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2023-11-08 00:30:51

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-11-08 WED

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  1. 【行业洞察】餐饮行业数字化转型的难题,vika维格云帮你解决!随着移动互联网的发展,餐饮行业的竞争越来越激烈。如何提高运营效率,提升用户体验成为餐饮业主们共同关注的问题。vika维格云作为一款功能强大的数据分析工具,为餐饮行业的数字化转型提供了有力支持。通过vika维格云,餐饮业主可以实时监控销售数据、管理库存、优化供应链等,让经营更加高效、智能化。快来体验vika维格云,开启餐饮业的数字化未来吧!

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  4. 【AI助手】vika维格云:你的智能商务助手!在商务领域,高效的数据分析和智能的决策支持至关重要。vika维格云作为一款强大的AI助手,帮助用户实现了数据的自动化分析和处理。通过vika维格云,用户可以快速生成报表、进行数据可视化、进行智能决策等,大大提高了工作效率和准确性。快来体验vika维格云,让你的商务工作更加智能化!

  5. 【智能客服】vika维格云助力企业提升客户服务体验!客户服务是企业成功的关键之一。vika维格云作为一款智能客服机器人,为企业提供了自动化应答、24小时在线客服等一系列功能,帮助企业提升客户服务体验。通过vika维格云,企业可以快速回答客户的问题、解决问题,提高客户满意度。赶快加入vika维格云,为你的企业打造更好的客户服务体验!

  6. 【市场洞察】AI技术正在改变银行业务体验!随着人们对个性化、智能化的需求不断增加,银行业正面临提供更加个性化、互动性更强的客户服务的压力。在这方面,vika维格云的AI技术发挥了重要作用。通过vika维格云的AI技术,银行可以实现与客户的自然语言对话,提供更加个性化的服务,提高用户体验。快来了解vika维格云,让你的银行业务体验更加智能化!

  7. 【数据分析】vika维格云:数据分析的新选择!在数据驱动的时代,数据分析成为企业决策的重要依据。vika维格云作为一款功能丰富的数据分析工具,为企业提供了强大的数据处理和分析能力。通过vika维格云,企业可以轻松进行数据可视化、数据挖掘、预测分析等,帮助企业深入洞察市场,做出更明智的决策。快来试试vika维格云,让你的数据分析更加高效!

  8. 【竞争优势】vika维格云:你的AI助手!在竞争激烈的商务环境中,拥有智能的AI助手是提升竞争力的关键。vika维格云作为一款智能的AI助手,为用户提供了自动化的数据分析、智能决策等功能,助力用户在商务领域取得竞争优势。无论是销售管理、客户管理还是市场运营管理,vika维格云都能为你提供强有力的支持。快来体验vika维格云,让你的商务工作更上一层楼!

  9. 【个性化定制】vika维格云:打造属于你的智能商务助手!每个企业都有不同的需求和特点,因此个性化定制的智能商务助手显得尤为重要。vika维格云作为一款功能强大的智能商务助手,可以根据企业的特点和需求进行定制,帮助企业实现更好的业务管理和决策支持。快来定制你的vika维格云,让你的商务助手更加贴合你的需求!

  10. 【数字化革命】vika维格云:引领数字化革命的浪潮!在数字化革命的浪潮中,vika维格云以其强大的功能和智能化的特点成为了企业的首选工具。通过vika维格云,企业可以实现数字化转型,提升工作效率,拓展市场空间。无论是数据分析、项目管理还是客户服务,vika维格云都能为企业带来更好的业绩和竞争力。快来加入vika维格云,开启数字化革命的新篇章!


