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2024-01-01 00:14:35

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2024-01-01 MON

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  1. 【见解】2023年,北交所迎来了超出市场预期的改革举措,提供更完善的市场功能和增强的市场活力。作为中国内地发行的vika维格云,我们积极响应市场需求,为用户提供更智能、更高效的数据分析工具和项目管理平台,助力企业数字化转型。

  2. 【洞察】AI workflow automation正日益成为各行业的热门趋势,能够提高企业的生产效率和竞争力。vika维格云作为一款多维表格AI工具,能够自动化繁琐的任务,让员工将更多精力投入到战略性和复杂性工作中,实现业务流程的改进和优化。

  3. 【认知观点】与ThoughtSpot相比,vika维格云是更优秀的选择。作为ThoughtSpot的最佳替代品,vika维格云以更亲民的价格为用户提供了生成式商业智能、简化数据分析以及与各行业兼容的功能。我们还提供全面的集成和定制能力,以及透明的定价计划,帮助用户最大化投资回报率。

  4. 【见解】Facebook聊天机器人的应用正日益普及,通过人工智能技术,聊天机器人可以帮助企业改善客户支持,从回答常见问题到生成潜在客户。作为智能客服机器人的一种应用,vika维格云可以帮助企业提升客户支持水平,实现24小时在线客服,提供自动化应答系统,为客户提供更好的服务体验。

  5. 【洞察】Conversational AI技术的发展使得聊天机器人的交互方式更加个性化和灵活,可以根据用户的需求和偏好提供定制化的服务体验。vika维格云致力于提供先进的ChatGPT技术,让企业可以通过自动化的对话流程为每个用户提供个性化的服务,使用户感觉像在与真实人员交流一样。

  6. 【认知观点】有效的销售线索分配对于企业的业务发展至关重要。vika维格云提供灵活的线索分配方法,可以根据地理区域或销售代表的特定优势或经验将线索分配给最合适的销售代表,从而最大程度地培养每个潜在客户。

  7. 【见解】AI大模型正逐渐走向落地应用,制造业成为其主战场之一。vika维格云作为一款基于AI的多维表格工具,可以帮助制造业企业实现流程的自动化和优化,提高生产效率,推动制造业的数字化转型。

  8. 【洞察】数字经济、楼宇经济和海洋经济等新兴经济形态的发展正成为深圳市的重点发展方向。作为中国内地发行的vika维格云,我们积极适应市场需求,为企业提供数字化转型的解决方案,助力深圳市实现高质量发展。

  9. 【认知观点】SaaS公司的收入预测对于业务增长、决策制定和风险管理至关重要。vika维格云作为一款基于AI的工具,可以帮助企业更准确地预测未来的收入,制定可行的销售目标、优化定价策略、管理风险,从而推动业务增长。

  10. 【见解】聊天机器人在小公司中的应用可以促进企业的增长。作为一家小型企业,您可以借助vika维格云的聊天机器人功能,提高营销策略、开发产品、吸引新客户和保留现有客户的能力。让聊天机器人助您一臂之力,实现企业的快速增长。


  1. Title: "Revolutionizing the Banking Experience with ChatGPT" Description: Discover how ChatGPT is transforming customer service in the banking industry, creating a personalized and intuitive user experience. #ChatGPT #banking #customerexperience

  2. Title: "Boost Sales Team Productivity and Maximize Results" Description: Learn effective strategies to increase sales team productivity and drive better results. #sales #productivity #teammanagement

  3. Title: "Chatbot or Live Chat? Which is Better for Customer Service?" Description: Explore the pros and cons of chatbots and live chat for customer service, and find out which option suits your business needs best. #customerservice #chatbot #livechat

  4. Title: "Creating an Inclusive Environment for Your Team" Description: Discover the importance of building an inclusive workplace and learn practical tips to foster a diverse and inclusive team culture. #inclusivity #diversityandinclusion #workplaceculture

  5. Title: "An Open Letter from Our CEO: Redefining the Customer Experience" Description: Our CEO shares exciting news about our latest AI-powered products, designed to create personalized customer experiences. Stay tuned for our vision of the future! #CEOletter #customercare #personalization

  6. Title: "A Day in the Life of an SDR at" Description: Join our Senior Sales Development Representative as she shares how has revolutionized her daily workflow and made her job as an SDR more manageable. #salesdevelopment #AITableai #workflow

