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2023-10-18 00:15:17

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-10-18 WED

Hi, 我是AI市场经理。 我通过分析趋势时事、参考竞品博客文章、搜索引擎关键词、配合运营节奏,结合AI大模型,给你汇报今天市场团队的传播计划,以及推荐一些内容选题。


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  1. 标题:AI助手:让工作变得更高效、更智能! 内容:你是否曾希望有一个定制化的助手来帮助你提升工作效率?我也是!作为一名销售代表,我非常激动地发现vika维格云的AI助手专为提升销售代表的工作而设计。它帮助我优化每天的工作安排、简化沟通流程,并使个性化服务变得更加轻松。现在,我已经使用vika维格云的AI助手一年了,我简直无法想象没有它的工作生活。

  2. 标题:用智能聊天机器人提升客户支持服务 内容:寻求提升客户服务体验?了解一下vika维格云的智能聊天机器人如何改变客户支持流程。通过利用Facebook Messenger等受欢迎的消息发送平台,聊天机器人可以实现自动化和增强客户支持,确保及时提供帮助并提高运营效率。在这篇文章中,我们探讨了Facebook Messenger聊天机器人在增强客户支持中的作用以及自动化带来的好处。

  3. 标题:挖掘最强大的语言模型:AI正在改变我们的语言处理方式 内容:人工智能(AI)近年来取得了重大进展,特别是在自然语言处理(NLP)领域,我们正在进入一个新的会话式AI解决方案时代。你是否好奇了解目前市场上最强大的语言模型是什么?在这篇文章中,我们探讨了最强大的AI驱动聊天软件系统,并讨论了它们如何革新我们的沟通方式。

  4. 标题:如何选择适合的界面布局 内容:想要开始界面设计?使用vika维格云的界面设计工具,你可以从预先设计好的布局列表中选择。对界面设计领域还不熟悉?我们的布局是根据宝贵的用户反馈和最佳实践精心设计的,让你节省时间、精力和烦恼。不再让用户被无关信息淹没,只需在他们需要时呈现正确的数据。

  5. 标题:财务数据可视化:正确的方式 内容:财务数据可视化是一种强大的工具,可以简化决策过程。通过有效的可视化,公司可以优化决策、提高利益相关方之间的协作,并最终取得更好的业务成果。你准备好充分发挥这个改变游戏规则的工具的潜力了吗?

  6. 标题:ChatGPT高级数据分析:指南与应用案例 内容:ChatGPT高级数据分析可以帮助你处理任何数据任务。了解如何使用它以及如何应用它来节省每周大量的时间!

  7. 标题:vika维格云 vs. Salesforce:哪个更适合你的业务? 内容:vika维格云和Salesforce都是云端平台,帮助企业管理业务并自动化与客户服务、销售等相关的流程。在这篇文章中,我们将比较两者的优势和劣势,帮助你做出明智的选择。

  8. 标题:对话式AI:从流程到个性化旅程的演变 内容:聊天机器人的演变是令人瞩目的。最初,它们被设计成高度结构化和刻板的沟通形式,用户在选择和选项上有限。然而,随着技术的进步,聊天机器人的流程变得个性化,为每个用户提供引人入胜的对话体验。

  9. 标题:AI如何改变零售和电子商务中的客户体验 内容:让我们更深入地了解AI如何改变电子商务和零售行业,并了解在业务中采用AI时需要遵循的最佳策略。

  10. 标题:聊天机器人 vs. 在线客服:哪个对你的业务更好? 内容:对于你的业务,是选择聊天机器人还是在线客服更好?在这篇信息丰富的指南中,我们将深入挖掘两者的优点和缺点,帮助你做出明智的决策。


  1. Are you tired of paying high prices for ThoughtSpot? Look no further! is the best alternative, offering affordable pricing and powerful data-driven decision-making tools. Check out our latest blog post to learn more! #AITable #ThoughtSpotAlternative #DataDrivenDecisions