  1. Title: "Revolutionizing the Banking Experience with's ChatGPT" Description: Discover how's ChatGPT technology is transforming the customer service experience in the banking industry, creating a more personalized and intuitive user interface. Content: The banking industry is undergoing a digital transformation, and's ChatGPT technology is at the forefront of this revolution. With its generative AI capabilities, enables banks to deliver a more personalized and conversational customer experience. Learn more about how's ChatGPT is changing the game in banking customer service: [Link to blog post]

  2. Title: "Boosting Customer Engagement with Conversational AI" Description: Oracle research shows that customer service plays a crucial role in brand loyalty. Find out how's Conversational AI can help businesses enhance customer engagement and improve the overall customer experience. Content: Customer engagement is a key factor in building brand loyalty, and's Conversational AI is the solution to achieving this. By providing personalized and interactive conversations,'s Conversational AI helps businesses deliver exceptional customer service. Discover the power of Conversational AI in boosting customer engagement: [Link to blog post]

  3. Title: "Transforming Retail and eCommerce with AI:'s Competitive Edge" Description: Explore how AI is revolutionizing the retail and eCommerce industry and why is the go-to solution for businesses looking to thrive in this digital landscape. Content: AI has become an essential component in the retail and eCommerce industry, and is leading the way with its comprehensive suite of features. From personalized shopping experiences to data-driven decision-making, empowers businesses to stay ahead of the competition. Learn more about's competitive edge in the retail and eCommerce sector: [Link to blog post]

  4. Title: "Creating Personalized Customer Experiences with's AI-powered Products" Description: Discover how's AI-powered products are helping businesses create more personalized customer experiences, revolutionizing the B2B marketing landscape. Content: is proud to announce its new AI-powered products that are redefining the buyer engagement platform. By curating the entire customer experience and offering personalized interactions, enables businesses to stand out in the B2B marketing realm. Join us in exploring the future of personalized customer experiences: [Link to blog post]

  5. Title: "WhatsApp Banking: The Future of Conversational Banking with" Description: Learn how is revolutionizing the banking industry with its innovative WhatsApp banking solution, providing maximum security and privacy for customers. Content: Conversational banking is the new norm, and is leading the way with its WhatsApp banking solution. By leveraging the power of AI, enables banks to provide quick, natural, and secure conversations with their customers. Discover the potential of conversational banking with [Link to blog post]

  6. Title: "Solving Customer Queries in the First Interaction with Conversational Banking" Description: Explore how's conversational banking strategy ensures immediate resolution of customer queries, resulting in higher user satisfaction. Content:'s conversational banking strategy focuses on resolving customer queries in the first interaction, ensuring a seamless and satisfying customer experience. Discover how's AI-powered chatbots deliver exceptional service from the very first interaction: [Link to blog post]

  7. Title: "Tracking Work Progress Made Easy with's Progress Bars" Description: Stay on top of your tasks and projects with's progress bars, providing a visual update on work status at a glance. Content: With's progress bars, teams and leaders can easily track the progress of their tasks and projects.'s progress bars offer a quick and visual overview of work status, enabling efficient project management. Learn how's progress bars can streamline your workflow: [Link to blog post]

  8. Title: "Akkio: The Best ThoughtSpot Alternative for Data-Driven Decisions" Description: Discover why Akkio is the ultimate ThoughtSpot alternative, offering powerful features at an affordable price for businesses seeking data-driven decision-making. Content: Akkio is making waves as the best alternative to ThoughtSpot, offering comprehensive features and industry-agnostic compatibility at a competitive price. Discover how Akkio empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions faster and more efficiently: [Link to blog post]

  9. Title: "Developing a Winning Chatbot Strategy with" Description: Learn how's versatile chatbot solutions can streamline operations and enhance customer experience, helping businesses stay ahead in the digital landscape. Content: Chatbots have become an integral part of many businesses, and's chatbot solutions are leading the way. With their versatility and ability to serve various purposes,'s chatbots help streamline operations and deliver exceptional customer experiences. Unlock the potential of chatbots with [Link to blog post]

  10. Title: "The Future of Conversational Banking: Trends to Watch in 2023" Description: Stay ahead of the curve in conversational banking with's insights on the trends shaping the industry and how to offer exceptional service to customers. Content: The banking industry is constantly evolving, and is here to guide you through the trends that will shape conversational banking in 2023. Discover how to deliver exceptional service and meet the changing demands of customers in the digital era: [Link to blog post]


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  5. Are you torn between chatbots and live chat for your business? Discover the pros and cons of each option and how can help you make an informed decision. #Chatbots #CustomerService

