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2024-07-10 00:14:58

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2024-07-10 WED

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  1. 互联网行业的发展速度日新月异,如今的聊天机器人已不再是简单的流程式对话,而是能够为每个用户提供个性化、自动化的交流体验。我们的产品vika维格云正是站在这一浪潮之巅,通过自然语言处理等人工智能技术,为用户打造独特的个性化对话旅程,让每个用户都能获得与真实人类交互一样的体验。

  2. 在数字化时代,买家和卖家的互动方式发生了巨大的变化。过去,卖家主导着销售交易的推动力。然而,如今,大多数买家更喜欢远程或自助服务,他们决定使用哪些渠道,下载哪些资源,并决定何时与销售代表交谈。作为卖家,我们的任务就是提供地图,为买家提供导航,并确保他们能够快速、轻松地到达目的地。因为购买体验越无摩擦,我们就能越快达成交易。

  3. 随着科技的发展,银行业也在不断变革,以提升客户体验。客户对数字服务的期望越来越高,这得益于Netflix、Amazon和WhatsApp等应用在可用性、关注度和服务方面的全球扩展。在过去几年中,人们已经成为高度复杂的数字用户。电子商务、娱乐和消息传递等领域在数字平台上为用户提供了更好的体验。这些新模式意味着传统或僵化的企业和行业被迫提供与数字体验相同程度的简便、管理和服务质量。

  4. 在选择聊天机器人平台时,面对众多的相关技术和产品,很容易感到不知所措。有各种聊天机器人开发平台、应用、构建工具、社交信息平台、聊天机器人分析和先进的自然语言处理等可供选择。我们的产品vika维格云是您的最佳选择,提供全面的功能套件,让企业能够快速、轻松地构建根据自己数据训练的聊天机器人,提升业务效率。

  5. 人工智能在语言处理领域的最新进展,正在改变我们处理和分析语言的方式。GPT-3(Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3)是当前领先的语言模型之一,它拥有1750亿个参数,具有强大的生成能力和理解能力。我们的产品vika维格云也借助了这样的先进技术,革新了我们与用户之间的沟通方式,让我们能够更加智能、高效地交流。

  6. 在零售和电子商务领域,人工智能对个性化购物体验的影响不可忽视。超过三分之一的消费者表示,零售商应该提供更多个性化的购物体验,而Z世代的消费者对个性化的要求更高。我们的产品vika维格云帮助零售和电子商务企业实现了这一目标,通过AI驱动的聊天机器人,为每个用户提供定制化的购物建议和服务,提升用户满意度和忠诚度。

  7. Akkio是一款功能强大的ThoughtSpot替代品,提供全面的功能套件,帮助企业更快地做出数据驱动的决策。与ThoughtSpot相比,Akkio不仅价格更实惠,而且具有更高的性能和更广泛的行业适用性。无论您是小型企业还是大型企业,Akkio都能满足您的需求,让您的业务获得持续的增长和成功。

  8. 人工智能对生命科学行业的影响不可忽视。通过人工智能,药物的发现和开发加速,临床试验变得更高效,个性化医疗正在成为常态。我们的产品vika维格云致力于推动生命科学领域的创新,通过AI驱动的技术,提供实际的解决方案,改善医疗行业的效率和质量。

  9. 数字化时代,企业面临着快速变化的市场环境和不断增长的竞争压力。我们的产品vika维格云帮助企业实现数字化转型,提供全方位的数据分析、项目管理和市场运营管理等解决方案,帮助企业更好地应对挑战,实现可持续的增长和成功。

  10. 聊天机器人正在改变我们做生意的方式。无论是查询产品信息、追踪订单,还是获取客户服务,聊天机器人都可以随时随地为用户提供答案。我们的产品vika维格云利用人工智能技术,帮助小型企业提高效率,节省时间,同时增加收入。如果您想实现小型企业的增长和提高客户满意度,聊天机器人将是您的最佳选择。


