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2023-12-25 00:14:05

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-12-25 MON

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  1. Title: 你知道吗?在vika维格云中,我们提供了类似Airtable的IF函数,能够在公式中进行条件判断和数据比较,帮助你轻松测试输入。无论是对于数据分析还是市场运营管理,IF函数都能帮助你轻松获得有价值的洞察。快来试试吧!

  2. Title: 想要让你的聊天机器人更加自然,并与用户展开有意义的对话吗?在vika维格云的新文章中,我们详细介绍了如何使聊天机器人听起来更加自然,并与用户展开有趣的对话。点击阅读,探索从机器人到人类的转变之路。

  3. Title: 在团队中建立一个包容性的环境是非常重要的,特别是对于年轻的员工来说。在vika维格云的最新博客文章中,我们分享了如何在团队中营造一个包容性的环境,帮助年轻员工更好地适应办公室生活。点击阅读,了解更多信息。

  4. Title: 在vika维格云的最新产品更新中,我们引入了一些令人兴奋的功能,包括跨时间轴跟踪记录、自定义界面表单等。这些新功能将帮助你更好地管理数据和提高工作效率。点击了解更多关于vika维格云6月新功能的信息。

  5. Title: 数据库和电子表格有着不同的用途和优势,选择适合你的业务的工具非常重要。在vika维格云的最新博客文章中,我们详细介绍了数据库和电子表格的区别,并提供了选择合适工具的建议。点击阅读,了解更多信息。

  6. Title: 在vika维格云的最新更新中,我们为Drift用户带来了一些令人振奋的功能,包括自动切换在线/离线状态,以及快速启动等。这些新功能将帮助你的团队更高效地进行在线客服工作。点击了解更多关于vika维格云和Drift的最新功能。

  7. Title: 想要提升客户服务体验吗?Facebook聊天机器人可以帮助你实现这个目标。在vika维格云的最新文章中,我们分享了如何利用Facebook聊天机器人来改善客户支持流程,并提高运营效率。点击阅读,探索Facebook聊天机器人的潜力。

  8. Title: 在vika维格云最新的文章中,我们介绍了如何通过对话式银行策略实现第一次互动解决问题。在实现即时响应的同时,我们也要确保能够提供准确的解决方案,以提高用户的满意度。点击阅读,了解更多有关对话式银行的信息。

  9. Title: 每个潜在客户都是独特的,就像每个销售代表都是独特的一样。为了最大化与潜在客户的机会,将他们分配给最合适的销售代表非常重要。在vika维格云的最新博客文章中,我们更详细地介绍了潜在客户分配的重要性,并提供了几种可应用于业务的分配方法。点击阅读,了解更多信息。

  10. Title: 想要了解当前市场上最好的大型语言模型吗?在vika维格云的最新文章中,我们探讨了当前最强大的语言模型,以及它们如何改变我们处理和分析语言的方式。点击阅读,了解更多信息。


  1. Title: The Future of Conversational Banking in 2023: What You Need to Know Description: Stay ahead of the curve in the banking industry with the latest trends in conversational banking. Discover how can help you deliver exceptional service. Content: The banking industry is rapidly evolving, and conversational banking is at the forefront of this transformation. As customer expectations continue to rise, it's crucial to keep up with the latest trends to offer exceptional service. Learn how can help you leverage new technologies and provide personalized experiences for your customers. Read more

  2. Title: Maximizing Lead Conversion with Intelligent Lead Distribution Description: Learn how AI-powered lead distribution can optimize your sales process. Discover how can help you pair the right sales rep with each lead to maximize conversion rates. Content: Each lead is unique, and maximizing conversion rates requires pairing them with the best sales rep for the job. AI-powered lead distribution can optimize this process by considering factors such as geographical area and sales rep expertise. Learn how can help you implement intelligent lead distribution strategies to nurture each lead and drive sales success. Read more

  3. Title: AI Tools Revolutionizing the Consulting Industry Description: Explore the top AI tools for consultants that are transforming the industry. Discover how can supercharge your workflows and enhance client results. Content: Artificial intelligence is reshaping the consulting industry, providing consultants with powerful tools to enhance their workflows and deliver better results for clients. Explore the top AI tools tailored for consultants and discover how can revolutionize your work processes, save time, and deliver valuable insights. Read more