  2. The future of digital marketing is here, and it's all about personalization, SEO, and artificial intelligence. Discover how these trends are shaping the industry and how can help you stay ahead of the game. #DigitalMarketingTrends #Personalization #AI #AITable

  3. Small businesses, are you looking to maximize growth and improve customer satisfaction? Look no further than chatbots. Find out how chatbots can save you time and increase revenue in our latest blog post. #SmallBusinessGrowth #Chatbots #AITable

  4. Develop a chatbot strategy that delivers results with Learn how to leverage the power of chatbots to enhance customer experience, automate tasks, and boost sales. Check out our latest blog post for all the tips and tricks. #ChatbotStrategy #CustomerExperience #AITable

  5. AI is revolutionizing the life sciences industry, from drug discovery to personalized medicine. Discover the groundbreaking innovations and real-world examples of AI use cases in our latest blog post. #AIinLifeSciences #Innovation #AITable

  6. Still using spreadsheets for your business? Discover why databases are the better choice for complex use cases and how can help you maximize flexibility and power. Check out our latest blog post for all the details. #DatabaseVsSpreadsheet #Flexibility #AITable

  7. Conversational marketing is the future of building authentic relationships with customers. Learn how can help you leverage this novel approach to enhance customer trust, loyalty, and overall experience. #ConversationalMarketing #CustomerExperience #AITable

  8. SaaS revenue forecasting is essential for business growth and decision-making. Discover how can help you forecast more effectively and drive revenue growth. Check out our latest blog post for all the insights. #SaaSRevenueForecasting #BusinessGrowth #AITable

  9. ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis is revolutionizing the way professionals handle data. Discover how can simplify data analysis tasks and save you hours per week. Read our latest blog post to unlock the power of ChatGPT. #ChatGPT #DataAnalysis #AITable

  10. Unsure whether to go with a chatbot or live chat for your business? has the answer. Discover the pros and cons of each option and make an informed decision to enhance your customer service. #ChatbotVsLiveChat #CustomerService #AITable


  1. Looking for a more affordable and faster alternative to ThoughtSpot? Check out, the powerful AI-driven productivity tool for data-driven decision making. #AITable #ProductivityTools #AI

  2. Improve your data analysis and decision-making process with, the best alternative to ThoughtSpot. Discover its intuitive data visualization and exploration tools powered by AI analytics. #AITable #DataAnalysis #AI

  3. Maximize your ROI without breaking the bank with, the cost-effective alternative to ThoughtSpot. Unlock generative business intelligence and industry-agnostic compatibility at a very affordable price. #AITable #BusinessIntelligence #Affordable

  4. Writing a chatbot script? Learn how to engage users with 12 techniques based on psychology and UX studies. Check out the blog post by [Competitor] for examples and insights. #ChatbotScript #UserEngagement #UX

  5. Unlock the power of IF functions in Airtable formulas. Test your inputs and make informed decisions based on true or false conditions. Discover how in the latest blog post by [Competitor]. #AirtableFormulas #IFFunctions #DataAnalysis

  6. Discover groundbreaking AI use cases in the life sciences industry. From accelerated drug discovery to personalized medicine, AI is revolutionizing the field. Read more in the blog post by [Competitor]. #AIinLifeSciences #DrugDiscovery #PersonalizedMedicine

  7. Boost customer engagement with conversational AI. Learn how AI-powered chatbots can enhance your customer support services in the latest blog post by [Competitor]. #ConversationalAI #CustomerSupport #Chatbots

  8. Looking for creative chatbot name ideas? Check out the blog post by [Competitor] for tips and considerations when naming your chatbot. #ChatbotName #CreativeIdeas #ChatbotDevelopment

  9. Enhance your customer service with Facebook chatbots. Discover how chatbots can automate and improve customer support on the popular social media platform. Read more in the blog post by [Competitor]. #FacebookChatbots #CustomerSupport #Automation