  1. Exciting news! We are thrilled to announce the winners of the prestigious 2023 Driftie Awards! These awards celebrate the incredible marketing, sales, and customer service professionals who have leveraged to engage with their buyers and customers in innovative ways. Join us in recognizing their outstanding achievements! #AITable #DriftieAwards

  2. Traditional product development can be time-consuming, but with, you can embrace agile product management processes and best practices to streamline your development cycle. Say goodbye to lengthy research and testing phases and hello to faster product launches! #AITable #AgileProductManagement

  3. Designing a great user interface is crucial for the success of your chatbot. Check out these 15 chatbot UI examples to get inspired and learn how to create an effective and engaging user experience with #AITable #ChatbotUI

  4. Boost your insurance operations with the power of an insurance chatbot! Discover how companies like MetLife are leveraging to enhance their customer service, streamline processes, and improve the overall insurance experience. #AITable #InsuranceChatbot

  5. AI workflow automation is revolutionizing industries and boosting productivity. Discover how can help your business automate mundane tasks, streamline processes, and empower your employees to focus on strategic work. #AITable #AIWorkflowAutomation

  6. Choosing the right name for your chatbot is crucial for creating a personalized and engaging user experience. Learn the science behind chatbot names and get inspired with examples to humanize your bot and make it stand out. #AITable #ChatbotNames

  7. Combine the power of CRM and chatbots to supercharge your sales volume! Discover how the integration between and CRM platforms can help you manage important customer information, automate routine tasks, and boost your overall sales success. #AITable #CRMIntegration

  8. Stay ahead of the trends in conversational banking with! Learn how the banking industry is evolving to offer exceptional service through chatbots, personalized experiences, and improved customer interactions. #AITable #ConversationalBanking

  9. Implement a successful banking strategy with maximum security and privacy using WhatsApp and Explore the potential of conversational banking and discover how you can enhance your customer support and provide quick, natural, and convenient communication channels. #AITable #ConversationalBanking

  10. Enhance your customer support services with Facebook chatbots powered by Automate and improve your customer interactions, ensure timely assistance, and boost operational efficiency. Discover the benefits of using Facebook Messenger chatbots for your business. #AITable #FacebookChatbots


  1. "Revolutionize your bot-building process with! Say goodbye to button-based and intent-based bots. Get started today and automate complex workflows with ease. #AI #Chatbots #Automation"

  2. "Discover the power of AI in the banking industry with Transform your customer service experience and create intuitive user interfaces. Find out how: [link] #AI #Banking #CustomerExperience"

  3. "Looking for AI tools to supercharge your workflows? Look no further! offers a range of AI-powered features to enhance productivity. Try it out today! #AI #Productivity #Workflows"

  4. "Personalize your customer interactions with Harness the power of generative AI and create engaging chatbot experiences. Learn more: [link] #AI #Chatbots #CustomerExperience"

  5. "Stay ahead of the curve with AI tools for consultants. offers advanced AI technologies to enhance your workflow and deliver better results for your clients. #AI #Consultants #Productivity"

  6. "Unlock the potential of product feedback with Collect valuable insights and make better business decisions with AI-powered analytics. Try it now! #AI #ProductFeedback #Analytics"

  7. "Discover the science behind chatbot names with Learn how to differentiate your bots and humanize your customer interactions. #Chatbots #AI #CustomerExperience"

  8. "AI is transforming the retail and eCommerce industry. Discover the best strategies to adopt AI in your business with #AI #Retail #eCommerce"

  9. "Save time and improve efficiency with a shared inbox powered by Never miss an important email again. #Productivity #EmailManagement"

  10. "Take your company to the next level with Say goodbye to the one-product mindset and embrace innovation. #AI #Innovation #ProductDevelopment"