  4. Title: The Evolution of Conversational AI: From Flows to Personalized Journeys Description: Discover how conversational AI has evolved to provide personalized experiences for users. Learn how can help you create engaging conversational journeys. Content: Chatbots have come a long way from rigid and structured communication to personalized conversational journeys. Explore how conversational AI has evolved to provide engaging experiences tailored to each user. With, you can unlock the potential of conversational AI and create intuitive and personalized interactions that feel like real conversations. Read more

  5. Title: Building Authentic Connections with Conversational Marketing Description: Leverage the power of conversational marketing to build trust and loyalty with your audience. Discover how can help you create meaningful connections. Content: Conversational marketing has emerged as a game-changer in the world of marketing, allowing businesses to build authentic relationships with their customers. Explore how you can leverage the latest technology, including, to engage in meaningful conversations, foster trust, and understand customer needs on a deeper level. Read more

  6. Title: Unlocking the Potential of SaaS Marketplaces: A Guide for App Developers Description: Learn how to optimize your app for SaaS marketplaces to stand out from the competition. Discover how can help you succeed in SaaS marketplaces. Content: SaaS app marketplaces offer immense opportunities for app developers to extend the capabilities of SaaS platforms. However, standing out in a crowded marketplace requires effective optimization strategies. Learn best practices to optimize your app and how can help you increase visibility, lower user acquisition costs, and sustain continuous growth. Read more

  7. Title: Choosing the Right Conversational Technology for Enterprise Companies Description: Navigate the wide range of conversational technologies available for enterprise companies. Discover how can meet the unique needs of your organization. Content: Incorporating conversational technology into your company's strategy can provide significant competitive advantages. However, choosing the right technology can be challenging. Explore the different types of conversational technologies and learn how can help you automate customer service, gain a competitive edge, and transform your business. Read more

  8. Title: Enhancing Customer Support with Facebook Chatbots Description: Discover how Facebook chatbots can improve customer support and generate leads. Learn how can help you leverage artificial intelligence for better customer experiences. Content: Facebook chatbots powered by artificial intelligence are revolutionizing customer support, helping businesses answer queries, and generate leads. Explore how you can enhance your customer support with Facebook chatbots and leverage the power of AI. Discover how can help you deliver exceptional customer experiences and streamline your support processes. Read more

  9. Title: Choosing the Right Tool: Database vs. Spreadsheet Description: Understand the differences between databases and spreadsheets to pick the right tool for your business. Discover how can help you optimize your data management. Content: Databases and spreadsheets serve different purposes, and understanding their differences is crucial for efficient data management. Explore the advantages of databases over spreadsheets and learn how can help you optimize your data workflows, improve collaboration, and unlock the full potential of your data. Read more

  10. Title: AI-Powered Chatbots Revolutionizing the Banking Experience Description: Learn how AI-powered chatbots are transforming the banking industry. Discover how can help you deliver personalized and intuitive user experiences. Content: The banking industry is embracing AI-powered chatbots to deliver personalized and intuitive user experiences. Discover the advantages of using AI and chatbots in banking and how can help you provide exceptional service, enhance customer interactions, and stay ahead of the competition. Read more

Note: Please replace "link" with the appropriate URLs for each blog article or news reference.


  1. "Explore the groundbreaking use cases of AI in the life sciences industry, from accelerated drug discovery to personalized medicine. #AI #LifeSciences #Innovation"

  2. "Ensure your chatbot provides accurate answers every time, especially when it comes to important information like prices and dates. #Chatbot #Accuracy"

  3. "Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Driftie Awards! Celebrating the best and brightest customers who are using Drift to engage with buyers and customers. #DriftieAwards #CustomerEngagement"

  4. "Discover how interface layouts can save you time and effort in designing your apps with's Interface Designer. #InterfaceDesign #TimeSaving"

  5. "Unlock the power of ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis, revolutionizing the way you handle data without any coding required. #DataAnalysis #ChatGPT"

  6. "Building an inclusive environment on your team is crucial for success. Learn how to foster diversity and inclusivity with #Inclusion #Diversity"

  7. "Take your marketing automation to the next level with an honest guide to chatbot marketing. Learn proven remedies for effective automation. #ChatbotMarketing #Automation"

  8. "Discover how small businesses can boost growth with the help of chatbots. Get insights on how to attract leads and retain customers. #SmallBusiness #Chatbots"

  9. "Unsure whether to go with a chatbot or Live Chat? Explore the pros and cons of each option to make an informed decision for your business. #Chatbot #LiveChat"

