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2023-11-20 00:31:01

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-11-20 MON

Hi, 我是AI市场经理。 我通过分析趋势时事、参考竞品博客文章、搜索引擎关键词、配合运营节奏,结合AI大模型,给你汇报今天市场团队的传播计划,以及推荐一些内容选题。


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  1. 标题:如何选择界面布局 描述:Interface Designer的入门非常简单,只需从预设计的布局列表中选择即可。 内容:开始使用Interface Designer就像从预设计的布局列表中选择一样简单。 对于界面设计的世界还不熟悉吗? 通过vika维格云的Interface Designer,您可以从一系列预构建的布局中选择,节省时间、精力和麻烦。


> 创建一个界面


vika维格云的Interface Designer提供了一系列预设计的布局,所有这些布局都是根据宝贵的客户反馈和最佳实践精心设计的。通过这些布局,您无需从头开始,只需选择最适合您的布局即可。

  1. 标题:销售团队如何运用人工智能? 描述:如今,人工智能似乎是大家都在谈论的话题,但是人们很难不去问:“人工智能是否被夸大了?” 内容:如今,人工智能似乎是大家都在谈论的话题,但是人们很难不去问:“人工智能是否被夸大了?” 简短的答案是:绝对没有。 根据麦肯锡的报告,到2030年,人工智能预计将为全球企业创造13万亿美元的价值。而像vika维格云这样的最新创新已经显示了人工智能提高效率的潜力。 但是,尽管有这些令人兴奋的发展,销售团队在人工智能的采用上仍然落后。根据Salesforce的数据,目前只有33%的销售组织表示他们正在使用某种形式的人工智能(而其他很多人对于如何在销售中使用人工智能还不是很清楚)。 那么,销售团队应该怎么做才能赶上并充分利用人工智能的潜力呢?为了回答这个问题,我参加了由Revenue.io主办的一个网络研讨会,并与他们的首席战略和收入官员Alastair Woolcock一起分享了以下见解。

  2. 标题:如何欢迎新的团队成员 描述:与其它全球竞争对手相比,美国对外籍劳工持有不同的态度。由于劳动力短缺、婴儿潮一代退休和人口减少,越来越多的千禧一代和Z一代对财务问题感到担忧... 内容:暂无

  3. 标题:如何选择最佳的大型语言模型 描述:寻找市场上最好的大型语言模型?了解正在改变我们处理和分析语言方式的顶级模型。 内容:人工智能(AI)在近年来取得了重大进展。得益于自然语言处理(NLP)的最新进展,我们正进入一个新的对话式AI解决方案时代。您是否对当今最强大的语言模型感到好奇?在本文中,我们探讨了最强大的基于AI的聊天软件系统,并讨论了它们如何革新我们的沟通方式。




  1. 标题:Airtable在2023年6月有什么新功能? 描述:跟踪记录、自定义界面表单等等。 内容:跟踪记录、自定义界面表单等等。 在加利福尼亚州的这个时候,我们经常会有很多多云、阴天的日子。我们亲切地称之为“六月阴霾”。但在vika维格云这里,由于新的产品更新和教育资源,我们没有任何阴霾。


界面表单是将他人的输入转化为数据的最佳方式。通过Interface Designer中的新字段和选项,您现在对界面表单有了更多的控制,用户也有了更简单的使用体验。


  • 条件字段:根据用户填写的先前字段来显示或隐藏界面表单中的字段。
  • 只读字段:在表单上显示一个不可编辑的字段,可以提供附加的上下文,比如最终确定的日期或发布日期。
  • 单选/多选选项的限制:您可以决定用户在填写表单时可以选择哪些单选或多选选项。

  • 标题:人工智能如何改变零售和电子商务中的客户体验 描述:深入了解人工智能如何改变电子商务和零售,并学习在业务中采用人工智能时的最佳策略。 内容:在过去的几十年里,人工智能已经从一个含糊不清且未来主义的概念变成了每个现代企业运营中不可或缺的组成部分。 如今,人工智能在B2C和B2B行业中有着广泛的应用。然而,在零售和电子商务方面,人工智能通过使企业能够根据个人独特的偏好来定制客户体验,从而改变了企业的运营方式。

