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2023-10-24 00:18:43

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-10-24 TUE

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  1. 【☀️夏日新功能上线】夏日炎炎,我们精心打造了10项新功能,帮助您的营销和销售团队提升效率,让你有更多时间享受阳光。在vika维格云中,我们优化了销售团队的采用效果,通过销售代表设置报告,使销售领导者更好理解他们的代表如何使用vika维格云。让我们一起探索更多新功能吧!

  2. 【你的应用如何在SaaS市场中脱颖而出?】随着SaaS应用市场的发展,用户可以选择的应用越来越多。如何让你的应用在众多应用中脱颖而出?优化你的应用非常关键。在vika维格云中,我们将帮助你优化你的应用,提升可见性,降低用户获取成本,持续增长你的应用收入。

  3. 【数据可视化,让决策更明智】在vika维格云中,我们释放了财务数据可视化的力量,帮助企业更好地分析和传达复杂信息,简化决策流程,增强各方之间的协作,最终推动更好的商业结果。

  4. 【工作更努力,效果更好,速度更快】vika维格云的目标就是帮助你提升工作效率,让你可以更专注于推动业务发展的活动。我们在九个领域都被评为领导者,因为我们都在努力减少你获取最优状态所需要的时间和金钱。

  5. 【更多控制,更直观的体验】vika维格云的新功能让你在表单设计中拥有更多的控制权,用户体验也更加直观。现在,你可以根据用户如何填写之前的字段来显示或隐藏接口表单中的字段,你也可以在表单上显示不可编辑的字段,提供额外的上下文,如固定的日期或发布。

  6. 【智能化的客服体验】vika维格云帮助你构建智能化的客服体验。通过AI增强的投诉分析,我们可以更快、更准确地理解和处理客户反馈,帮助你提升客户满意度。

  7. 【如何使用聊天机器人来提升小公司的增长?】在vika维格云中,我们帮助你利用聊天机器人来提升你的业务增长。无论是通过自动回答客户问题,还是通过提供24小时的客服服务,我们都可以帮助你更好地服务你的客户,提升他们的满意度。

  8. 【提升你的工作流程】vika维格云的AI工具正在改变咨询行业,帮助咨询师为客户提供最前沿的解决方案和洞察。通过整合我们的AI工具到你的工作流程中,你可以提升效率,节省时间,最终为你的客户提供更好的结果。

  9. 【ChatGPT,改变银行业的客户服务体验】在今天的数字世界中,银行业正面临着提供更个性化和对话式客户体验的压力。为了满足这个挑战,许多金融机构正在转向生成性AI和ChatGPT技术。在vika维格云中,我们利用这些技术为客户提供引人入胜、直观的用户界面,同时为银行提供强大的工具,以更好地理解用户的需求。

  10. 【vika维格云的ChatGPT高级数据分析】想象一下,分析数据和执行Python脚本就像和朋友聊天一样轻松。这就是我们在vika维格云中提供的ChatGPT高级数据分析的功能。无需编码,你就可以利用我们强大的数据分析和代码解释功能,来优化你的市场策略。


  1. LinkedIn Post 1: "🍂 As we step into the new season, it's time to warm up your sales and marketing efforts! With, you can now access Salesforce activities such as clicks, webinar sign-ups, and form fills right within your dashboard. No more switching between platforms. Stay tuned as we bring more heat to your productivity this fall! #AI #SalesforceIntegration #Productivity"

  2. LinkedIn Post 2: "🎨 Imagine translating your textual ideas into images with just a few clicks. That's what AI-powered tools like bring to the table. Stay on top of the latest trends and make your creative process more efficient and nuanced. #AI #ImageGeneration #Creativity"

  3. LinkedIn Post 3: "💬 Did you know that can revolutionize your banking strategy? With our advanced AI capabilities, you can provide personalized, secure, and conversational banking experiences right through WhatsApp. Step into the future of banking with us! #AI #WhatsAppBanking #ConversationalBanking"