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
智能聊天机器人:从对话流程到个性化旅程的演进 AI, ChatGPT, Poe, 自定义ChatGPT, Chato, Chatmax, 企业级AI - 为每个用户提供个性化的自动对话旅程是现代智能聊天机器人的演进之路。从最初的结构化对话流程到现在的个性化旅程,聊天机器人的发展经历了巨大变革。本文将探讨智能聊天机器人的演进历程,以及如何通过个性化的对话旅程提供更 engaging 的用户体验。
通过4个数字化销售技巧将买家引入收益快车道, 数字销售, 买家旅程, 自助交互, AI - 在数字时代,买家和卖家之间的互动方式发生了变化,买卖双方一起努力达成交易的目标。过去,卖家主导推动交易进展,但如今,大多数买家更倾向于远程或自助交互。作为卖家,我们的工作是提供导航,确保买家能够快速、轻松地达到目标,并提供无摩擦的购买体验。通过利用智能对话解决方案和人工智能技术,您可以为买家提供个性化的自助交互体验,促进交易的顺利完成。
2023年对话银行业务的趋势, 对话银行, 客户体验, 数字化转型 - 对话银行是银行业的新发展趋势。本文将介绍2023年对话银行业务的趋势,以提供卓越的服务。随着数字服务的普及,客户对可用性、关注度和服务质量的期望也在不断提高。传统行业正面临着数字化体验、简单性、管理和服务质量方面的巨大挑战。本文将探讨新技术对对话银行业务的影响,并提供应对这些挑战的最佳策略。
对比聊天机器人平台并选择最适合您的, 聊天机器人平台, AI, 自然语言处理 - 在众多聊天机器人相关技术中选择最适合您的聊天机器人平台可能会让人感到不知所措。本文将对比不同的聊天机器人开发平台、应用程序、构建工具、社交媒体平台、聊天机器人分析和高级自然语言处理技术,帮助您选择最适合您的聊天机器人平台。
当前可用的最佳大型语言模型, 大型语言模型, AI, 自然语言处理 - 人工智能在近年来取得了重大进展。最新的自然语言处理技术使我们进入了一个新的对话人工智能解决方案的时代。本文将介绍当前可用的最佳大型语言模型,以及它们如何改变我们处理和分析语言的方式。 vs. Asana:哪个项目管理解决方案更适合您, Asana, 项目管理 - 选择适合团队的项目管理工具并不容易。市面上有很多选择,即使在将选择缩小到两个之后。本文将对比AITable.ai和Asana两个项目管理工具,帮助您选择最适合您的解决方案。
Drift 8月份的新功能增强了您的营销和销售团队效率, Drift, 营销, 销售, 自动化 - Drift发布了10个新功能,以提高您的营销和销售团队的效率,让您有更多时间在阳光下度过。本文将介绍这些新功能,包括优化销售代表配置报告、拓展Prospector中的潜在客户视野、加强Chat to Call功能等。
聊天机器人自动化是什么,如何使其发挥作用?, 聊天机器人, 自动化, 业务增长 - 聊天机器人正在改变我们的业务方式。无论是想要了解定制猫毛衣何时可用,还是通过追踪订单来确保您的订单准时到达,您都可以随时从世界任何地方获得答案。本文将介绍聊天机器人自动化是什么以及如何使其发挥作用,帮助您节省时间并增加收入。
AI如何改变零售和电子商务中的客户体验, AI, 零售, 电子商务, 个性化 - 人工智能对零售和电子商务产业的影响不可忽视。AI使得企业能够根据每个个体的独特偏好定制客户体验。本文将探讨AI在零售和电子商务领域的应用,并介绍在这个竞争激烈的市场中取得成功的最佳策略。
Akkio:ThoughtSpot的最佳替代品(更便宜、更快速), Akkio, ThoughtSpot, 数据驱动决策 - Akkio是ThoughtSpot的一个强大替代品,提供了一套全面的功能,可以帮助企业更快地做出基于数据的决策。本文将深入探讨Akkio的优势,并解释为什么Akkio是最适合那些想要做出数据驱动决策的企业的替代方案。
AI在生命科学中的应用案例:突破性创新, AI, 生命科学, 应用案例 - 人工智能对生命科学行业的影响不可否认。通过人工智能的应用,药物研发和开发加快了,临床试验变得更高效,个性化医疗成为常态。本文将介绍人工智能在生命科学领域的应用案例,并展望未来的发展趋势。