  • 标题:数据库与电子表格:哪个更好? 描述:选择适合您业务的工具需要了解它们的区别和原因。 内容:选择适合您业务的工具需要了解它们的区别和原因。 数据库和电子表格是具有根本不同目的的不同工具。但是它们经常被认为是同一个东西。 电子表格是我们大多数人都熟悉的工具,有很好的原因:它们是易于使用和普遍存在的工具。因此,当需要计算数据、平衡预算或组织信息时,我们本能地使用电子表格。

  • 标题:为什么以及如何以透明的方式领导 描述:就业与其全球竞争对手相比,美国对外籍劳工持有不同的态度。由于劳动力短缺、婴儿潮一代退休和人口减少,越来越多的千禧一代和Z一代对财务问题感到担忧... 内容:暂无

  • 标题:用户体验、心理学和机器人——如何编写聊天机器人脚本[包含示例] 描述:在编写聊天机器人脚本时,探索基于心理学和用户体验研究的12种技巧,这些技巧将帮助您吸引用户进行对话。 内容:用户体验、心理学和机器人——如何编写聊天机器人脚本[包含示例] ============================================================

  • 标题:利用人工智能提升SaaS收入预测 描述:对于企业的增长、决策和风险管理来说,SaaS收入预测至关重要。学习如何利用人工智能更快地进行预测。 内容:收入预测,特别是对于SaaS公司来说,是一个至关重要的过程,对于许多企业来说,它可能是成功与失败之间的分水岭。准确预测未来收入的能力对于做出明智的决策至关重要。但是,在这个要求不断创新的竞争激烈的环境中,企业如何确保他们使用正确的方法和工具来更有效地进行预测呢?



  1. Title: Improve Customer Satisfaction with Conversational Banking Strategies

Description: Modern customers expect instant answers. Discover how conversational banking can enhance user satisfaction and resolve queries in the first interaction. #CustomerService #Banking #ConversationalAI

Content: Did you know that chatbots have transformed the customer service industry by providing instant responses? However, not all chatbots can truly resolve customer queries, leading to decreased user satisfaction. That's why conversational banking is the key to delivering exceptional experiences. By focusing on resolution from the first interaction, ensures that users' problems are solved promptly. Learn more about the importance of conversational banking strategies in our latest blog post [link to your blog post].

  1. Title: Building an Inclusive Team Culture that Supports LGBTIQ Members

Description: Collaboration and inclusivity are crucial in today's workplace. Discover how fosters an inclusive team culture that supports LGBTIQ members. #DiversityandInclusion #TeamCulture #AITable

Content: At, we believe in creating an inclusive team culture that supports all members, including the LGBTIQ community. By embracing diversity and fostering a collaborative environment, we empower our team to bring their authentic selves to work. Learn more about our commitment to inclusivity in our latest blog post [link to your blog post].

  1. Title: The Power of AI in Chatbot Building: Introducing

Description: is revolutionizing the chatbot building process. Discover how our ChatGPT-native platform empowers users to create personalized AI agents with ease. #AI #Chatbots #AITable

Content: Exciting news! We are thrilled to announce the launch of, the industry's first ChatGPT-native bot-building platform. Our platform revolutionizes the chatbot building process by unleashing the full potential of ChatGPT and eliminating the need for extensive training data. With, you can build turbocharged chatbots and personal copilots that automate complex workflows with just a few clicks. Learn more about our innovative platform [link to your webpage].

  1. Title: Master the Art of Effective Database Design with

Description: Unlock the full potential of your data with effective database design. Discover how empowers users to build and maintain well-structured relational databases. #DatabaseDesign #DataManagement #AITable

Content: Building an effective relational database is crucial for organizations of all sizes. A well-designed database ensures easy modification, efficient data retrieval, and streamlined workflows. With, you can master the art of database design and unleash the full potential of your data. Learn more about the key principles of effective database design in our latest blog post [link to your blog post].

  1. Title: Embracing the Future of Digital Marketing with

Description: Discover the latest digital marketing trends and how empowers businesses with content personalization, SEO optimization, and artificial intelligence. #DigitalMarketing #ContentPersonalization #AITable

Content: The future of marketing is here, and is at the forefront of empowering businesses with cutting-edge digital marketing tools. From content personalization to SEO optimization and AI-driven insights, our platform helps businesses stay ahead of the curve. Learn more about the future of digital marketing and how can elevate your marketing strategies in our latest blog post [link to your blog post].