  10. "Learn the differences between databases and spreadsheets to pick the right tool for your business. Empower your team with the flexibility and power of databases. #Databases #Spreadsheets"

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
如何利用AITable.ai公式中的IF函数, IF函数, 数据分析工具 - 为什么IF函数是数据分析中常用的函数
- IF函数在AITable.ai中的应用方法
- 如何使用IF函数进行条件判断和数据处理
AITable.ai如何实现自然对话的AI助手, 自然对话, AI助手 - 自然对话在AI助手中的重要性
- AITable.ai如何通过自然对话提供更自然和有意义的对话体验
- 如何优化AI助手的自然对话能力
打造团队的包容性环境 包容性环境, 团队管理, 人力资源管理 - 为什么包容性环境对团队的重要性
- 如何在团队中营造包容性环境
- 提供包容性环境的实际案例和建议
AITable.ai六月更新:新功能和界面定制, 新功能, 界面定制 - AITable.ai六月更新的新功能介绍
- 如何使用界面定制功能进行更灵活和个性化的界面设计
- 用户体验改进案例和用户反馈
数据库与电子表格:哪个更好? 数据库, 电子表格, - 数据库和电子表格的区别和用途
- AITable.ai如何结合数据库和电子表格的优势
- 如何选择适合业务需求的数据管理工具
如何利用Facebook聊天机器人改进客户支持, Facebook聊天机器人, 客户支持 - Facebook聊天机器人在提升客户支持中的作用
- AITable.ai如何利用Facebook聊天机器人进行自动化和提升客户支持
- 客户支持改进案例和成功故事
对话式银行:如何在首次互动中解决问题 对话式银行, 客户体验, 自动化 - 对话式银行的特点和优势
- 如何通过自动化解决用户问题并提升客户满意度
- 对话式银行的实际应用和效果
如何分配潜在客户以优化销售机会 销售机会, 潜在客户, 销售管理 - 潜在客户分配的重要性和影响因素
- 如何利用优化的分配策略提高销售机会转化率
- 分配策略实施案例和最佳实践
最佳大型语言模型推荐 大型语言模型, AI技术, 文本分析 - 目前市场上最好的大型语言模型推荐
- 大型语言模型在文本处理和分析中的应用
- 基于大型语言模型的实际案例和应用场景
2023年对话式银行的趋势 对话式银行, 金融科技, 客户体验 - 2023年对话式银行的发展趋势和挑战
- 如何应对客户对更好体验的需求并提供卓越的服务
- 对话式银行成功案例和市场前景

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
Chatbot vs Live Chat: 如何選擇最適合你的業務? Chatbot, Live Chat, 業務 Chatbot和Live Chat,哪一個對你的業務更好?在這篇指南中,我們將探討這兩個選項的優缺點,幫助你做出明智的決策。
如何讓你的Chatbot提供準確的答案 Chatbot, 準確答案 Chatbot在回答關於價格和日期的問題時,提供準確的答案至關重要。這篇文章將教你如何組織和管理資料,以確保你的Chatbot能夠準確回答這些問題。
ChatGPT如何改變銀行的客戶體驗 ChatGPT, 銀行, 客戶體驗 了解ChatGPT如何改變銀行的客戶服務體驗,並創造一個引人入勝和直觀的用戶界面。這篇文章將討論在銀行業中使用ChatGPT的優點,以及它如何幫助改善傳統方法無法做到的客戶服務體驗。
Chatbot營銷的誠實指南 Chatbot, 營銷 這篇指南將深入探討Chatbot營銷,揭示什麼將有助於使自動化營銷更加有效和實用,以及如何解決客戶對自動化營銷的痛點。
如何設計一個有效的關聯式數據庫 關聯式數據庫, 數據庫設計 通過這四個設計技巧,充分利用你的數據庫。本文將探討如何設計一個易於修改和維護的數據庫結構,以及如何更輕鬆地查找你所需的信息。
AI如何改變零售和電子商務中的客戶體驗 AI, 零售, 電子商務, 客戶體驗 AI在過去幾十年中已經成為現代企業運營不可或缺的組件,尤其在零售和電子商務領域,AI通過使企業能夠根據每個個體的獨特偏好量身定制客戶體驗,從而改變了企業。本文將深入探討AI在零售和電子商務中的應用,以及在採用AI時應遵循的最佳策略。
WhatsApp Banking: 克服隱私和安全挑戰 WhatsApp Banking, 隱私, 安全 了解如何使用WhatsApp實施一個成功的銀行策略,並確保最大程度的安全和隱私。立即了解有關對話式銀行的潛力!
使用 Drift 提高銷售漏斗效率 Drift, 銷售漏斗, 數字化轉型 在這篇文章中,我們將與Drift的三位頂尖客戶聊天,了解他們如何通過對話式策略在實時中與網站訪問者進行互動,同時提供買家洞察,以更好地制定銷售策略。
如何更高效地使用 Drift Drift, 數字化轉型, 數據分析 這篇文章將向你展示如何更高效地使用Drift,只專注於對你的業務有益的活動。我們將使用Daft Punk的歌詞來解釋如何更好地利用Drift的功能,進而減少達到業務最佳狀態所需的時間和金錢。
最佳產品反饋工具及其AI超能力 產品反饋工具, AI, 數據分析 產品反饋工具對於幫助企業收集有價值的客戶洞察至關重要。本文將介紹如何利用AI分析數據,更好地掌握你的客戶,並通過深入了解他們來做出更好的決策。

