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2023-10-11 02:21:03

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-10-11 WED

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  1. 新闻标题: 为什么领先分配很重要,如何应用到你的团队 描述: 每个潜在客户都是独特的,就像每个销售代表都是独特的。为了最大化与潜在客户的每一个机会,将他们与最适合的销售代表配对非常重要。 内容: 每个潜在客户都是独特的,就像每个销售代表都是独特的。为了最大化与潜在客户的每一个机会,将他们与最适合的销售代表配对非常重要。这可能意味着根据地理区域分配潜在客户,或者给销售代表分配与其特定优势或经验相关的潜在客户。无论如何,领先分配对于培养每一个潜在客户都至关重要。本文将更详细地探讨领先分配,为什么它非常重要,以及您可以应用于您的业务的几种不同的领先分配方法。

  2. 新闻标题: 内容营销团队的更多Airtable视图 描述: 通过独特的方式查看您的工作,提升生产力、团队管理和资产审查。 内容: 通过独特的方式查看您的工作,提升生产力、团队管理和资产审查。在我们关于内容营销团队需要的视图的第一部分中,我们向您展示了跟踪可交付成果、将工作与营销活动连接起来以及接收新提案的最佳方法。在第二部分中,我们将更深入地介绍更多的方法,通过点击一个按钮,团队可以以所需的方式查看所需的信息,点击查看每周交付成果的进度,检查团队资源时间表等。

  3. 新闻标题: 什么是低代码开发? 描述: 低代码和无代码开发平台使组织能够构建所需的软件。 内容: 低代码和无代码开发平台使组织能够构建所需的软件。技术界多年来一直在议论低代码开发,但现在,了解低代码已成为组织的基本要求。一些宏观趋势推动低代码应用开发进入聚光灯,现在这一运动正处于发展的关键时刻。低代码或无代码方法(使用可视化界面而不是编码语言)帮助公司让更多的人参与到软件构建过程中。这对于各行各业的各种规模的公司来说都是一场变革,特别是在公司寻求整合工具的时候,现在比以往任何时候都更加重要。继续阅读以了解更多关于低代码和无代码开发的优势和劣势,以及一些部署的最佳实践。

  4. 新闻标题: 使用进度条跟踪您的工作 描述: 一目了然地查看任务和项目的状态。 内容: 当您参与大规模的项目或活动时,有时您只需要偶尔一瞥,了解您离达到里程碑的目标有多近。借助Airtable的期待已久的进度条功能,团队和领导者可以快速了解他们的工作的状态。进度条这个名字就已经说明了一切:它是一种显示您在达到预定目标方面的进展的可视化工具。我们建议您在复杂、关键的项目(例如活动和发布)旁边显示进度条。这样,无论是合作者还是高管,都可以快速了解项目的状态。使用百分比字段创建一个进度条非常简单。

  5. 新闻标题: 用户体验、心理学和聊天机器人——如何编写聊天机器人脚本 描述: 编写聊天机器人脚本?探索基于心理学和用户体验研究的12种技巧,帮助您与用户进行有意义的对话。 内容: 用户体验、心理学和聊天机器人——如何编写聊天机器人脚本 ============================================================

  6. 新闻标题: 人工智能(AI)和增强现实(AR)终极指南 描述: 想了解人工智能(AI)和增强现实(AR)吗?本综合指南提供了深入了解这些令人兴奋领域的见解,帮助您在其中寻找方向。 内容: 人工智能(AI)和增强现实(AR)之间的协同作用已经改变了企业的运作方式以及用户与数字和物理环境的互动方式。借助人工智能模拟人类智慧的能力和增强现实增强现实物体的能力,企业可以利用这些技术来解决问题、进行预测,并创造沉浸式体验。本指南探讨了人工智能和增强现实的动态融合,并深入探讨了它们在各个行业的应用,同时揭示了塑造现实的令人惊叹的进展。

  7. 新闻标题: 从机器人到人类——如何使您的聊天机器人听起来更自然 描述: 想要改进您的聊天机器人吗?本指南解释了如何使您的聊天机器人听起来更自然,并与用户进行有意义的对话。 内容: 聊天机器人已经成为在线沟通渠道的重要组成部分。这些由人工智能驱动的助手不再只是回答基本问题的工具,而是发展成为旨在模仿人类交流的复杂对话代理。然而,要创建与用户真正共鸣的聊天机器人,让它们听起来更自然和人类一样是至关重要的。在本文中,我们将探讨从机器人到人类对话代理的旅程,以及实现这一目标的关键步骤。