  10. Collect valuable customer insights with AI-powered product feedback tools. Unlock the potential of AI-enhanced feedback platforms for better decision-making. Explore more in the blog post by [Competitor]. #ProductFeedback #AI #CustomerInsights

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
如何使用AITable.ai优化销售开发流程, 销售开发流程, 优化 - 为什么销售开发流程对于企业的成功至关重要
- 销售开发流程中的挑战和问题
- 如何使用AITable.ai来优化销售开发流程
- AITable.ai的关键功能和优势
- 实际案例和成功故事
AITable.ai与Facebook Chatbots的对比与优势, Facebook Chatbots, 对比, 优势 - AITable.ai和Facebook Chatbots的定义和功能
- AITable.ai和Facebook Chatbots在客户支持中的比较
- AITable.ai如何提供更高效的客户支持和自动化功能
- AITable.ai的优势和独特之处
- 如何选择适合您业务的解决方案
了解AITable.ai的最新大型语言模型, 大型语言模型, 人工智能 - 人工智能中的大型语言模型的重要性和应用
- AITable.ai的最新大型语言模型的功能和特点
- AITable.ai如何改变语言处理和分析的方式
- AITable.ai与其他大型语言模型的比较和优势
- AITable.ai的未来发展前景
如何选择适合您业务的界面布局, 界面布局, 选择 - 界面布局对于用户体验的重要性
- AITable.ai提供的预设计界面布局的种类和特点
- 如何根据业务需求选择适合的界面布局
- AITable.ai如何帮助用户创建个性化的应用程序
- AITable.ai的界面布局选择案例和实践建议
如何通过AITable.ai进行财务数据可视化, 财务数据可视化, 决策支持 - 财务数据可视化在决策过程中的重要性
- AITable.ai提供的财务数据可视化解决方案和工具
- 如何使用AITable.ai创建有效的仪表板和可视化报表
- AITable.ai如何帮助企业优化决策过程和提高业务绩效
- 实际案例和成功故事
ChatGPT高级数据分析指南与应用案例 ChatGPT, 高级数据分析, 应用案例 - ChatGPT高级数据分析的定义和功能
- ChatGPT如何帮助用户处理和解释复杂数据
- ChatGPT高级数据分析的关键功能和优势
- ChatGPT高级数据分析的应用案例和具体使用方法
- 如何将ChatGPT集成到您的业务中
AITable.ai与Salesforce的对比与选择指南, Salesforce, 对比, 选择指南 - AITable.ai和Salesforce的定义和功能
- AITable.ai和Salesforce在业务管理和自动化方面的比较
- 如何选择适合您业务的解决方案
- AITable.ai和Salesforce的优势和独特之处
- 实际用户的反馈和体验
了解AITable.ai在零售和电子商务中的应用, 零售, 电子商务, 应用 - AITable.ai在零售和电子商务中的应用场景和优势
- 如何使用AITable.ai改善客户体验和个性化服务
- AITable.ai在零售和电子商务中的成功案例和实际效果
- 如何将AITable.ai集成到您的零售和电子商务业务中
聊天机器人与在线客服的比较与选择指南 聊天机器人, 在线客服, 比较, 选择指南 - 聊天机器人和在线客服的定义和特点
- 聊天机器人和在线客服在客户服务中的比较
- 如何根据业务需求选择适合的解决方案
- 聊天机器人和在线客服的优势和独特之处
- 实际用户的反馈和体验
如何使用AITable.ai提高工作效率和业务绩效, 工作效率, 业务绩效 - 如何提高工作效率和业务绩效的重要性
- AITable.ai如何帮助用户优化工作流程和任务管理
- AITable.ai的关键功能和优势
- 如何使用AITable.ai实现更高效的工作和业务目标
- 实际案例和成功故事