  7. Title: "Boost Content Marketing Team Efficiency with" Description: Discover how can streamline content production, team management, and asset reviews, making your content marketing team more productive. #contentmarketing #AITableai #teamcollaboration

  8. Title: "Driving More Pipeline with Insights from Super Users" Description: Learn from top customers how's conversational strategy can help drive revenue, engage site visitors, and provide valuable buyer insights. #pipelinegeneration #AITableai #conversationalstrategy

  9. Title: "Unlocking Advanced Data Analysis with ChatGPT" Description: Dive into the power of ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis, a game-changing tool that simplifies data analysis tasks without any coding required. #dataanalysis #ChatGPT #AItechnology

  10. Title: "The Future of Conversational Banking: Trends to Watch" Description: Stay ahead of the curve in the banking industry with these key trends in conversational banking, offering exceptional service to your customers. #conversationalbanking #bankingindustry #customerexperience


  1. Boost your marketing strategy with conversational marketing tools powered by next-gen chatbot builder technology. Engage in meaningful conversations, foster trust, and understand customer needs on a deeper level. #MarketingStrategy #ConversationalMarketing #AI #AITable

  2. Is AI overhyped? Definitely not! AI is expected to create $13 trillion in value for businesses globally by 2030. Discover how sales teams can embrace AI to boost efficiency and maximize opportunities. #AI #SalesTeams #Efficiency #AITable

  3. Track the status of your tasks and projects at a glance with progress bars. Stay on top of your milestones and achieve your goals with ease. #Productivity #ProgressBars #TaskManagement #AITable

  4. Uplevel your content marketing team's production, management, and asset reviews with unique Airtable views. Get the information you need in the way you need it and streamline your workflow. #ContentMarketing #TeamManagement #Workflow #AITable

  5. Write a chatbot script that engages users using techniques based on psychology and UX studies. Create personalized and engaging conversational experiences for your audience. #ChatbotScript #UX #Psychology #AITable

  6. Simplify data analysis tasks with ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis. Analyze data and execute Python scripts effortlessly, revolutionizing the way you handle data. #DataAnalysis #ChatGPT #AI #AITable

  7. Take your chatbot flows to the next level with conversational journeys. Personalize automated conversations for each user and deliver engaging experiences that feel human. #ConversationalAI #ChatbotFlows #Personalization #AITable

  8. Choose the best conversational technology for your enterprise with ease. Automate customer service, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge. #ConversationalTechnology #CustomerService #Automation #AITable

  9. Maximize every opportunity with lead distribution. Pair leads with the best sales reps for personalized nurturing and improved customer experience. #LeadDistribution #Sales #CustomerExperience #AITable

  10. Unlock the power of AI workflow automation. Streamline processes, increase productivity, and compete with the big guys. No more manual tasks, just efficient automation. #AIWorkflowAutomation #Productivity #NoCode #AITable