  8. 新闻标题: Airtable的新功能:2023年6月 描述: 跨时间轴跟踪记录、自定义界面表单等等。 内容: 跨时间轴跟踪记录、自定义界面表单等等。在加利福尼亚州的这个时候,我们经常遇到多云、阴沉的天气。但是在Airtable,由于这些新的产品更新和教育资源,我们没有遇到任何阴沉的情绪。

  9. 新闻标题: Smartsheet项目管理:功能、定价和... 描述: 有效地规划、协调和跟踪任务是项目管理成功的基石。无论您是经验丰富的项目经理还是... 内容: 无

  10. 新闻标题: CRM行业:按行业细分的CRM需求 描述: 并非所有行业都有相同的客户关系管理需求。房地产经纪人依靠他们的人际网络来完成交易,而承包商可能使用CRM系统来跟踪员工的工作时间。 内容: 并非所有行业都有相同的客户关系管理需求。房地产经纪人依靠他们的人际网络来完成交易,而承包商可能使用CRM系统来跟踪员工的工作时间。在各行各业都有大量的CRM可供选择的情况下,选择一个CRM可能是一项具有挑战性的任务。更不用说还有许多可以适应任何行业的CRM。为了帮助您在软件之旅上,让我们来看看您应该选择哪种类型的CRM,需要考虑什么,以及依赖CRM的不同行业。


  1. Title: The Rise of Low-Code Development: Empowering Organizations to Build the Software They Need Content: Discover how low-code development platforms like are empowering organizations of all sizes and industries to build the software they need. With visual interfaces and no-coding required, more people can participate in the app-building process, leading to increased efficiency and consolidation of tools. Read on to learn about the advantages and best practices of low-code development. #LowCodeDevelopment #AITable #SoftwareDevelopment

  2. Title: Revolutionizing Customer Support with Facebook Chatbots Content: Wondering how to improve customer support? Explore how Facebook chatbots, powered by AI, can revolutionize your customer support process. From answering common queries to generating leads, these chatbots automate tasks, improve customer service, and increase sales. Discover the benefits of using Facebook chatbots and how they can transform your small business. #FacebookChatbots #CustomerSupport #AITable #SmallBusinessGrowth

  3. Title: Choosing the Right CRM for Your Industry: A Guide Content: Not all industries have the same CRM needs. Real estate agents rely on their network, while contractors track employee work times. Choosing the right CRM can be challenging, but with, you can find industry-specific or adaptable CRM solutions. Learn about the advantages of industry-specific CRMs and how they can meet your unique requirements. #CRMIndustry #AITable #IndustrySpecificCRM

  4. Title: Boosting Customer Engagement with Conversational AI Content: Customer experience is key for businesses. Discover how Conversational AI, powered by, can enhance customer engagement. Conversations with customers can be personalized, efficient, and effective, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. Learn how to leverage Conversational AI to drive better customer experiences. #CustomerEngagement #AITable #ConversationalAI

  5. Title: Transforming Banking with Chatbots: 8 Benefits You Should Know Content: Good customer service is crucial in the banking sector. Explore the 8 benefits of using chatbots in the banking industry, from improving customer service to increasing operational efficiency. offers AI-powered chatbot solutions that can enhance customer experiences and streamline banking processes. #BankingSector #Chatbots #AITable #CustomerService

  6. Title: Enhancing Customer Support with Conversational AI Content: Oracle research suggests that 82% of consumers would switch brands if unsatisfied with customer service. Discover how Conversational AI, powered by, can boost customer engagement and satisfaction. Learn about the role of Conversational AI in delivering top-notch customer experiences and how it can benefit your business. #CustomerSupport #AITable #ConversationalAI

  7. Title: Providing Accurate Answers with AI-powered Chatbots Content: Accuracy is crucial when it comes to chatbot responses. Find out how to ensure your chatbot provides accurate answers every time using's AI-powered solutions. Learn about organizing information in tables and structuring your data for better query results. Provide your customers with reliable information through your chatbot. #AIChatbots #AITable #AccurateAnswers

