover how can help you streamline your email management and ensure important messages don't go unanswered: [link to blog post]

  6. AI workflow automation is revolutionizing industries and helping small businesses compete with the big guys. Find out how's no-code solution can supercharge your workflows and boost productivity without requiring more human effort: [link to blog post]

  7. Chatbots have changed the way we engage with digital interfaces, but their success heavily relies on their user interface (UI). Check out's collection of chatbot UI examples and learn how to design an effective user interface that enhances the user experience: [link to blog post]

  8. AI tools are transforming the consulting industry, providing efficient automation and valuable insights. Explore's top AI tools for consultants and discover how they can enhance your workflow, save time, and deliver better results for your clients: [link to blog post]

  9. Building a reliable digital pipeline can be challenging, but's conversational strategy can help engage site visitors in real time and provide valuable buyer insights. Learn from Drift's super users how to drive more pipeline and create personalized customer experiences: [link to blog post]

  10. Data analysis made easy with's ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis. Discover how this AI-driven tool simplifies data tasks, enhances data visualization, and saves you hours of work per week. No coding required! Find out more: [link to blog post]


  1. Looking to enhance your business outcomes? Develop an effective chatbot strategy with and take your customer engagement to the next level! #ChatbotStrategy #CustomerEngagement

  2. Boost growth and improve customer satisfaction with chatbots! Discover how can transform your small business in today's digital age. #Chatbots #SmallBusinessGrowth

  3. The success of a chatbot heavily relies on its user interface. Check out these chatbot UI examples and learn how can help you design a great user interface. #ChatbotUI #UserExperience

  4. Exciting news from! Our AI-powered products are defining the next generation of buyer engagement platforms, creating personalized customer experiences. #AI #BuyerEngagement

  5. Stay ahead of the competition with the latest updates from! Star your favorite apps, update project status with the new progress bar, and more. #ProductivityTools #Updates

  6. Discover the future of digital marketing with! Learn about content personalization, SEO, and artificial intelligence as keys to business success. #DigitalMarketing #FutureTrends

  7. Unsure whether to go with a chatbot or Live Chat for your business? Let guide you through the benefits and help you make an informed decision. #ChatbotsVsLiveChat #CustomerService

  8. Increase sales team productivity and maximize results with! Explore actionable practices to boost sales performance and create a high-performance team. #SalesProductivity #TeamDevelopment

  9. Unlock the power of chatbot automation with! Discover how chatbots can revolutionize your business, providing answers anytime, anywhere. #ChatbotAutomation #BusinessSolutions

  10. Master SaaS revenue forecasting with AI using! Learn the best practices and tools to accurately predict future revenue for business growth. #SaaS #RevenueForecasting

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
如何选择最适合你的低代码开发平台 低代码开发平台, 软件开发, 企业数字化转型 本文将介绍低代码开发平台的概念和优势,以及如何选择最适合你的低代码开发平台,帮助企业实现数字化转型。
AI技术在保险行业的应用和优势 AI技术, 保险行业, 自动化流程 本文将介绍AI技术在保险行业的应用和优势,以及如何利用AI技术实现保险流程的自动化,提高效率和服务质量。
项目管理中的资源调度策略及最佳实践 项目管理, 资源调度, 最佳实践 本文将介绍项目管理中的资源调度策略和最佳实践,帮助企业有效管理项目资源,提高项目交付质量。
打造智能聊天机器人的关键技术和方法 智能聊天机器人, 自然语言处理, 机器学习 本文将介绍打造智能聊天机器人的关键技术和方法,包括自然语言处理和机器学习算法,帮助企业构建高效智能的客服机器人。
如何利用AI技术优化SaaS收入预测 AI技术, SaaS, 收入预测 本文将介绍如何利用AI技术优化SaaS收入预测,包括数据分析和机器学习算法的应用,帮助企业更准确地预测和规划收入。 vs Airtable: 选择适合你的低代码表格工具, Airtable, 低代码开发, 表格工具 本文将比较AITable.ai和Airtable两款低代码表格工具,包括功能和定价等方面的对比,帮助用户选择适合自己的工具。
智能聊天机器人在电商运营中的应用案例 智能聊天机器人, 电商运营, 客户服务 本文将介绍智能聊天机器人在电商运营中的应用案例,包括客户服务、订单跟踪和推荐系统等方面的应用,帮助电商企业提升用户体验和销售额。
如何利用AI技术提升保险运营效率 AI技术, 保险运营, 自动化流程 本文将介绍如何利用AI技术提升保险运营效率,包括自动化理赔和风险评估等方面的应用,帮助保险公司降低成本和提高服务质量。
聊天机器人平台比较:选择适合你的最佳平台 聊天机器人平台, AI技术, 自然语言处理 本文将比较不同聊天机器人平台的特点和优势,包括AI技术和自然语言处理能力的对比,帮助用户选择适合自己的聊天机器人平台。
低代码开发平台在数字化转型中的作用和价值 低代码开发平台, 数字化转型, 企业效率 本文将介绍低代码开发平台在企业数字化转型中的作用和价值,包括提高开发效率和降低成本等方面的优势,帮助企业实现数字化转型目标。