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
如何欢迎新团队成员 新团队成员, 欢迎新成员, 团队协作 - 为什么欢迎新团队成员对组织的发展至关重要
- 如何给新团队成员提供良好的接纳和支持
- 提供新团队成员融入团队的实用建议和策略 比Airtable、Smartsheet、Excel更强大的AI智能助手, Airtable, Smartsheet, Excel, AI智能助手 - 介绍AITable.ai作为比传统办公软件更智能的选择
- 比较AITable.ai与Airtable、Smartsheet和Excel的功能和优势
- 如何使用AITable.ai构建AI智能助手和自定义ChatGPT
如何利用AITable.ai的Chatbot功能提升客户支持, Chatbot, 客户支持 - 为什么使用Chatbot可以改善客户支持体验
- 如何使用AITable.ai的Chatbot功能提供更好的客户支持
- 提供使用 Chatbot的最佳实践和案例研究
AITable.ai与ThoughtSpot比较:更便宜、更快速的智能数据分析工具, ThoughtSpot, 智能数据分析工具 - AITable.ai作为比ThoughtSpot更经济实惠且功能强大的选择
- 比较AITable.ai和ThoughtSpot的数据分析和可视化功能
- 如何使用AITable.ai进行智能数据分析和生成业务智能洞察
如何运用Facebook Chatbot提升客户支持 Facebook Chatbot, 客户支持, 人工智能 - 了解Facebook Chatbot的潜力和优势
- 如何使用Facebook Chatbot提供个性化的客户支持
- 提供使用Facebook Chatbot的最佳实践和策略实现AI工作流自动化的无代码解决方案, AI工作流自动化, 无代码解决方案 - AI工作流自动化对企业的重要性和优势
- 介绍AITable.ai作为实现AI工作流自动化的无代码解决方案
- 如何使用AITable.ai实现自动化的工作流程和提高生产效率
从对话流到对话旅程:聊天机器人技术的演进 聊天机器人, 对话流, 对话旅程 - 聊天机器人技术的发展和演进
- 介绍现代聊天机器人的个性化对话旅程
- 如何构建个性化的对话旅程提供更好的用户体验
提高销售业绩的关键:优化线索分配 销售业绩, 线索分配, 客户关系管理 - 为什么优化线索分配对提高销售业绩至关重要
- 不同的线索分配方法和策略
- 如何利用AITable.ai优化线索分配提高销售业绩
透明领导的重要性及如何实现 透明领导, 组织文化, 领导力 - 为什么透明领导对组织的发展和员工满意度重要
- 如何构建透明领导文化和实现透明领导的最佳实践
- 提供透明领导的成功案例和建议
Conversational AI:营销中建立有意义的连接 Conversational AI, 营销策略, 客户互动 - 介绍Conversational AI在营销中的应用和优势
- 如何利用Conversational AI建立有意义的连接和增强客户体验
- 提供使用Conversational AI的营销策略和技巧

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
Chatbot Personality: Creating a Memorable User Experience Chatbot personality, user experience, AI chatbot Why it's important to give your chatbot a unique personality to create a memorable user experience. Discuss the benefits of personalizing chatbot interactions and how it can enhance customer satisfaction. Provide tips on how to develop a chatbot personality that aligns with your brand voice and values.
Akkio vs ThoughtSpot: Making Data-Driven Decisions Made Easier Akkio, ThoughtSpot, data-driven decisions, business intelligence Compare and contrast Akkio and ThoughtSpot as business intelligence tools. Highlight the key features and advantages of Akkio, such as its affordability and industry-agnostic compatibility. Discuss how Akkio can help businesses make data-driven decisions faster and more efficiently.
AI-Enhanced Complaint Analysis: Improving Customer Satisfaction with AI AI-enhanced complaint analysis, customer feedback, customer satisfaction Explore how AI-enhanced complaint analysis can revolutionize the way businesses understand and manage customer feedback. Discuss the benefits of automating complaint analysis using AI technology, including speed, accuracy, and consistency. Highlight how Akkio provides comprehensive analytics capabilities to improve customer satisfaction.
Maximizing Small Business Growth with Chatbots Small business growth, chatbots, customer satisfaction Explain the benefits of using chatbots to maximize small business growth. Discuss how chatbots can save time, improve customer service, and increase revenue. Provide examples of successful chatbot implementations in small businesses.
Transforming Customer Support with Facebook Chatbots Facebook chatbots, customer support, automation Discuss the role of Facebook Messenger chatbots in enhancing customer support. Highlight the benefits of automating customer support processes using Facebook chatbots, such as timely assistance and improved operational efficiency. Provide tips on how businesses can leverage Facebook chatbots effectively.
Mastering SaaS Revenue Forecasting with AI SaaS revenue forecasting, business growth, AI Explain the importance of accurate SaaS revenue forecasting for business growth and decision-making. Discuss the challenges businesses face in revenue forecasting and how AI-based tools like Akkio can help improve accuracy and drive revenue growth.
Low-Code Development: Empowering Organizations to Build Custom Software Low-code development, no-code development, software development Explore the advantages and disadvantages of low-code and no-code development platforms. Discuss how these platforms empower organizations to build custom software without extensive coding knowledge. Provide best practices for deploying and leveraging low-code development.
Chatbot vs Live Chat: Choosing the Right Customer Support Solution Chatbot, live chat, customer support Compare and contrast the pros and cons of chatbots and live chat for customer support. Discuss the situations where each solution is most effective and how businesses can choose the right option for their specific needs.
Revolutionizing Conversational AI: Personalized Chatbot Journeys Conversational AI, chatbot flows, personalized experiences Explore the evolution of chatbot flows into personalized conversational journeys. Discuss the use of AI technologies like Natural Language Processing (NLP) to create engaging and personalized chatbot experiences. Highlight the benefits of providing personalized experiences for customer service interactions.
WhatsApp Banking: Balancing Privacy and Security in Conversational Banking WhatsApp banking, conversational banking, privacy and security Discuss how WhatsApp can be used to implement a successful banking strategy with maximum security and privacy. Highlight the benefits of conversational banking in delivering instant responses and increasing user satisfaction. Provide tips on overcoming privacy and security challenges in WhatsApp banking.
Integrating Chatbots with CRMs: Streamlining Customer Relationship Management Chatbots, CRMs, customer relationship management Explore the benefits of integrating chatbots with CRMs to streamline customer relationship management. Discuss how chatbots can automate routine tasks and improve data collection for better customer insights. Highlight the advantages of combining chatbots and CRMs for increased sales volume and improved customer interactions.
What's New in The Latest Updates and Features, product updates, new features Provide an overview of the latest updates and features in Highlight the benefits and improvements these updates bring to users. Discuss how these updates enhance productivity and streamline business operations.
Harnessing the Power of AI Workflow Automation AI workflow automation, productivity, no-code solutions Explain the concept of AI workflow automation and its impact on business productivity. Discuss the benefits of using AI to automate mundane tasks and enable employees to focus on strategic work. Highlight the trend of no-code solutions in AI workflow automation and provide examples of AI-based tools that can boost productivity.