  8. Title: Leveraging Airtable Formulas: The Power of "IF" Content: IF functions are essential in databases and spreadsheets. Discover how's AI-powered solutions can help you leverage the power of "IF" for insightful data analysis. Learn how to compare inputs and take different actions based on the results. Explore the possibilities of IF functions in your data-driven decision-making process. #AirtableFormulas #AITable #DataAnalysis

  9. Title: Designing Effective Relational Databases: Tips and Tricks Content: Make the most out of your database with effective design techniques. Explore's solutions for designing relational databases that are easy to modify, maintain, and query. Discover the benefits of well-designed databases and avoid common pitfalls. Optimize your data management with #RelationalDatabases #AITable #DataManagement

  10. Title: Developing a Winning Chatbot Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide Content: Are you ready to leverage chatbots for your business? Follow our step-by-step guide to develop a chatbot strategy that aligns with your goals. Learn about the key components of an effective chatbot strategy and how can help you launch a successful chatbot. Take your customer engagement to the next level with AI-powered chatbots. #ChatbotStrategy #AITable #CustomerEngagement


  1. With's new progress bar feature, you can easily track the status of your tasks and projects at a glance. Stay on top of your milestones with just one click! #productivity #projectmanagement

  2. Chatbot or Live Chat? Find out which one is best for your business with's informative guide. Make an informed decision and enhance your customer service today! #chatbot #customerexperience

  3. Dive into the exciting world of AI and AR with's ultimate guide. Discover how these technologies are transforming industries and shaping our reality. #AI #AR #technology

  4. Boost your business growth with a well-developed chatbot strategy.'s step-by-step guide will help you align your goals and engage your customers like never before. #chatbot #strategy

  5. Optimize your app for success on SaaS marketplaces with's best practice tips. Stand out from the competition and drive continuous growth for your app. #appdevelopment #SaaS

  6. Maximize every opportunity with lead distribution.'s blog post explores why it's important and provides different methods to nurture each lead. #leadgeneration #sales

  7. Discover the benefits of using chatbots in the banking sector with Deliver excellent customer service and create a personalized experience for your clients. #banking #chatbots

  8. Create an inclusive environment in your team with's guide. Empower your employees and foster a positive work culture for success. #inclusivity #teambuilding

  9. Stay up to date with the latest features in From progress bars to redesigned home screens, we're constantly improving to enhance your work experience. #productupdate #innovation

  10. Harness the power of different views with for your content marketing team. Track deliverables, manage resources, and review assets with ease. #contentmarketing #teamcollaboration

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
提高销售团队效率的关键:客户分配和团队管理技巧 销售团队效率, 客户分配, 团队管理 - 为什么客户分配对于最大化销售机会至关重要?
- 客户分配方法和技巧,如何将每个潜在客户与最合适的销售代表配对?
- 通过客户分配提高销售团队效率的实际案例
如何利用AITable.ai提升内容营销团队的工作效率, 内容营销团队, 工作效率 - AITable.ai如何提供独特的功能和视图,帮助内容营销团队提升工作效率
- 如何利用AITable.ai跟踪工作进度、管理团队资源和审查工作成果
- 客户的使用案例和反馈,如何改善内容管理流程
低代码开发平台的优势及最佳实践 低代码开发, 低代码平台, 最佳实践 - 低代码开发的优势和劣势,为什么越来越多的组织采用低代码开发平台
- 低代码开发在各行业的应用案例,如何选择适合自己行业的低代码平台
- 低代码开发的最佳实践和部署策略
用进度条跟踪任务和项目的状态 进度条, 任务管理, 项目管理 - 进度条的作用和优势,如何快速了解任务和项目的进展情况
- 如何在AITable.ai中创建和使用进度条,实现任务和项目的状态跟踪
- 进度条在项目管理中的应用案例和效果
优化聊天机器人脚本的技巧和心理学原理 聊天机器人, 脚本编写, 心理学原理 - 如何编写引人入胜的聊天机器人脚本,结合心理学和用户体验原理
- 通过心理学技巧提高用户参与度和聊天效果的实例和案例
- 聊天机器人脚本编写的最佳实践和常见错误
人工智能和增强现实的终极指南 人工智能, 增强现实, 终极指南 - 人工智能和增强现实的基础知识,如何利用这两项技术解决实际问题
- 人工智能和增强现实在各行业的应用案例和前景
- 人工智能和增强现实的最新发展和研究动态
让聊天机器人更具人性化的方法和实践 人性化聊天机器人, 用户体验, 聊天交互 - 为什么打造人性化聊天机器人对于提升用户体验至关重要?
- 利用心理学原理和用户研究的方法,如何使聊天机器人更具人性化
- 人性化聊天机器人在不同行业中的应用案例和成功经验
AITable.ai最新功能和改进:时间线跟踪、界面表单自定义等, 功能改进, 时间线跟踪, 界面表单自定义 - AITable.ai最新推出的时间线跟踪功能,如何跟踪记录和项目的时间线
- AITable.ai界面表单自定义的新功能和选项,如何自定义界面表单以提供更好的用户体验
- 用户对AITable.ai新功能的反馈和使用案例
AITable.ai在CRM行业的应用和优势, CRM行业, 客户关系管理 - AITable.ai如何满足不同行业的CRM需求,提供定制化的解决方案
- CRM行业的特点和需求,AITable.ai在CRM行业中的应用案例
- 选择适合CRM行业的AITable.ai的因素和注意事项
如何高效迎接新团队成员加入 新团队成员, 团队管理, 新员工培训 - 新团队成员加入的重要性和影响,如何高效迎接和培训新员工
- 利用AITable.ai管理新员工培训计划和任务分配
- 成功案例和最佳实践,如何提高新员工加入的效率和团队合作