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline 自動化吸客的未來 自動化吸客,, 數據分析工具, 數字化轉型 - 為了在競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出,企業需要尋找自動化吸客的解決方案。
- AITable.ai提供了一個全面的數據分析工具,幫助企業實現數字化轉型。
- 這篇文章將探討AITable.ai如何幫助企業解決自動化吸客的問題,並提供了相關的解決方案。
Title Keywords Outline vs. Airtable: 數據分析工具對決, Airtable, 數據分析工具, 自動化客服 - AITable.ai和Airtable是兩個受歡迎的數據分析工具,本文將比較它們的優勢和劣勢。
- AITable.ai提供了強大的自動化客服功能,能夠幫助企業提高客戶滿意度和效率。
- Airtable則提供了更靈活的數據分析工具,適用於不同行業和用途。
- 這篇文章將深入探討AITable.ai和Airtable之間的差異,幫助讀者選擇最適合自己需求的數據分析工具。
Title Keywords Outline 增強企業級AI的競爭力, 企業級AI, 數據分析工具, 數字化轉型 - 企業級AI已成為提高競爭力的關鍵因素,AITable.ai提供了一個全面的數據分析工具,幫助企業實現數字化轉型。
- 這篇文章將探討AITable.ai如何增強企業級AI的競爭力,並提供了相關的解決方案和案例研究。
Title Keywords Outline 數據分析工具的未來趨勢, 數據分析工具, AI數據分析師, 自動化應答系統 - 數據分析工具是未來的趨勢,AITable.ai提供了一個全面的解決方案,幫助企業實現數據驅動的決策。
- AI數據分析師和自動化應答系統的應用也成為數據分析工具的關鍵功能。
- 這篇文章將探討AITable.ai在數據分析工具領域的未來趨勢,並提供相關的案例研究和最佳實踐。
Title Keywords Outline 數字化轉型的關鍵, 數據分析工具, 數字化轉型, 項目管理 - 數字化轉型已成為企業成功的關鍵,AITable.ai提供了一個全面的數據分析工具,幫助企業實現數字化轉型。
- 項目管理是數字化轉型中的一個重要方面,AITable.ai提供了強大的項目管理功能,幫助企業提高效率和溝通。
- 這篇文章將探討AITable.ai在數字化轉型中的關鍵作用,並提供相關的案例研究和最佳實踐。
Title Keywords Outline vs. Smartsheet: 數據分析工具對決, Smartsheet, 數據分析工具, 項目管理 - AITable.ai和Smartsheet是兩個受歡迎的數據分析工具,本文將比較它們的優勢和劣勢。
- AITable.ai提供了強大的項目管理功能,適用於不同行業和用途。
- Smartsheet則提供了更靈活的數據分析工具,能夠幫助企業提高效率和溝通。
- 這篇文章將深入探討AITable.ai和Smartsheet之間的差異,幫助讀者選擇最適合自己需求的數據分析工具。
Title Keywords Outline 自動化客服的未來趨勢, 自動化客服, 智能客服機器人, 虛擬客服代理 - 自動化客服已成為企業提高客戶滿意度和效率的重要手段,AITable.ai提供了強大的自動化客服功能。
- 智能客服機器人和虛擬客服代理的應用也成為自動化客服的未來趨勢。
- 這篇文章將探討AITable.ai在自動化客服領域的未來趨勢,並提供相關的案例研究和最佳實踐。
Title Keywords Outline 數據分析工具在市場運營管理中的應用, 數據分析工具, 市場運營管理, 活動策劃管理 - 數據分析工具在市場運營管理中的應用已經成為企業成功的關鍵,AITable.ai提供了一個全面的數據分析工具,幫助企業實現市場運營管理的目標。
- 活動策劃管理是市場運營管理中的一個重要方面,AITable.ai提供了強大的活動策劃管理功能,幫助企業提高效率和溝通。
- 這篇文章將探討AITable.ai在市場運營管理中的應用,並提供相關的案例研究和最佳實踐。
Title Keywords Outline 數據分析工具在門店管理中的應用, 數據分析工具, 門店管理, CRM系統 - 數據分析工具在門店管理中的應用已經成為企業成功的關鍵,AITable.ai提供了一個全面的數據分析工具,幫助企業實現門店管理的目標。
- CRM系統是門店管理中的一個重要方面,AITable.ai提供了強大的CRM系統功能,幫助企業提高客戶滿意度和效率。
- 這篇文章將探討AITable.ai在門店管理中的應用,並提供相關的案例研究和最佳實踐。