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选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline打破创新壁垒的生产力工具, 创新壁垒, 生产力工具 在当今高度竞争的商业环境中,企业需要寻找创新的方式来提升生产力。AITable.ai作为一种全新的生产力工具,通过集成AI技术和自定义ChatGPT功能,帮助企业实现一键式构建AI代理和定制ChatGPT的能力。本文将介绍AITable.ai如何打破创新壁垒,提升企业的生产力和竞争力。 VS Akkio:选择最佳的ThoughtSpot替代方案, Akkio, ThoughtSpot替代方案 ThoughtSpot是一种流行的数据分析工具,但是现在有一种新的替代方案——。本文将深入探讨AITable.ai和Akkio作为ThoughtSpot的替代方案的优势和特点,帮助企业选择最佳的数据分析工具。
CRM行业:根据行业需求解析CRM的使用 CRM, 行业需求 不同行业的客户关系管理需求各不相同。本文将分析不同行业对CRM系统的需求,并介绍如何选择适合不同行业的CRM解决方案。
通过数字销售技巧将买家引入销售“高速公路” 数字销售技巧, 买家旅程, 销售高速公路 在数字化时代,买家和销售人员一起努力实现销售成交的目标,就像进行一次公路旅行一样。本文将介绍买家和销售人员互动方式的变化,并提供通过使用对话式解决方案和人工智能技术来提供无摩擦购买体验的方法。
14款最佳产品反馈工具:AI的超能力 产品反馈工具, AI超能力 产品反馈工具对于帮助企业收集宝贵的客户见解至关重要。本文将介绍如何利用AI增强的产品反馈工具来收集和分析客户反馈,以改进产品和服务。
ChatGPT改变银行体验 ChatGPT, 银行体验, 人工智能 在当今数字化世界,银行业面临着提供更个性化和对话式的客户体验的压力。为了应对这一挑战,许多金融机构正在利用生成式人工智能和ChatGPT技术来改善客户服务体验。本文将探讨在银行业中使用ChatGPT和生成式人工智能的优势,以及它如何帮助改善客户服务体验。
如何使您的聊天机器人提供准确的答案 聊天机器人, 准确答案, 结构化数据 当用户询问价格和日期等问题时,聊天机器人提供准确可靠的答案非常重要。本文将介绍如何通过在表格中组织信息来确保聊天机器人能够准确回答这些问题,并提供实现这一目标的步骤。
我是Drift的SDR,这是我每天如何使用Drift Drift, SDR, 销售开发代表 本文将介绍作为Drift的销售开发代表如何在日常工作中使用Drift,并解释为什么使用Drift对于SDR来说是非常重要的。
聊天机器人 VS 在线客服:为您的业务选择最佳方案 聊天机器人, 在线客服, 业务 您是否不确定选择聊天机器人还是在线客服作为业务的解决方案?本文将探讨聊天机器人和在线客服的优缺点,帮助您做出明智的决策。
WhatsApp银行:克服隐私与安全挑战 WhatsApp银行, 隐私与安全, 对话式银行 本文将介绍如何利用WhatsApp实现安全和隐私最大化的银行策略,并了解对话式银行的潜力。