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
如何選擇適合不同行業的CRM系統? CRM, 行業, 選擇, CRM系統 了解不同行業的CRM需求,選擇適合的CRM系統的重要性以及如何做出選擇。
AI聊天機器人:小型企業的極大增長 AI, 聊天機器人, 小型企業, 增長 探索聊天機器人的好處,如何節省時間並增加收入,並了解如何在競爭激烈的市場中使小型企業蓬勃發展。
打造團隊的包容環境 團隊, 包容性環境, 領導力 探討如何在團隊中建立一個包容性環境,以促進合作、創新和員工滿意度。
由機器轉為人類 讓聊天機器人聽起來自然 聊天機器人, 自然對話, 人性化
如何制定聊天機器人策略 聊天機器人, 策略, 客戶參與 指導如何制定一個有效的聊天機器人策略,以提升客戶參與和增強業務成果。
低代碼開發平台的優勢與劣勢 低代碼, 開發平台, 效率 探討低代碼開發平台的優勢和劣勢,以及部署這些平台的最佳實踐。
Airtable公式中的IF函數使用方法 Airtable, 公式, IF函數 深入瞭解Airtable中IF函數的使用方法,並了解如何通過IF函數進行數據測試和分析。
探索新版Airtable的更新功能 Airtable, 更新功能, 進度條 介紹Airtable新版的更新功能,如主屏幕重新設計和進度條功能,以提高團隊的工作效率。
如何使聊天機器人提供準確的答案 聊天機器人, 準確性, 結構化數據 解釋聊天機器人在回答有關價格和日期的問題時為什麼需要提供準確的答案,並提供相關的實踐方法。 vs. 競爭對手:哪個更適合您的業務, 競爭對手, CRM系統 對比AITable.ai和其他競爭對手的優勢和缺點,幫助您選擇適合業務需求的CRM系統。