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
比較聊天機器人平台並選擇最適合您的 聊天機器人平台, 比較, 選擇 了解不同聊天機器人平台的優劣,並選擇最適合您的平台。比較聊天機器人開發平台、應用程式、建立工具、社交傳訊平台、聊天機器人分析和先進的自然語言處理等方面。
聊天機器人自動化及如何使其發揮作用 聊天機器人自動化, 發揮作用 瞭解聊天機器人自動化的概念及如何使其在業務中發揮作用。探討聊天機器人如何改善客戶服務、提高工作效率和節省時間。
用進度條追蹤工作進展 進度條, 工作進展 學習如何使用進度條來快速查看任務和項目的進展情況。了解進度條的用途以及如何在AITable.ai中建立進度條,讓團隊和領導者可以快速了解工作的進度。
對話式人工智能:從流程變成對話旅程 對話式人工智能, 流程, 對話旅程 探索聊天機器人的演變,從嚴格結構化和僵化的通信形式,發展為為每個用戶提供個性化、自動化的對話旅程,提供一個引人入勝的對話體驗。
顧問的AI工具:提升工作流程 AI工具, 顧問, 工作流程 探索正在改變顧問行業的一些頂尖AI工具,以及針對特定顧問服務量身定制的專業AI工具。了解這些先進的AI技術如何提升工作流程、節省時間,並最終為客戶提供更好的結果。
聊天機器人用戶界面設計示例 聊天機器人, 用戶界面, 設計 提供聊天機器人用戶界面設計的示例,探討如何創建有效的聊天機器人界面以實現良好的用戶體驗。
使用Drift提高工作效率的9種方法 Drift, 工作效率, 方法 探討如何使用Drift提高工作效率,提供九種方法和技巧,幫助您將重點放在推動業務發展的活動上。
AI如何改變零售和電子商務中的客戶體驗 AI, 零售, 電子商務, 客戶體驗 探索AI如何改變零售和電子商務行業,並了解在業務中採用AI時應遵循的最佳策略。
Notion vs. Trello:哪個平台更好? Notion, Trello, 平台 比較Notion和Trello在生產力和項目管理方面的差異,幫助您選擇最適合您需求的平台。
我是Drift的SDR,我每天都如何使用它 Drift, SDR, 使用方法 揭示Drift如何專為銷售開發代表(SDR)設計,並分享SDR如何在日常工作中使用Drift的經驗和技巧。
人工智能(AI)和擴增實境(AR)的終極指南 人工智能, 擴增實境, 指南 提供人工智能(AI)和擴增實境(AR)的全面指南,幫助您了解這些令人興奮的領域。
如何使用Facebook Chatbots改善客戶支持 Facebook Chatbots, 客戶支持, 自動化 探索如何使用Facebook Chatbots革新客戶支持流程,提供自動化和增強的客戶支持,確保及時協助並提高運營效率。
用數位銷售技巧將買家帶入收入高速公路 數位銷售技巧, 買家, 收入高速公路 了解如何利用對話解決方案和人工智能(AI),為買家提供無摩擦的購買體驗,並將他們帶入收入高速公路。
2023年對話銀行業務的趨勢 對話銀行業務, 趨勢, 服務 探討對話銀行業務的最新趨勢,以提供卓越的服務。
生命科學中的AI應用案例:突破性創新 AI應用案例, 生命科學, 創新 探索人工智能(AI)在生命科學行業的應用案例,包括加速藥物發現和開發、優化臨床試驗和個性化醫學。

Please note that the content of the outlines may need to be further developed and expanded based on the specific requirements and target audience of your articles.