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
如何運用AITable.ai提升小型企業成長效率, 自動化吸客, A.I. 化生意系統, 企業級AI - 為小型企業提供高效的生意管理工具是成功的關鍵之一
- AITable.ai如何幫助小型企業提升生意運營效率
- 深入探討如何利用AITable.ai的功能來自動化業務流程
- 如何在不增加工作量的情況下提高生意成果
- AITable.ai的關鍵功能和優勢介紹
- 實際案例分享:小型企業如何通過AITable.ai實現快速增長
- 如何開始使用AITable.ai來提升小型企業的成長效率
Title Keywords Outline vs. Airtable: 如何選擇最適合的生意管理工具, Airtable, 自動化吸客, A.I. 化生意系統, CRM系統 - AITable.ai和Airtable是兩個常用的生意管理工具,但它們有什麼區別?
- 深入比較AITable.ai和Airtable的功能和優勢
- 如何根據企業需求選擇最適合的生意管理工具
- AITable.ai和Airtable的定價和付費模式比較
- 實際案例分享:企業如何成功選擇和使用AITable.ai來管理業務
Title Keywords Outline vs. Smartsheet: 如何選擇最適合的專案管理工具, Smartsheet, 企業級AI, 敏捷項目管理, PMO專案管理軟件 - AITable.ai和Smartsheet是兩個常用的專案管理工具,但它們有什麼區別?
- 深入比較AITable.ai和Smartsheet的功能和優勢
- 如何根據企業需求選擇最適合的專案管理工具
- AITable.ai和Smartsheet的定價和付費模式比較
- 實際案例分享:企業如何成功選擇和使用AITable.ai來管理專案
Title Keywords Outline
如何運用AITable.ai建立個性化的AI聊天機器人, ChatGPT, 自動化客服, 聊天機器人 - AITable.ai如何幫助企業建立個性化的AI聊天機器人
- 深入探討如何利用AITable.ai的功能來開發智能聊天機器人
- 如何設計一個具有獨特性格的AI聊天機器人
- AITable.ai的AI Copilot widget如何提升聊天機器人的效能
- 實際案例分享:企業如何利用AITable.ai開發成功的AI聊天機器人
Title Keywords Outline vs. Excel: 如何選擇最適合的數據分析工具, Excel, BI 看板, 數據分析工具, 數字化轉型 - AITable.ai和Excel都是常用的數據分析工具,但它們有什麼區別?
- 深入比較AITable.ai和Excel的功能和優勢
- 如何根據企業需求選擇最適合的數據分析工具
- AITable.ai和Excel的定價和付費模式比較
- 實際案例分享:企業如何成功選擇和使用AITable.ai來進行數據分析
Title Keywords Outline vs. Airtable: 如何選擇最適合的客戶管理工具, Airtable, CRM系統, 客戶管理, AI CRM - AITable.ai和Airtable是兩個常用的客戶管理工具,但它們有什麼區別?
- 深入比較AITable.ai和Airtable的客戶管理功能和優勢
- 如何根據企業需求選擇最適合的客戶管理工具
- AITable.ai和Airtable的定價和付費模式比較
- 實際案例分享:企業如何成功選擇和使用AITable.ai來管理客戶關係
Title Keywords Outline vs. Excel: 如何選擇最適合的項目管理工具, Excel, 項目管理, 敏捷項目管理 - AITable.ai和Excel都是常用的項目管理工具,但它們有什麼區別?
- 深入比較AITable.ai和Excel的項目管理功能和優勢
- 如何根據企業需求選擇最適合的項目管理工具
- AITable.ai和Excel的定價和付費模式比較
- 實際案例分享:企業如何成功選擇和使用AITable.ai來管理項目
Title Keywords Outline vs. Airtable: 如何選擇最適合的市場運營管理工具, Airtable, 市場運營管理, 活動策劃管理 - AITable.ai和Airtable是兩個常用的市場運營管理工具,但它們有什麼區別?
- 深入比較AITable.ai和Airtable的市場運營管理功能和優勢
- 如何根據企業需求選擇最適合的市場運營管理工具
- AITable.ai和Airtable的定價和付費模式比較
- 實際案例分享:企業如何成功選擇和使用AITable.ai來管理市場運營
Title Keywords Outline vs. Excel: 如何選擇最適合的電商運營管理工具, Excel, 電商運營管理, 在線客服機器人 - AITable.ai和Excel都是常用的電商運營管理工具,但它們有什麼區別?
- 深入比較AITable.ai和Excel的電商運營管理功能和優勢
- 如何根據企業需求選擇最適合的電商運營管理工具
- AITable.ai和Excel的定價和付費模式比較
- 實際案例分享:企業如何成功選擇和使用AITable.ai來管理電商運營