  1. Title: Unlock Engaging Conversational Journeys with

Description: Discover how is revolutionizing chatbot experiences with personalized, automated conversational journeys for each user. #ConversationalAI #Chatbots #AITable

Content: Chatbots have come a long way, evolving from structured and rigid communication to personalized conversational journeys. leverages AI technologies like Natural Language Processing to create engaging and intuitive conversational experiences. Our platform ensures that each user's needs and preferences are met, making them feel like they're interacting with a real person. Learn more about the power of conversational journeys in our latest blog post [link to your blog post].

  1. Title: Humanizing Chatbots: How Creates Natural Conversations

Description: Discover how makes chatbots sound natural and engages users in meaningful conversations. #Chatbots #ConversationalAI #AITable

Content: Chatbots have evolved from basic question-answering tools to sophisticated conversational agents. understands the importance of human-like interactions and strives to make chatbots sound natural. We explore the journey from robotic chatbots to human-like conversational agents in our latest blog post [link to your blog post]. Discover how enhances user experiences across various platforms.

  1. Title: Tailored CRM Solutions for Every Industry with

Description: Not all industries have the same CRM needs. Discover how offers industry-specific CRM solutions tailored to your business requirements. #CRM #IndustrySpecific #AITable

Content: Choosing the right CRM solution for your industry can be challenging. understands that different industries have unique CRM needs and offers industry-specific CRM solutions. Whether you're a real estate agent, contractor, or part of any other industry, has the right CRM solution for you. Learn more about the benefits of industry-specific CRM in our latest blog post [link to your blog post].

  1. Title: Supercharge Your Workflows with AI Tools from

Description: Discover how AI tools from can enhance your workflows and boost productivity in just a few clicks. #AIWorkflowAutomation #Productivity #AITable

Content: As AI continues to reshape industries, is at the forefront of empowering businesses with AI tools to supercharge their workflows. From AI workflow automation to AI-powered data analysis, our platform saves time and enhances efficiency. Learn more about the top AI tools from in our latest blog post [link to your blog post].

  1. Title: Boost Your Sales Pipeline with Pro Tips from Our Super Users

Description: Learn how can help drive more sales pipeline with pro tips from our super users. #SalesPipeline #AITable #CustomerEngagement

Content: Building a reliable sales pipeline is essential for business success. understands the challenges faced by go-to-market teams and offers a conversational strategy that engages site visitors in real-time. Discover how can help boost your sales pipeline with pro tips from our super users in our latest blog post [link to your blog post]. #SalesStrategy #ConversationalAI


  1. "Exciting updates in! Now you can star your favorite apps on your home screen and track project progress with colorful progress bars. Check it out!" #productivity #updates #AITable

  2. "Looking to choose the best conversational technology for your enterprise? Our latest blog article helps you target your search and find the perfect fit for your company. #conversationaltechnology #AI #enterprise"

  3. "Unlock the power of data analysis with ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis! Simplify your tasks and revolutionize the way you handle data, no coding required. Discover its features now. #dataanalysis #AI #productivity"

  4. "Want to engage users with your chatbot script? Explore our guide based on psychology and UX studies for 12 techniques to create an engaging chatbot experience. #UX #chatbots #engagement"

  5. "Enhance your customer support with Facebook chatbots! Discover how they can revolutionize your customer support process and provide timely assistance. #customersupport #chatbots #automation"

  6. "Exciting announcement from! We are introducing three new, AI-powered products that are redefining the buyer engagement platform. Stay tuned for more details! #AI #buyerengagement #productlaunch"

  7. "Discover the power of conversational marketing! Learn how to build meaningful connections with your audience using the latest technology. #conversationalmarketing #customerexperience #marketingstrategy"

  8. "Maximize every opportunity with lead distribution! Find out why it's crucial for nurturing each lead and explore different methods to apply to your business. #leaddistribution #sales #nurturing"

  9. "Give your chatbot a character with our short guide! Create a personality that engages users and leaves a lasting impression. #chatbotpersonality #userengagement #AI"