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
A Comprehensive Guide to Conversational Marketing with Conversational marketing,, chatbot builder technology - Why Conversational Marketing is important in today's marketing strategy
- What is Conversational Marketing and how it can build trust and loyalty
- How to leverage's chatbot builder technology for Conversational Marketing
Unveiling the Power of A GPT-native bot-building platform, GPT-native, bot-building platform - Why traditional bot-building platforms fall short
- Introducing, the revolutionary GPT-native bot-building platform
- How revolutionizes the bot-building process and provides better results
10 Best Alternatives in 2024 alternatives, CRM, productivity tools - Why businesses should consider alternatives to
- A curated list of the top 10 alternatives in 2024
- A comparison of features, pricing, and customer reviews for each alternative
Designing an Effective AI Workflow Automation with AI workflow automation,, productivity tools - The benefits of AI workflow automation in improving productivity
- How to harness the power of AI workflow automation with
- Real-world use cases and success stories of AI workflow automation with
Enhancing User Experience with Interface Designer, Interface Designer, user experience - The importance of user experience in interface design
- How's Interface Designer can enhance user experience
- Best practices and tips for designing effective interfaces with
Streamlining Data Analysis with ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis by ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis,, data analysis - The challenges of data analysis and the need for automation
- Introducing ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis by
- How ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis simplifies data analysis tasks and saves time
The Power of AI Tools for Consultants: Boosting Productivity with AI tools for consultants,, productivity - How AI tools are transforming the consulting industry
- A curated list of top AI tools for consultants, including
- How can enhance workflow and deliver better results for consultants
Maximizing Sales Pipeline with Insights from Super Users, sales pipeline, customer engagement - The importance of a reliable digital sales pipeline
- Real-world insights and tips from's top customers
- How's conversational approach drives revenue and improves customer engagement
Choosing the Right Interface Layouts with, interface layouts, user interface - The impact of interface layouts on user experience
-'s selection of pre-designed layouts and their benefits
- Tips for choosing the right interface layout for your specific needs
Harnessing the Power of AI in Marketing with, AI in marketing, productivity tools - The role of AI in transforming marketing strategies
- How's AI capabilities can optimize marketing workflows
- Real-world examples of AI-powered marketing success stories with

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
How to Develop a Chatbot Strategy for Your Business Chatbot strategy, business goals, customer engagement In this article, we explore the importance of developing a chatbot strategy for your business. We discuss the benefits of chatbots, the key components of an effective strategy, and provide step-by-step guidance on how to develop and launch a successful chatbot.
The Power of Chatbots for Small Businesses Chatbots, small business growth, customer service Discover how chatbots can transform small businesses and help them thrive in a competitive market. We discuss the benefits of chatbots for automating tasks, improving customer service, and increasing sales. Learn how to leverage chatbots to maximize growth and improve customer satisfaction.
Designing a Great User Interface for Chatbots Chatbot UI, user interface design, examples Explore examples of chatbot user interfaces and learn how to create an effective and engaging UI for your chatbot. We discuss the importance of a well-designed UI, provide tips and best practices, and showcase 15 chatbot UI examples for inspiration.
The Future of B2B Marketing: A Letter from AITable CEO B2B marketing, personalized customer experiences, AI-powered products AITable CEO shares their vision for the future of B2B marketing and introduces new AI-powered products that create personalized customer experiences. Learn how these products are redefining the buyer engagement platform and shaping the future of B2B marketing.
What's New in AITable: July 2023 AITable updates, new features, improved productivity Stay up to date with the latest updates and features in AITable. Discover how to star your favorite apps on the home screen, use the new progress bar to track project status, and more. Learn how these updates can improve your productivity and streamline your workflow.
The Future of Digital Marketing: Content Personalization, SEO, and AI Digital marketing trends, content personalization, SEO, AI Explore the trends that are shaping the future of digital marketing. Learn how content personalization, SEO strategies, and artificial intelligence are keys to business success in the digital age. Discover how these trends can help businesses stay ahead of the competition.
Chatbot vs Live Chat: Choosing the Right Customer Service Solution Chatbots, Live Chat, customer service, pros and cons Unsure whether to go with a chatbot or Live Chat for your customer service? This article compares the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision. Explore the benefits of chatbots and Live Chat and choose the best solution for your business.
Strategies to Increase Sales Team Productivity Sales team productivity, high performance, sales practices Discover five proven practices to increase sales team productivity and create a high-performance team. Learn how to develop your team, improve engagement, and achieve better results. Implement these strategies to boost sales productivity and drive business growth.
Automating Your Chatbot with AI Chatbot automation, AI-powered chatbots, business efficiency Explore the concept of chatbot automation and learn how to make it work for your business. Discover the benefits of automating your chatbot with AI and how it can improve efficiency and customer service. Gain insights into best practices for implementing chatbot automation effectively.
Mastering SaaS Revenue Forecasting with AI SaaS revenue forecasting, AI-based forecasting, business growth Learn how to master SaaS revenue forecasting using AI. Discover the challenges businesses face in forecasting revenue and the various methods available. Explore best practices and introduce Akkio, an AI-based tool that can significantly boost forecasting capabilities and drive revenue growth.