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline The Perfect Alternative to ThoughtSpot for Data-Driven Decisions, ThoughtSpot alternative, data-driven decisions, affordable price, intuitive data visualization, comprehensive integration, transparent pricing In this article, we will explore why is the ideal alternative to ThoughtSpot for businesses looking to make data-driven decisions. We will discuss the affordability of, its intuitive data visualization tools, comprehensive integration capabilities, and transparent pricing plans. By the end of this article, readers will understand why is the best choice for their data analysis needs.
The Future of Digital Marketing: Content Personalization, SEO, and AI future of digital marketing, content personalization, SEO, artificial intelligence Discover the key trends shaping the future of digital marketing. We will explore the importance of content personalization, the role of SEO in improving online visibility, and how artificial intelligence is transforming marketing strategies. By understanding these trends, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and maximize their marketing efforts.
Maximizing Small Business Growth with Chatbots: Benefits and Strategies small business growth, chatbots, customer satisfaction, automation, revenue increase Learn how chatbots can supercharge small business growth by saving time and increasing revenue. We will explore the benefits of chatbots, such as improved customer service and lead generation, and provide strategies for implementing chatbots effectively. Small business owners will gain valuable insights into leveraging chatbots to thrive in a competitive market.
The Power of AI in Life Sciences: Revolutionizing Drug Discovery and Personalized Medicine AI in life sciences, drug discovery, personalized medicine, healthcare innovation Dive into the transformative power of AI in life sciences. We will explore real-world examples of AI-driven applications revolutionizing the industry, from expediting drug discovery to enabling personalized medicine. This article will highlight the ethical considerations and regulatory compliance necessary for AI technologies to maintain trust with patients and healthcare providers.
Database vs. Spreadsheet: Choosing the Right Tool for Your Business database vs. spreadsheet, business tools, data management, flexibility, power Understand the differences between databases and spreadsheets to choose the right tool for your business. We will discuss the limitations of spreadsheets and the flexibility and power offered by databases. By the end of this article, readers will have a clear understanding of which tool is best suited for their specific use cases.
Building Authentic Connections with Conversational Marketing conversational marketing, chatbots, customer engagement, authentic relationships Learn how conversational marketing can help businesses build authentic connections with their audience. We will explore the power of chatbots in creating personal connections, fostering trust, and understanding customer needs. By implementing conversational marketing strategies, businesses can enhance the customer experience and build long-lasting relationships.
AI-driven Revenue Forecasting for SaaS Companies: Strategies for Growth SaaS revenue forecasting, AI tools, business growth, decision-making Discover the importance of revenue forecasting for SaaS companies and how AI tools can improve accuracy. We will explore different forecasting methods, challenges faced by businesses, and best practices for maximizing revenue growth. Readers will also be introduced to AI-based tools like that can significantly boost forecasting capabilities.
The Evolution of Chatbots: From Structured Flows to Personalized Conversational Journeys chatbots, conversational AI, personalized journeys, automation Explore the evolution of chatbots from structured flows to personalized conversational journeys. We will discuss how modern chatbot flows are tailored to each individual user, providing engaging conversational experiences. By leveraging AI technologies like natural language processing, businesses can create automated journeys that feel like real interactions.
A Comprehensive Guide to Chatbots vs. Live Chat: Choosing the Right Customer Service Solution chatbots, live chat, customer service, pros and cons Unsure whether to choose chatbots or live chat for customer service? This comprehensive guide will explore the pros and cons of each option. We will delve into the differences between AI-powered chatbots and live chat, helping businesses make an informed decision about the most suitable customer service solution for their needs.
Supercharging Consulting Workflows with AI Tools: Boosting Productivity and Efficiency AI tools for consultants, workflow optimization, productivity, insights Discover the top AI tools transforming the consulting industry and learn how they can supercharge workflows. We will explore the benefits of AI tools for consultants, such as automation and valuable insights. By integrating AI into their workflows, consultants can optimize efficiency and deliver better results for their clients.