  10. "Curious about the best large language models in the market? Explore the top models that are transforming the way we process and analyze language. #AI #languagemodels #NLP"

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
如何选择最适合您的界面布局, 接口布局, 界面设计 在选择界面设计时,如何根据您的需求和目标选择最适合的界面布局?本文将介绍如何选择最适合您的界面布局,并提供一些实用的设计建议。
AI技术如何改变销售团队的工作方式, 销售团队, 人工智能, ChatGPT AI技术正在改变各行各业,销售团队也不例外。本文将探讨AI技术如何改变销售团队的工作方式,并提供一些实用的应用案例和建议。
如何欢迎新团队成员加入, 团队文化, 新团队成员 如何欢迎新团队成员加入并帮助他们尽快融入团队?本文将介绍一些有效的欢迎新团队成员的方法和策略。
最佳的大型语言模型有哪些, 大型语言模型, AI技术 了解当前市场上最佳的大型语言模型,以及它们如何改变我们对语言处理和分析的方式。本文将介绍一些最强大的AI聊天软件系统,并讨论它们对沟通方式的革新。
Airtable最新更新:2023年6月版, Airtable, 更新内容 了解Airtable在2023年6月的最新更新,包括记录追踪、界面表单定制等功能的改进。本文将介绍Airtable的最新功能和教育资源。
AI如何改变零售和电商的客户体验, 人工智能, 零售业, 电商 AI技术如何改变电商和零售业的客户体验?了解在业务中采用AI技术的最佳策略和方法。
数据库与电子表格:哪个更好?, 数据库, 电子表格 如何选择适合您业务的工具?了解数据库和电子表格的区别和优势,为您的业务做出明智的选择。
透明领导为什么重要,如何实现, 领导力, 透明性 透明领导对组织的成功至关重要。了解为什么透明领导很重要,以及如何实现透明领导的最佳实践。
如何编写聊天机器人脚本, 聊天机器人, 用户体验, 心理学 如何编写一个引人入胜的聊天机器人脚本?本文将探讨基于心理学和用户体验研究的12种技巧,帮助您更好地与用户进行对话。
如何用AI提升SaaS收入预测, SaaS, 收入预测, 人工智能 SaaS收入预测对于业务增长、决策和风险管理至关重要。了解如何使用人工智能加快收入预测过程,提高准确性。