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
Introducing the Winners of the 2023 Driftie Awards AI Workflow Automation, AI Agents, Custom ChatGPT This article will highlight the winners of the prestigious 2023 Driftie Awards in the context of AI workflow automation. We will explore how AI agents and custom ChatGPT solutions have revolutionized marketing, sales, and customer service, and how these innovative tools are being recognized and celebrated through awards like the Drifties. Readers will gain insights into the creative ways companies are using AI technology to engage with buyers and customers, and the impact it has on their overall success.
Agile Product Management: Embracing AI-powered Tools AI Workflow Automation, Agile Product Management, AI Agents In this article, we will explore how AI-powered tools like are transforming traditional product management processes. We will discuss the challenges of traditional product development and how agile methodologies combined with AI workflow automation can streamline and improve the efficiency of product management. Readers will learn about the benefits of integrating AI agents into the product management workflow and how it can enhance collaboration, decision-making, and overall productivity.
Designing Engaging Chatbot UI: Best Practices and Examples Chatbot UI, User Interface Design, AI Agents, Custom ChatGPT This article will delve into the importance of designing an engaging user interface for chatbots and provide best practices and examples. Readers will learn how a well-designed chatbot UI can enhance the user experience, improve customer engagement, and drive better outcomes. We will showcase 15 chatbot UI examples, highlighting the unique and creative ways businesses have leveraged AI agents like to create intuitive and user-friendly chatbot interfaces.
Boosting Insurance Operations with AI-powered Chatbots AI Workflow Automation, Insurance Chatbot, AI Agents This article will explore how insurance companies can leverage AI-powered chatbots to boost their operations. We will discuss the challenges faced by the insurance industry and how chatbots can automate routine tasks, improve customer service, and increase sales volume. Readers will gain insights into the benefits of integrating AI agents like into insurance workflows and learn how these technologies are transforming the way insurance companies interact with customers.
Harnessing the Power of AI Workflow Automation for Small Businesses AI Workflow Automation, Small Businesses, AI Agents In this article, we will discuss how small businesses can harness the power of AI workflow automation to compete with larger competitors. We will explore the various applications of AI agents like across different industries and highlight the steps involved in implementing AI workflows. Readers will gain practical insights into selecting the right tools, integrating them into existing systems, and monitoring performance for optimization. We will also discuss future trends in AI workflow automation, such as the rise of no-code solutions.
The Science of Chatbot Names: Creating a Personalized User Experience Chatbot Names, User Experience, AI Agents This article will delve into the science behind chatbot names and their impact on creating a personalized user experience. Readers will learn about the importance of chatbot names in differentiating one bot from another and humanizing the interaction. We will provide examples and best practices for naming chatbots, considering factors such as brand identity, user preferences, and industry-specific requirements. The article will also explore the role of AI agents like in enhancing the chatbot user experience.
The Power of Integrating Chatbots with CRMs for Enhanced Sales and Marketing CRM Integration, Chatbots, AI Agents This article will highlight the benefits of integrating chatbots with CRMs for enhanced sales and marketing efforts. We will discuss how CRM platforms capture and analyze customer data and how chatbots can leverage this information to provide personalized and automated interactions. Readers will gain insights into the impact of integrating AI agents like with CRMs, including increased sales volume, improved lead management, and enhanced customer satisfaction.
The Future of Conversational Banking: Trends to Watch in 2023 Conversational Banking, AI Agents, Custom ChatGPT In this article, we will explore the trends that will shape the future of conversational banking in 2023. Readers will learn about the evolving expectations of banking customers and the impact of new technologies on the banking industry. We will discuss how AI agents and custom ChatGPT solutions like are revolutionizing the customer experience in banking, enabling personalized interactions, simplified processes, and exceptional service.
Overcoming Privacy and Security Challenges in WhatsApp Banking Conversational Banking, WhatsApp Banking, AI Agents This article will discuss the privacy and security challenges faced by the banking industry in implementing WhatsApp banking solutions. Readers will learn how AI agents like can help banks overcome these challenges by ensuring maximum security and privacy in customer interactions. We will provide insights into the potential of conversational banking and the benefits it offers in terms of convenience, speed, and personalized service.
Maximizing Customer Support with Facebook Chatbots Facebook Chatbots, Customer Support, AI Agents This article will explore how businesses can utilize Facebook chatbots to improve their customer support services. Readers will learn about the benefits of automating customer support using AI agents like, including enhanced efficiency, timely assistance, and improved operational efficiency. We will provide insights into the role of Facebook Messenger chatbots in enhancing the customer support process and the benefits of automation in delivering exceptional customer service.