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
The Rise of Low-Code and No-Code Development Platforms Low-code, No-code, Development platforms, Software, Advantages, Disadvantages, Best practices - Why low-code and no-code development platforms are gaining popularity in organizations
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using low-code and no-code development
- Best practices for deploying low-code and no-code solutions
Using to Enhance Customer Support with Chatbots, Customer support, Chatbots, AI-powered, Benefits - How can revolutionize customer support with AI-powered chatbots
- The benefits of using chatbots for customer support
- How to implement and maximize the use of chatbots in customer support
Choosing the Right CRM for Your Industry with, CRM, Industry-specific, General, Advantages, Considerations - The importance of choosing the right CRM for your industry
- The advantages of industry-specific CRM solutions
- Considerations for selecting a CRM that can be adapted to any industry
Boosting Small Business Growth with Chatbots, Small business, Growth, Chatbots, Benefits - How chatbots can help small businesses thrive and grow
- The benefits of using chatbots for small business operations
- Strategies to maximize the potential of chatbots for small business growth
Transforming Banking with Chatbots: The Advantage, Chatbots, Banking sector, Benefits - How chatbots can revolutionize customer service in the banking sector
- The benefits of using chatbots in the banking industry
- Case studies and success stories of banks leveraging chatbots
Enhancing Customer Engagement with Conversational AI by, Conversational AI, Customer engagement, Benefits - The role of conversational AI in enhancing customer engagement
- How's conversational AI solutions can improve customer interactions
- Best practices for implementing and leveraging conversational AI
Ensuring Accuracy in Chatbot Responses with, Chatbots, Accuracy, Data organization - The importance of accurate responses in chatbot interactions
- How's data organization capabilities can improve chatbot accuracy
- Step-by-step guide for organizing data in for accurate chatbot responses
Optimizing Work Management with, Work management, Features, Pricing - How can streamline work management processes
- Features and pricing comparison between and competitors
- Case studies of companies benefiting from for work management
Mastering Formulas in Unlocking the Power of "IF", Formulas, IF function, Data analysis - Understanding the power and versatility of the "IF" function in formulas
- How to use the "IF" function to analyze data and make logical choices
- Real-world examples and use cases of the "IF" function in
Designing Effective Databases with, Relational database, Design tips - The benefits of using relational databases in organizations
- Best practices for designing effective databases with
- Tips for optimizing database structures for efficient data management

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
Enhancing Project Management Efficiency with Progress Bars in, progress bars, project management, productivity tools - Why progress bars are essential for project management efficiency
- What progress bars are and how they visually represent project status
- How's progress bar feature can help teams track and manage their projects effectively
Choosing the Right Communication Tool: Chatbot vs Live Chat for Your Business, chatbot, live chat, customer service, communication tools - The benefits and drawbacks of chatbots and live chat for customer service
- How chatbots and live chat differ in terms of functionality and user experience
- How's chatbot feature can enhance customer interactions and support businesses
The Power of AI and AR: A Comprehensive Guide to's Capabilities, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, AI-powered tools - Exploring the potential of AI and AR in transforming businesses
- Understanding the basics of AI and AR and their applications across industries
- How integrates AI and AR technologies to provide innovative solutions for businesses
Unleashing the Potential of Chatbot Marketing with, chatbot marketing, automation, customer engagement - The benefits and challenges of chatbot marketing
- Best practices for implementing chatbot marketing strategies
- How's chatbot feature can empower businesses to enhance their marketing efforts
Streamlining Business Operations with the Power of Chatbots:'s Guide, chatbot development, business automation, customer engagement - Understanding the key components of an effective chatbot strategy
- Step-by-step guide to developing and launching a successful chatbot
- How's chatbot feature can help businesses streamline their operations and improve customer engagement
Optimizing Your App for SaaS Marketplaces:'s Best Practices, SaaS app marketplaces, app optimization, app revenue - The importance of app optimization in SaaS marketplaces
- Best practices for optimizing apps to stand out in the marketplace
- How's app optimization features can help boost visibility and app revenue
Maximizing Lead Conversion with Effective Lead Distribution Strategies: Insights from, lead distribution, lead nurturing, sales CRM - Why lead distribution is crucial for maximizing lead conversion
- Different lead distribution methods and their benefits
- How's sales CRM feature can facilitate effective lead distribution and improve sales outcomes
Revolutionizing Customer Service in the Banking Sector with Chatbots: Insights from, chatbots in banking, customer service automation - The benefits and advantages of using chatbots in the banking sector
- Real-life examples of how chatbots have improved customer service in banking
- How's chatbot feature can empower banks to enhance their customer service experience
Fostering Inclusivity in the Workplace:'s Guide to Building an Inclusive Environment, inclusivity, workplace diversity, team management - The importance of inclusivity in creating a positive work environment
- Strategies for fostering inclusivity and promoting diversity in the workplace
- How's features can support teams in building an inclusive work culture's Latest Updates: New Features and Enhancements, product updates, new features, productivity tools - Summarizing the latest updates and new features in
- How these updates can enhance user experience and productivity
- Exploring the benefits of using's new features in various business scenarios