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
ChatGPT 在銀行業的革命性應用 ChatGPT, 銀行客服, AI 技術 ChatGPT 如何改變銀行的客戶服務體驗?本文將探討 ChatGPT 在銀行業的優勢,以及它如何幫助改善傳統方法無法實現的客戶服務體驗。
大型語言模型的最佳選擇 大型語言模型, AI 技術, 自然語言處理 想知道目前市場上最好的大型語言模型是哪些嗎?本文將介紹目前最強大的 AI 驅動的聊天軟件系統,並討論它們如何改變我們的語言處理和分析方式。
如何讓你的聊天機器人提供準確的答案 聊天機器人, 準確性, 數據結構化 當用戶詢問有關價格和日期的問題時,聊天機器人提供準確的答案至關重要。本文將介紹如何通過結構化數據和數據表來確保聊天機器人能夠準確回答這些問題。
不同行業的 CRM 需求分析 CRM, 行業特點, 選擇指南 不同行業的客戶關係管理需求各有不同。本文將探討不同行業對 CRM 系統的需求,並提供選擇指南和相關行業的例子。
如何制定有效的聊天機器人策略 聊天機器人, 策略制定, 效果分析 聊天機器人已經成為企業提高業務效率和改善客戶體驗的流行解決方案。本文將介紹如何制定一個有效的聊天機器人策略,以實現預期的效果。 vs 哪個更適合你的業務?,, 比較分析 和 都是基於雲端的業務管理平台。本文將比較這兩個平台的功能和優勢,以幫助你選擇最適合你業務需求的平台。
AI 在銷售團隊中的應用 AI, 銷售, 效率提升 AI 在銷售團隊中的應用仍然滯後。本文將介紹三個超級用戶分享的銷售團隊如何接納 AI 的實際案例和技巧。
Akkio: 比 ThoughtSpot 更好的選擇 Akkio, ThoughtSpot, 數據分析 Akkio 是一個功能強大的 ThoughtSpot 替代品,提供全面的功能套件,幫助企業更快做出基於數據的決策。本文將深入介紹 Akkio,解釋為什麼它是企業做出數據驅動決策的最佳 ThoughtSpot 替代品。
如何歡迎新成員加入團隊 新成員, 團隊合作, 開展計劃 歡迎新成員加入團隊是一個重要的任務。本文將介紹如何有效地歡迎新成員,促進團隊合作,並確保新成員能夠順利融入團隊。
如何通過 Drift 提高銷售渠道 Drift, 銷售, 數字化轉型 進行可靠的數字化銷售渠道建設是當今市場中的挑戰。本文將介紹如何利用對話解決方案和人工智能(AI)提供無摩擦的購買體驗,同時提供買家洞察資訊,以更好地指導你的銷售策略。
財務數據可視化的正確方法 財務數據, 數據可視化, 決策優化 財務數據可視化是一個強大的工具,可以優化決策過程。本文將介紹如何通過幾個簡單的步驟創建有效的財務數據儀表板,以幫助企業做出更好的決策。
AI 在 SaaS 收入預測中的應用 AI, SaaS, 收入預測 在 SaaS 公司中,收入預測對於業務增長、決策制定和風險管理至關重要。本文將探討 SaaS 收入預測的基本原理、業務面臨的挑戰、不同的預測方法以及提高準確性的最佳實踐。同時,我們還將介紹一個基於 AI 的工具 Akkio,它可以顯著提升你的預測能力並幫助推動收入增長。
如何提供無摩擦的數字銷售體驗 數字銷售, 對話解決方案, AI 銷售交易就像是一次公路旅行,買家和賣家一起努力達到最終目標 - 成交。然而,在數字時代,買家和賣家的互動方式發生了變化。本文將介紹如何通過對話解決方案和人工智能(AI)提供無摩擦的購買體驗,同時提供買家洞察資訊,以更好地指導你的銷售策略。
Airtable 最新消息:2023 年 6 月 Airtable, 數據管理, 產品更新 Airtable 迎來了一系列新的產品更新和教學資源。本文將介紹這些新功能,包括界面設計師中的新字段和選項,以及對單選和多選選項的限制。

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
Conversational banking: Solving customer queries in the first interaction Conversational banking, customer satisfaction, chatbots, resolution from the first interaction - Why conversational banking is crucial for delivering exceptional customer experience
- The importance of resolving customer queries in the first interaction
- Strategies to achieve resolution from the first interaction in conversational banking
Building an inclusive team culture that supports LGBTIQ members LGBTIQ inclusion, team culture, diversity and inclusion - Why an inclusive team culture is important for supporting LGBTIQ members
- Strategies for building an inclusive team culture
- The benefits of a diverse and inclusive team
The new AITable: A game-changing AI-native bot-building platform AITable, AI-native bot-building, ChatGPT, automation - Introducing the new AITable: the first AI-native bot-building platform
- How ChatGPT revolutionizes bot building and automation
- The advantages of using the AITable for building AI Agents
Best practices for designing an effective relational database Relational database design, database management, data modeling - The importance of a well-designed relational database
- Tips for optimizing database structure and relationships
- How to create a database that is easy to maintain and query
Future trends in digital marketing: Personalization, AI, and SEO Digital marketing trends, content personalization, AI in marketing, SEO strategies - The impact of personalization, AI, and SEO on the future of digital marketing
- How businesses can leverage these trends for success
- Case studies and examples of successful implementation
Conversational AI: From flows to conversational journeys Conversational AI, chatbot flows, personalized experiences - The evolution of chatbot flows to personalized conversational journeys
- How AI technologies enable personalized and engaging conversational experiences
- Case studies and best practices for implementing conversational AI
Making your AI Assistant sound natural: Tips for human-like chatbots Natural language processing, human-like chatbots, conversation design - The importance of making chatbots sound natural and human-like
- Strategies for creating engaging and meaningful conversations with AI Assistants
- Tools and techniques for improving chatbot interactions
CRM needs by industry: Choosing the right CRM for your industry CRM systems, industry-specific CRMs, CRM selection - The importance of choosing the right CRM for your industry
- Advantages and considerations of industry-specific vs. general CRMs
- Case studies and examples of industries that rely on CRMs
AI Tools for Consultants: Boosting productivity with AI automation AI tools for consultants, AI workflow automation, productivity tools - How AI tools are transforming the consulting industry
- Top AI tools for consultants and their benefits
- Case studies and success stories of consultants using AI tools
The power of AI in sales: How to leverage AI for revenue growth AI in sales, AI adoption, improving sales performance - The potential of AI in boosting sales performance and revenue growth
- Strategies for leveraging AI in sales processes
- Case studies and success stories of companies using AI in sales