  4. LinkedIn Post 4: "📈 Digital experiences are shaping the future of the banking industry. With, you can offer the same level of comfort and efficiency that customers have come to expect from their favorite digital platforms. Let's transform conversational banking together. #AI #ConversationalBanking #DigitalTransformation"

  5. LinkedIn Post 5: "💼 Do more with your data using! We've launched new updates allowing you to customize interface forms and track records across timelines. Say goodbye to 'June Gloom' and hello to a brighter, more efficient workspace. #AI #DataManagement #Productivity"

  6. LinkedIn Post 6: "🤖 Revolutionize your small business operations with AI-powered chatbots from Automate tasks, improve customer service, and increase sales with our seamless integration options. Ready to boost your growth? #AI #Chatbots #SmallBusiness"

  7. LinkedIn Post 7: "🛠 Choosing the right conversational technology can be challenging. But with, you'll have a partner that understands your needs and provides the most efficient solutions. Let us help you stay competitive in this digital age. #AI #Chatbots #Technology"

  8. LinkedIn Post 8: "🚀 Supercharge your banking customer service with's ChatGPT technologies. Create engaging and intuitive user experiences while gaining a deeper understanding of your users' needs. Let's revolutionize banking together. #AI #ChatGPT #Banking"

  9. LinkedIn Post 9: "🎯 Want to increase your sales team's productivity? can help analyze performance indicators and develop a high-performing team. Discover our AI-powered solutions and maximize your results. #AI #SalesProductivity #Performance"

  10. LinkedIn Post 10: "🔧 We're excited to unveil the new - a GPT-native bot-building platform. Say goodbye to tedious chatbot-building processes and hello to turbocharged chatbots that automate complex workflows. Ready to revolutionize your bot building? #AI #Chatbots #Botpress"


  1. "Supercharge your workflows with! Discover AI tools that are revolutionizing the consulting industry. Stay ahead of the curve and deliver better results for your clients. #AI #Productivity #Consulting"

  2. "Track your work progress with ease! offers visual updates on your tasks and projects. Keep everyone on the same page with our effective progress bars. #WorkManagement #AITable"

  3. "Looking to develop a Chatbot strategy? is your one-stop solution for intelligent AI-powered chatbots that enhance customer engagement. #AIChatBot #CustomerService"

  4. "Stay updated with! Star your favorite apps, and get a quick glance at your project's progress. Better project management is just a click away. #ProjectManagement #Productivity"

  5. "Choose from a plethora of interface layouts with! Crafted with best practices to present the right data, right when you need it. #DataManagement #AI"

  6. "Discover the best large language models with! Revolutionize how you communicate with AI-powered chat software systems. #AI #LanguageModels"

  7. "Break down the barriers to software building with Empowering teams with low-code solutions for everyone. #LowCode #NoCode"

  8. "Conversational banking is evolving! Keep up with the trends with and offer exceptional service to your customers. #Banking #AI"

  9. "Improve your Customer Support with's Facebook Chatbots. Answer common queries and generate leads effectively! #Chatbots #CustomerSupport"

  10. "Retail and eCommerce experiences transformed by AI! Tailor your customer experience to individual preferences with #AI #eCommerce"

