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2023-10-05 22:28:32

AI-Powered Productivity with The Future of Workspace Efficiency

Today, we're excited to share some fresh updates and features to make your work experience more streamlined and efficient with Our focus has always been on the little things that make a big impact. We believe in the power of details, and our new updates are designed to bring more unity to your workdocs and boards. Plus, we have a significant update: customizable sprint management is now a part of's dev for smoother and easier sprints.

Enhancing Efficiency with

With, you can now edit item fields directly within your workdoc. This new feature allows you to create items and then edit their fields within the document itself, increasing efficiency significantly. You also have the power to see a full-team info card by hovering over a team cell. This means you can quickly access detailed team information without having to leave your board.

Managing your development sprints has never been easier thanks to's dev. You now have everything you need to set up, run, and manage a development sprint at your fingertips. Views: A New Perspective

Just like the world itself, your work is unique. We understand that seeing your data in different ways and interacting with it differently is vital to empower your workflow. That's why we've introduced Views.

Unlike traditional spreadsheets that show everyone the same content, allows you to create infinite unique views for different people and uses. Views are customized ways of looking at your data and information in each table. You can use views to show (or hide) specific fields or records, or change the way information is presented.

Scaling Roadmap Updates with

As teams scale, so do the number of updates, teams, and stakeholders to keep track of. This growth adds a new level of complexity to the team's operating model. One of the most challenging pieces of this puzzle is the product roadmap. With, we have introduced a solution to manage roadmap communications at scale.

Building a living roadmap was just the beginning. We've taken it a step further with Our aim is to enable the product organization to communicate with the company at scale, ensuring that product teams don't have to repeat themselves.

Networking with

Networking is all about connections. Whether you're an artist showcasing your work, searching for a new job or career, or trying to boost your social life, keeping track of all your encounters can be challenging. is here to help.

Our platform offers easily customizable templates that enable you to keep track of connections in ways that work for your particular goals. Choose from our templates to organize and optimize your networking efforts.

Meeting Business Development Targets with

A company's goals are integral to its productivity. With's business development plan template, you can gain clarity about your company's objectives. The template is fully customizable, offering you all the benefits of a business development plan and guidance on what to include.

Final Thoughts is committed to providing AI-powered, customizable solutions to improve productivity and efficiency. Whether it's editing item fields within a workdoc, managing development sprints, or creating a living roadmap, our AI-powered platform is here to help you and your team work smarter, not harder. Stay tuned for more exciting updates to enhance your experience.