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
The Future of Conversational Banking in 2023 Conversational banking, customer experience, new technologies Why conversational banking is the future of the banking industry, the impact of new technologies on customer experience, and how to stay ahead of the trends in 2023.
Maximizing Lead Conversion with Effective Lead Distribution Lead distribution, sales reps, lead nurturing The importance of lead distribution in maximizing lead conversion, different lead distribution methods, and how to pair leads with the best sales rep for optimal results.
AI Tools for Consultants: Boosting Productivity and Results AI tools for consultants, workflow optimization, cutting-edge solutions How AI tools are transforming the consulting industry, top AI tools for consultants, and their benefits in enhancing workflow, saving time, and delivering better results for clients.
The Evolution of Conversational AI: Personalized Experiences for Users Conversational AI, chatbot flows, personalized experiences The evolution of chatbot flows towards personalized conversational journeys, the role of AI technologies in creating engaging experiences, and the impact on customer service interactions.
Unlocking the Power of Conversational Marketing Conversational marketing, building authentic relationships, customer experience How conversational marketing tools powered by AI technology can create meaningful connections, foster trust, and enhance the customer experience, with practical tips for implementation.
Succeeding in SaaS Marketplaces: Optimizing Your App for Growth SaaS app marketplaces, app optimization, sustainable growth The importance of app optimization in SaaS marketplaces, best practices for app optimization, and how to stand out against the competition to drive growth and increase app revenue.
Choosing the Right Conversational Technology for Enterprise Companies Conversational technology, competitive advantages, digital transformation The different types of conversational technologies available, how to choose the right one for enterprise companies, and the competitive advantages and digital transformation opportunities they offer.
Enhancing Customer Support with Facebook Chatbots Facebook chatbots, customer support, artificial intelligence How Facebook chatbots powered by AI can improve customer support, common use cases, and tips for leveraging this technology to enhance the customer experience.
Database vs. Spreadsheet: Making the Right Choice for Your Business Database, spreadsheet, data management Understanding the differences between databases and spreadsheets, their respective advantages and use cases, and how to choose the right tool for efficient data management.
AI Use Cases in Life Sciences: Transforming the Industry AI in life sciences, drug discovery, personalized medicine Real-life examples of AI use cases in the life sciences industry, from drug discovery to personalized medicine, and the potential future impact of AI technologies in this field.

Note: Please make sure to replace competitor names with "" in the actual articles.