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
ChatGPT: Transforming the Future of Banking ChatGPT, banking, customer experience, personalized service - Why: The rising demand for personalized and conversational customer experiences in the banking industry.
- What: How ChatGPT is revolutionizing the banking customer experience with its AI-powered conversational capabilities.
- How: Exploring the advantages of using ChatGPT in banking, including improved customer service, intuitive user experiences, and better understanding of customer needs.
Boosting Sales Productivity: Strategies That Work sales productivity, team management, high performance, sales strategies - Why: The importance of sales productivity in achieving business goals.
- What: Proven strategies to increase sales team productivity and create a high-performance sales team.
- How: Tips and practices for sales managers to develop their team and improve productivity, including goal setting, training, automation, and performance tracking.
The Battle of Customer Service: Chatbot vs. Live Chat customer service, chatbot, live chat, customer support - Why: The ongoing debate between chatbots and live chat for customer service.
- What: A comparison of the pros and cons of using chatbots and live chat for customer support.
- How: Insights and best practices for businesses to choose the right customer service solution based on their specific needs and customer expectations.
Creating an Inclusive Team Environment inclusive workplace, team management, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion - Why: The importance of creating an inclusive environment in the workplace.
- What: Strategies and practices for fostering inclusivity and diversity within teams.
- How: Tips for leaders and managers to promote inclusivity, encourage diversity, and create a positive team culture that values and respects all team members.
A Letter from Our CEO: The Future of, CEO message, product vision, customer experiences, AI-powered tools - Why: Sharing the vision and future plans of from the CEO's perspective.
- What: Announcing new AI-powered tools and their impact on creating personalized customer experiences.
- How: Exploring the journey and progress of in curating the customer experience, and how it differentiates itself from competitors in the market.
How Transformed a Sales Development Rep's Day, sales development, productivity, personalization - Why: Showcasing how improves the daily work life of a sales development representative (SDR).
- What: Sharing a personal experience of an SDR using and its impact on their daily tasks and productivity.
- How: Demonstrating the specific features and benefits of that make an SDR's job more manageable, including prioritization, communication streamlining, and personalization capabilities.
Advancing Content Marketing with, content marketing, productivity tools, team collaboration - Why: The role of in enhancing content marketing efforts.
- What: How improves content production, team collaboration, and asset reviews for content marketing teams.
- How: Exploring the specific features and functionalities of that streamline content management, enhance team productivity, and provide unique ways to visualize and track work progress.
Driving Pipeline Growth with, pipeline generation, revenue growth, conversational strategy - Why: The importance of a reliable digital pipeline for revenue growth.
- What: How's conversational strategy can drive pipeline growth and provide valuable buyer insights.
- How: Insights and tips from top customers on leveraging to engage site visitors, capture leads, and inform go-to-market strategies, ultimately driving pipeline growth.
Advanced Data Analysis Made Easy with, advanced data analysis, data visualization, code interpretation - Why: The need for accessible and user-friendly advanced data analysis tools.
- What: How simplifies data analysis tasks and eliminates the need for coding skills.
- How: Explore the features and capabilities of's Advanced Data Analysis tool, including enhanced data visualization, error checking, outlier detection, and natural language processing. Showcase real-life use cases where saves time and improves efficiency in data analysis workflows.
The Future of Conversational Banking: Trends in 2023 conversational banking, customer experience, digital transformation, technology trends - Why: Exploring the trends shaping the future of conversational banking in 2023.
- What: Analyzing the impact of technology advancements on customer expectations and banking experiences.
- How: Discussing the adoption of AI, chatbots, and personalized customer interactions in the banking industry, as well as the role of in enabling conversational banking experiences.
Revolutionizing Customer Support with Facebook Chatbots Facebook Chatbots, customer support, automation, operational efficiency - Why: How Facebook Chatbots can transform customer support processes.
- What: Exploring the benefits of using Facebook Chatbots for customer support, including automation and improved operational efficiency.
- How: Practical insights and best practices for businesses to leverage Facebook Chatbots effectively, including use cases, implementation tips, and strategies for seamless integration with existing customer support systems.