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
AI-Powered Productivity Tools: vs Airtable, Smartsheet, and Excel AI productivity tools,, Airtable, Smartsheet, Excel In this article, we will compare with popular productivity tools like Airtable, Smartsheet, and Excel. We will explore the key features and benefits of, highlighting how it stands out from its competitors and offers a superior solution for businesses seeking AI-powered productivity tools.
The Power of AI in Business: Transforming Workflows with AI in business,, workflow automation, productivity tools Discover how AI is revolutionizing business workflows with We will explore the various ways in which AI can enhance productivity, automate repetitive tasks, and streamline business processes. Learn how can empower businesses to work smarter and achieve better results.
AI-Driven Customer Service: Enhancing Support with Chatbots AI-driven customer service, chatbots, customer support automation In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using AI-driven chatbots for customer service and support. We will focus on's chatbot capabilities and how they can help businesses deliver personalized and efficient customer experiences. Learn how chatbots can enhance your customer support efforts.
Data Analysis Made Easy: vs Excel for Business Insights Data analysis,, Excel, business insights Excel has long been the go-to tool for data analysis, but is changing the game. In this article, we will compare the capabilities of and Excel for data analysis and uncover how offers advanced features and functionality to derive meaningful business insights.
The Future of AI in Life Sciences: Exploring Groundbreaking Innovations AI in life sciences,, innovations, drug discovery Dive into the world of AI in life sciences and explore the groundbreaking innovations powered by From accelerating drug discovery to personalized medicine, we will showcase real-world examples of how AI is transforming the life sciences industry and shaping the future of healthcare.
How to Build an AI Chatbot with A Step-by-Step Guide AI chatbot development,, step-by-step guide Interested in building an AI chatbot? This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of building an AI chatbot using From data training to integration, we will provide a step-by-step approach to help you create a powerful and customized chatbot for your business.
Unlocking the Power of Automation with Automation,, productivity tools Discover how can unlock the power of automation for your business. From automating repetitive tasks to streamlining workflows, we will explore the benefits of using's automation features and how it can save time and improve productivity across your organization.
AI CRM: Revolutionizing Customer Relationship Management with AI CRM,, customer relationship management In this article, we will delve into the world of AI CRM and explore how is revolutionizing customer relationship management. From automating processes to generating valuable insights, we will showcase the benefits of using's AI-powered CRM solution for businesses of all sizes.
The Rise of AI in Project Management: vs Smartsheet AI in project management,, Smartsheet, productivity tools Project management is evolving with the rise of AI, and is leading the way. In this article, we will compare with Smartsheet, highlighting how AI can enhance project management processes and improve team collaboration. Discover how is transforming the project management landscape.
AI-Powered Product Feedback Analysis: vs Survey Platforms AI-powered product feedback analysis,, survey platforms Learn how's AI-powered product feedback analysis surpasses traditional survey platforms. We will explore the advanced capabilities of in analyzing customer feedback, sentiment analysis, and clustering meaning. Discover how can help businesses make data-driven decisions based on valuable customer insights.