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
Unveiling the Power of AI in Bot Building with, bot building platform, AI Agents, Custom ChatGPT - Why AI-powered bot building is the future of automation
- What is and how it revolutionizes bot building
- How helps businesses create intelligent and efficient chatbots
The Impact of AI in Sales and Marketing: Insights from, AI in sales and marketing, automation, customer engagement - The role of AI in transforming sales and marketing processes
- How empowers sales and marketing teams with AI-driven insights
- Case studies and success stories of businesses using for sales and marketing
Boosting Productivity with The Future of Work Management, work management, productivity tools, AI automation - The challenges of traditional work management tools
- How revolutionizes work management with AI automation
- The benefits and features of for boosting productivity
The Rise of AI in Customer Service:'s ChatGPT Revolution, ChatGPT, customer service automation, AI in customer service - The importance of AI in enhancing customer service experiences
- How ChatGPT technology is transforming customer service with
- Real-life examples of businesses using for AI-powered customer service
AI Tools for Consultants: Supercharge Your Workflows with, AI tools for consultants, workflow optimization, productivity - The impact of AI tools in the consulting industry
- How enhances workflows and productivity for consultants
- Top AI tools offered by for consultants and their benefits
The Future of Digital Marketing: AI, Personalization, and SEO AI in digital marketing, personalization, SEO strategies, future trends - The evolving landscape of digital marketing and the role of AI
- How AI-driven personalization and SEO strategies are shaping the future of marketing
- Case studies and examples of businesses using AI in their digital marketing strategies
Unleashing the Power of Low-Code Development with, low-code development, no-code development, software development - The advantages of low-code and no-code development in software creation
- How simplifies app development with its low-code approach
- Best practices and use cases of businesses using for low-code development
Transforming the Retail Experience with AI: Insights from, AI in retail, personalized shopping experiences, customer engagement - The role of AI in enhancing the retail and ecommerce industry
- How enables personalized shopping experiences and customer engagement
- Real-life examples of businesses using for AI-driven retail solutions
The Science of Chatbot Names: How to Name Your AI Assistant AI chatbot names, personalized AI assistants, humanizing chatbots - The importance of chatbot names in creating a personalized user experience
- Strategies for naming AI assistants and chatbots effectively
- Examples and case studies of successful AI assistant names
AI-Enhanced Complaint Analysis: Revolutionizing Customer Feedback Management AI-enhanced complaint analysis, customer feedback, automation, customer satisfaction - The challenges of traditional complaint analysis and the need for AI automation
- How AI-enhanced complaint analysis improves speed and efficiency in managing customer feedback
- Case studies and success stories of businesses using AI for complaint analysis