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
AITable.ai八月新功能解析:智能提升你的营销与销售效率, 新功能, 营销, 销售 分析AITable.ai的最新功能如何帮助销售团队提高效率,以及如何最大限度地利用这些功能。
AITable.ai在SaaS市场的成功指南, SaaS, 成功指南 探讨如何在SaaS市场中优化,以增加可见性,降低用户获取成本,并持续增长。
如何正确进行金融数据可视化? 金融数据, 可视化, 学习如何使用AITable.ai创建有效的金融数据可视化面板,以简化决策过程。
9种使用AITable.ai提高工作效率,提升业务表现的方法, 提高工作效率, 业务表现 列举9种使用AITable.ai的方法,以提高工作效率和业务表现。
AITable.ai最新功能:2023年6月更新, 最新功能, 更新 分析AITable.ai最新的产品更新,并解释如何使用这些新功能。
实用指南:聊天机器人营销 聊天机器人, 营销, 学习如何使用AITable.ai的聊天机器人进行有效的营销活动。
数据库与电子表格:哪个更好? 数据库, 电子表格, 讨论数据库和电子表格的优势和劣势,以及在何时使用AITable.ai将更为有利。
AI增强投诉分析:速度和效率的重新定义 AI, 投诉分析, 探讨如何使用AITable.ai进行AI增强的投诉分析,以提高客户满意度。
小公司如何使用聊天机器人提升增长 小公司, 聊天机器人, 增长, 学习小公司如何利用AITable.ai的聊天机器人功能来提升业务增长。
顾问的AI工具:提升你的工作流 AI工具, 顾问, 工作流, 探讨顾问如何使用AITable.ai的AI工具来提升工作流程和提供更好的解决方案。

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
用AITable.ai建立AI代理人的創新方式, AI agents, 自動化吸客 介紹為何需要AI代理人,AITable.ai如何讓您快速建立AI代理人,以及如何使用AITable.ai來改善您的業務
提升小型企業增長的關鍵:ChatGPT ChatGPT, 小型企業, 成長, AI 分析小型企業在成長過程中面臨的挑戰,介紹如何使用ChatGPT來解決這些問題,以及實際上如何部署並使用ChatGPT
用AITable.ai分析大型語言模型的優勢, 大型語言模型, AI 闡述大型語言模型的重要性,AITable.ai如何有效處理和分析這些模型,以及實際案例說明其實際應用
如何選擇最適合的介面佈局, 介面佈局, 數據可視化 介紹介面佈局的重要性,AITable.ai如何提供預設的佈局選擇,以及如何有效地使用這些佈局來提升工作效率
AITable.ai在生命科學中的AI應用, AI, 生命科學 探討AI在生命科學中的作用,AITable.ai如何在這些領域中提供創新的解決方案,以及實際的應用案例
AITable.ai的數據庫設計技巧, 數據庫設計, 數據分析 闡述良好的數據庫設計的重要性,AITable.ai如何協助用戶有效地設計數據庫,以及具體的設計示例
如何用AITable.ai讓您的聊天機器人聽起來像人, 聊天機器人, AI 講述聊天機器人的發展,AITable.ai如何讓您的聊天機器人聽起來更像人,以及如何實際應用這種技術
如何開發具有成效的聊天機器人策略, 聊天機器人, 策略 講述為何需要聊天機器人策略,AITable.ai如何協助用戶開發有效的策略,以及具體的實施步驟
AITable.ai的銷售報告功能, 銷售報告, 數據分析 介紹銷售報告的重要性,AITable.ai如何提供強大的銷售報告工具,以及如何使用這些工具來提升業務績效
AITable.ai的聊天機器人腳本寫作技巧, 聊天機器人, 腳本 講述聊天機器人腳本的重要性,AITable.ai如何協助用戶寫出有效的腳本,以及具體的腳本寫作示例