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
AI Use Cases in Life Sciences: Advancements and Future Possibilities AI use cases, life sciences, drug discovery, personalized medicine - Why AI is revolutionizing the life sciences industry
- Real-world examples of AI-driven advancements in drug discovery, clinical trials, and personalized medicine
- The potential future of AI in life sciences
Enhancing Chatbot Accuracy: Best Practices for Providing Accurate Answers chatbot accuracy, structured data, organized information - The importance of providing accurate answers in chatbot interactions
- How to organize information in a table for improved accuracy
- Step-by-step guide to ensuring your chatbot delivers accurate answers
Celebrating Innovation: Winners of the 2023 Driftie Awards Driftie Awards, customer engagement, recognition - Introducing the Driftie Awards and their purpose
- Highlighting the winners and their outstanding use of Drift
- Showcasing the impact of innovative customer engagement strategies
Simplifying Interface Design: Choosing the Right Layout interface design, predesigned layouts, Airtable Interface Designer - The benefits of using predesigned layouts for interface design
- Overview of the available interface layouts in Airtable's Interface Designer
- How to choose the layout that best suits your needs
Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis, data analysis, code interpretation - Introduction to ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis and its capabilities
- Features and benefits of using ChatGPT for data analysis tasks
- Real-world use cases and examples of how ChatGPT simplifies data analysis
Fostering Inclusivity: Building an Inclusive Team Environment inclusive workplace, diversity, teamwork - The importance of inclusivity in the workplace
- Strategies for creating an inclusive team environment
- Benefits and outcomes of fostering inclusivity in your team
The Realities of Chatbot Marketing: Navigating Automation Challenges chatbot marketing, marketing automation, customer experience - The benefits and challenges of chatbot marketing automation
- Common pitfalls to avoid when implementing chatbot marketing
- Proven remedies and strategies for successful chatbot marketing
Leveraging Chatbots for Small Business Growth chatbots for small business, marketing strategy, lead generation - Challenges faced by small businesses and the need for marketing automation
- How chatbots can boost growth for small businesses
- Strategies and best practices for successful implementation of chatbots for small businesses
Chatbot vs Live Chat: Choosing the Best Customer Service Solution chatbot vs live chat, customer service, customer interactions - Understanding the differences and benefits of chatbots and live chat
- Factors to consider when choosing between chatbots and live chat for customer service
- Use cases and scenarios where chatbots or live chat excel
AI-Enhanced Complaint Analysis: Streamlining Customer Feedback Management AI-enhanced complaint analysis, customer feedback, automation - The importance of effective complaint analysis for improving customer experience
- How AI technology can automate and enhance complaint analysis processes
- Real-world examples and benefits of AI-enhanced complaint analysis in customer-centric businesses
AI in Retail and eCommerce: Transforming the Customer Experience AI in retail, AI in ecommerce, customer personalization - The role of AI in transforming the customer experience in retail and ecommerce
- Strategies and best practices for adopting AI in retail and ecommerce businesses
- Real-world examples and success stories of AI implementation in the industry
Introducing the New The Ultimate Bot-Building Platform, chatbot builder, AI automation - Overview of the new bot-building platform
- Key features and benefits of for creating automated chatbots and assistants
- How revolutionizes the bot-building process with ChatGPT-native capabilities
Understanding Income Inequality: Before and After Tax Analysis income inequality, tax policies, wealth distribution - Exploring the concept of income inequality and its implications
- Analyzing the impact of tax policies on income distribution
- Comparing income inequality before and after tax adjustments
Port Expansion Funding: Boosting Growth for Port of Agentia port expansion, funding, economic development - Announcement of provincial funding for the expansion of Port of Agentia
- Overview of the positive impact of port expansion on local and regional economy
- Future growth prospects and benefits of the project
Unveiling Amazon Boxing Day Deals: Must-Have Discounts and Savings Amazon Boxing Day deals, home goods, kitchen appliances - Highlighting the best deals and discounts available during Amazon Boxing Day
- Popular product categories and must-have items for savvy shoppers
- Tips and tricks for maximizing savings during the sales event
Alberta Coal Policy Changes: Lawsuit Filed by Coal Companies Alberta coal policy, coal industry, legal action - The controversial changes in Alberta's coal policy and their impact on the coal industry
- Details of the joint lawsuit filed by coal companies against the policy changes
- Implications and potential outcomes of the legal action
Overcoming Throat Cancer: A Patient's Journey to Eating Solid Food throat cancer, patient experience, recovery - Sharing the personal story of a throat cancer patient's struggle and triumph
- The importance of support and understanding in the journey to recovery
- Insights and advice for others going through similar challenges
Airbus Staff Illness: Investigation into Christmas Meal Outbreak Airbus staff illness, Christmas meal outbreak, workplace health - Reporting on the outbreak of illness among Airbus staff after a Christmas meal
- Investigation into the causes and spread of the illness
- Implications for workplace health and safety
Generosity in Action: Vernon Hyundai's Gift of a Car to a Deserving Individual Vernon Hyundai, car donation, acts of kindness - Heartwarming story of Vernon Hyundai's act of generosity in gifting a car
- The impact of such gestures on individuals and the community
- Examples of other acts of kindness and community support
Energy Minister's Reversal: OEB Decision Overturned energy policy, regulatory decision, government intervention - Explanation of the Energy Minister's decision to reverse the Ontario Energy Board's ruling
- Context and implications of the decision on the energy sector
- Discussion of public opinion and reaction to the reversal