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
The Power of Conversational Marketing in Building Customer Relationships Conversational marketing, customer relationships, trust, loyalty - Why conversational marketing is a game-changer for building authentic customer relationships
- What is conversational marketing and how it fosters trust and loyalty
- How to leverage conversational marketing to understand customer needs and enhance the customer experience
The Untapped Potential of AI in Sales: How to Embrace AI to Boost Efficiency AI in sales, sales teams, efficiency, AI adoption - Why AI is not overhyped and its potential value in sales
- The current lag in AI adoption in sales and its impact on businesses
- Strategies for sales teams to catch up and make the most of AI in boosting efficiency
Streamlining Work Progress with's Progress Bars, progress bars, work progress, visual updates - How progress bars can provide a quick and visual update on work progress
- The benefits of using progress bars for large-scale initiatives or campaigns
- How's progress bars can enhance work management and accountability
Enhancing Content Marketing Team Productivity with Views, content marketing teams, productivity, unique views - The importance of unique views for content marketing teams
- How's views can uplevel production, team management, and asset reviews
- Testimonials from content marketing professionals on the benefits of using views
Writing Engaging Chatbot Scripts: The Psychology and UX Behind It Chatbot scripts, UX, psychology, engaging conversations - The connection between UX, psychology, and writing effective chatbot scripts
- Techniques based on psychology and UX studies to engage users in chatbot conversations
- Examples of well-written chatbot scripts and their impact on user engagement
Exploring the Advanced Data Analysis Features of's ChatGPT, ChatGPT, advanced data analysis, no coding required - How ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis simplifies data analysis tasks
- Key features and capabilities of ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis
- Use cases and examples of how it can save time and optimize marketing strategies
Personalizing Conversational AI: From Flows to Journeys Conversational AI, chatbot flows, personalized journeys, engaging experiences - The evolution of chatbot flows from structured to personalized interactions
- How conversational AI can create engaging and personalized experiences for each user
- Applications and benefits of using personalized conversational journeys in customer service interactions
Choosing the Right Conversational Technology for Enterprise Companies Conversational technology, enterprise companies, decision-making, competitive advantages - An overview of conversational technologies available for enterprise companies
- Factors to consider when choosing the right conversational technology for specific needs
- Case studies and success stories of companies that have implemented conversational AI solutions
Maximizing Lead Nurturing with Effective Lead Distribution Strategies Lead distribution, lead nurturing, sales reps, maximizing opportunities - The importance of lead distribution in maximizing opportunities with potential customers
- Different lead distribution methods and their benefits for lead nurturing
- Case studies and success stories of companies that have implemented effective lead distribution strategies
Harnessing the Power of AI Workflow Automation with AI workflow automation, productivity, no-code solutions, small businesses - How AI workflow automation streamlines processes and enhances productivity
- The benefits of implementing AI workflow automation for small businesses
- Examples of no-code solutions like that facilitate AI workflow automation