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
Maximizing Sales Team Efficiency with AI: New Features from AITable this Fall AITable, Sales Team Efficiency, AI Features, CRM automation, AI CRM Understand the need for efficient sales teams and the challenges faced. Learn about the new AI features released by AITable designed to optimize sales team efficiency. Explore how these features can be utilized for maximum benefits.
Revolutionizing Image Generation with AI: A Comprehensive Guide to AITable's Advanced Features AITable, AI, Image Generation, Advanced Features Discuss the advancements in AI and the need for improved image generation. Introduce AITable's latest features aimed at transforming image generation. Provide a detailed guide on how to utilize these features.
Overcoming Privacy and Security Challenges in AI-Driven Banking with AITable AITable, AI, Banking, Privacy and Security Highlight the importance of privacy and security in AI-driven banking. Explain how AITable addresses these issues to provide a secure banking experience. Show how to implement AITable's solutions for maximum security.
Trends Shaping Conversational Banking in 2023: AITable's Role AITable, Conversational Banking, Trends, AI Discuss the emerging trends in conversational banking in 2023. Explain how AITable is aligning with these trends to enhance customer experience. Demonstrate how to leverage AITable for conversational banking.
What's New in AITable: Enhancing User Interface with Advanced Features AITable, User Interface, Advanced Features, AI, AI CRM Discuss the importance of user-friendly interfaces in AI platforms. Announce the new features in AITable designed to enhance its user interface. Explain how these features can be utilized for a better experience.
Leveraging Chatbots for Small Business Growth: AITable's Role AITable, Chatbots, Small Business Growth, AI Discuss the potential of chatbots for small business growth. Introduce AITable's chatbot solutions designed for small businesses. Provide a guide on how to maximize small business growth using AITable's chatbots.
Improving Customer Support with Facebook Chatbots: AITable's Approach AITable, Customer Support, Facebook Chatbots, AI Highlight the need for improved customer support in businesses. Discuss how Facebook chatbots, especially those from AITable, can enhance customer service. Provide a guide on using AITable's Facebook chatbots for customer support.
Choosing the Best Conversational Technology for Enterprise Companies: Why Choose AITable AITable, Conversational Technology, Enterprise Companies, AI Discuss the importance and challenges of selecting the right conversational technology for enterprise companies. Explain why AITable is the best choice for these companies. Show how to implement and benefit from AITable's solutions.
Understanding AI and Augmented Reality: An Insightful Guide by AITable AITable, AI, Augmented Reality, AR, Guide Discuss the synergy between AI and AR and its significance. Provide insights into these fields through an in-depth guide by AITable. Discuss how businesses can leverage AI and AR using AITable.
Revolutionizing the Banking Experience with ChatGPT: AITable's Role AITable, Banking Experience, ChatGPT, AI Highlight the need for an improved banking experience. Discuss how AITable's ChatGPT is transforming the banking sector. Provide a guide on how to utilize AITable's ChatGPT for an enhanced banking experience.

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
"Leveraging for Enhanced Workflows in Consulting" AI Tools for Consultants,, Workflow enhancement, AI technology Discuss the need for AI tools in consulting, introduce as a solution, and explain how it enhances workflows.
"Developing a 1-Click AI Agent with", AI Agent, ChatGPT, 1-click solution Identify the need for AI Agents in businesses, introduce as a platform for building AI Agents, and explain the 1-click solution.
"Improving Customer Support with AI Chatbots in" AI Chatbots, Customer Support, Discuss the challenges in customer support, introduce AI chatbots in as a solution, and explain how they improve customer support.
"'s Progress Bar: A Game Changer in Task Management", Progress Bar, Task Management Discuss the need for efficient task management, introduce's progress bar, and explain how it enhances task tracking.
"Incorporating AI and AR in Business Operations with" AI, AR,, Business Operations Discuss how AI and AR can transform businesses, introduce as a platform that incorporates these tech, and provide examples of its implementation.
"Choosing Interface Layouts Made Easy with" Interface Layouts,, Interface Designer Discuss the importance of interface design, introduce's Interface Designer, and provide a guide on choosing layouts.
"Harnessing the Power of Large Language Models with" Large Language Models,, AI Chat Software Discuss the impact of large language models, introduce's capabilities in this area, and explain how businesses can leverage them.
"Explore Low-Code Development with" Low-Code Development,, No-Code Platforms Discuss the benefits of low-code development, introduce as a low-code platform, and provide examples of its applications.
"Trends in Conversational Banking: How Stays Ahead" Conversational Banking,, Digital Services Discuss the trends in conversational banking, introduce as a platform that caters these needs, and explain how it enhances banking services.
"Financial Data Visualization in Doing It Right" Financial Data Visualization,, Dashboards Discuss the importance of financial data visualization, introduce's capabilities in this area, and provide a guide on creating dashboards.