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
What's new in July 2023, productivity tools, updates - Why: Keeping up with the latest updates in is crucial for users to maximize their productivity.
- What: Learn about the exciting new features and enhancements introduced in in July 2023.
- How: Explore how the new updates in, such as star favorite apps and progress bars, can help users streamline their work and stay organized.
Choosing the Best Conversational Technology for Enterprise conversational technology, enterprise companies - Why: Enterprise companies need to choose the right conversational technology to enhance customer experience and reduce operating costs.
- What: Discover the different types of conversational technologies available and learn how to select the one that best suits the needs of your company.
- How: Explore the benefits and use cases of conversational AI solutions and understand how they can automate customer service and provide a competitive advantage.
Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis ChatGPT, data analysis, AI-driven tool - Why: ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis is a game-changer in the field of data analysis.
- What: Learn about the features and capabilities of ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis and how it simplifies data analysis tasks without any coding required.
- How: Discover the various use cases where ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis can save time and provide valuable insights for professionals and beginners alike.
The Psychology behind Writing Engaging Chatbot Scripts chatbot script, psychology, UX studies - Why: Engaging chatbot scripts are crucial for creating meaningful interactions with users.
- What: Explore 12 techniques based on psychology and UX studies that can help you write compelling chatbot scripts.
- How: Dive into real-world examples and learn how to apply psychological principles to engage users and provide a personalized chatbot experience.
Enhancing Customer Support with Facebook Chatbots Facebook chatbots, customer support, automation - Why: Facebook chatbots can revolutionize customer support processes and enhance operational efficiency.
- What: Discover the role of Facebook Messenger Chatbots in enhancing customer support and the benefits of automation.
- How: Learn how to leverage Facebook Messenger Chatbots to automate customer support and provide timely assistance to customers. CEO's Vision for the Future of Productivity Tools, productivity tools, future vision - Why: Gain insights into the future of productivity tools and's vision.
- What: Explore the exciting new AI-powered products introduced by and their impact on creating personalized customer experiences.
- How: Understand how is shaping the next generation of buyer engagement platforms and driving businesses towards optimal states by reducing time and costs.
The Comprehensive Guide to Conversational Marketing conversational marketing, customer engagement - Why: Conversational marketing is a powerful approach to build authentic relationships with customers.
- What: Discover the key components of conversational marketing and how it can help businesses understand customer needs and enhance the overall customer experience.
- How: Learn how to leverage AI-powered chatbot technology to engage in meaningful conversations, foster trust, and create personal connections with customers.
Optimizing Lead Distribution Strategies for Sales Success lead distribution, sales optimization, CRM - Why: Effective lead distribution is crucial for maximizing sales opportunities.
- What: Explore the importance of lead distribution and various methods businesses can apply to optimize their sales success.
- How: Learn how to pair leads with the best sales representatives based on geographical areas or specific profiles to nurture each lead and improve conversion rates.
The Best Large Language Models Transforming Language large language models, AI technology, NLP - Why: Large language models are revolutionizing the way we process and analyze language.
- What: Discover the most powerful AI-powered language models available today and their impact on communication.
- How: Explore how these language models, such as GPT-3, are transforming conversational AI solutions and enabling more intelligent and natural interactions with users.
Boosting Productivity with Drift's Award-Winning Solutions Drift, productivity tools, sales optimization - Why: Drift's award-winning solutions can significantly improve productivity and reduce costs for businesses.
- What: Learn about the nine categories in which Drift has been recognized and how their solutions can help businesses achieve optimal states.
- How: Discover how Drift's live chat, AI sales assistants, and buyer intent data providers can enhance sales team efficiency and prioritize tasks that drive business growth.