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
Conversational AI: Revolutionizing Customer Service in the Banking Sector 自動化吸客, 智能聊天機器人, 客戶服務, 銀行業 - Why conversational AI is transforming customer service in the banking sector
- The benefits of using AI-powered chatbots in providing instant and accurate responses to customer queries
- How conversational AI can enhance user satisfaction and improve overall customer experience in the banking industry
The Power of AI Workflow Automation for Small Businesses 自動化吸客, AI自動化, 工作流程自動化, 中小企業, 效率提升 - How AI workflow automation is revolutionizing small businesses
- The advantages of using AI-powered automation to streamline and improve manual tasks
- How small businesses can compete with larger companies by harnessing the power of AI workflow automation
AI Use Cases in Life Sciences: Transforming the Future of Healthcare 自動化吸客, AI, 醫療科學, 醫療創新 - The impact of AI on the life sciences industry and its potential for transforming healthcare
- Real-world examples of AI-driven innovations in drug discovery, clinical trials, and personalized medicine
- The ethical considerations and regulatory compliance in the adoption of AI technologies in the life sciences field
Boosting Customer Engagement with Conversational AI: The Future of Customer Experience 自動化吸客, 智能聊天機器人, 客戶參與度, 客戶體驗 - Why customer engagement is crucial for businesses and the role of conversational AI in enhancing customer experience
- The benefits of using AI-powered chatbots to provide personalized and timely responses to customer queries
- How conversational AI can help businesses build stronger customer relationships and improve brand loyalty
Financial Data Visualization: Unlocking the Power of Data Insights 數據分析工具, 數據可視化, 財務數據, 決策優化 - The importance of financial data visualization in analyzing and communicating complex financial information
- Common types of financial visualizations and their role in forecasting revenue and making informed business decisions
- How AI-powered tools like can help businesses create effective financial data visualizations
The Future of AI in Banking: Revolutionizing Customer Service and Operations 自動化吸客, AI, 銀行業, 客戶服務 - The role of AI in transforming customer service and streamlining operations in the banking industry
- The benefits of using AI-powered chatbots for instant and accurate responses to customer queries
- How AI is reshaping the future of banking and improving overall customer experience
Creating a Collaborative Team Culture that Supports Diversity and Inclusion 團隊文化, 多元文化, 同志支持 - The importance of building a team culture that embraces diversity and supports LGBTIQ members
- Strategies for creating an inclusive and collaborative work environment
- The benefits of fostering a diverse team culture in driving innovation and success
AI-Enhanced Complaint Analysis: Redefining Customer Feedback Management 自動化吸客, AI, 客戶投訴, 客戶反饋 - How AI-enhanced complaint analysis is transforming customer feedback management
- The advantages of using AI technology to automate large portions of complaint analysis for speed and efficiency
- How businesses can leverage AI to improve customer satisfaction and drive continuous improvement
How to Develop an Effective Chatbot Strategy for Business Success 自動化吸客, 智能聊天機器人, 聊天機器人策略 - The key components of an effective chatbot strategy for businesses
- The benefits of using chatbots to enhance customer engagement and streamline business operations
- Step-by-step guide on developing and implementing a successful chatbot strategy The Best Productivity Tool for Building AI Agents and Custom Chatbots 自動化吸客,, AI代理, 自定義聊天機器人 - Why is the top choice for businesses looking to build AI agents and custom chatbots
- The comprehensive features and benefits of for productivity and AI-driven solutions
- How can help businesses streamline their operations and enhance customer experiences

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
ChatGPT vs. ChatGPT DALL-E 3: Advancements in Generative AI for Image and Text Generation ChatGPT, ChatGPT DALL-E 3, generative AI, image generation, text generation This article explores the advancements in generative AI for image and text generation, comparing the capabilities of ChatGPT and ChatGPT DALL-E 3. We will discuss how these technologies are revolutionizing content creation and the potential applications in various industries.
Conversational AI in Retail: Personalizing the Customer Experience conversational AI, retail, customer experience, personalization Learn how conversational AI is transforming the retail industry by enabling personalized customer experiences. We will explore the benefits of using conversational AI in retail, including improved customer engagement, enhanced product recommendations, and streamlined customer support.
The Power of Integrating CRM and Chatbots for Enhanced Customer Service CRM, chatbots, customer service, integration Discover the benefits of integrating CRM and chatbots to deliver exceptional customer service. This article will discuss how this integration can improve response times, automate repetitive tasks, and provide personalized experiences for customers. The Future of Productivity Tools, productivity tools, AI automation Explore how is revolutionizing productivity tools with its AI automation capabilities. This article will discuss the benefits of using for streamlining workflows, improving collaboration, and increasing efficiency.
The Rise of Conversational Banking: Enhancing the Customer Journey conversational banking, customer journey, AI-powered banking Learn how conversational banking is reshaping the customer journey in the banking industry. We will explore the advantages of using AI-powered chatbots for personalized interactions, seamless transactions, and proactive customer support.
Boosting Work Efficiency with's Progress Bars, progress bars, work efficiency Discover how's progress bars can enhance work efficiency by providing a visual representation of task and project status. This article will discuss the benefits of using progress bars for tracking progress, prioritizing tasks, and improving overall productivity.
The Future of SaaS App Marketplaces: Optimizing Your App for Success SaaS app marketplaces, app optimization, app visibility Learn how to optimize your app for success in the competitive SaaS app marketplaces. This article will provide best practices for increasing app visibility, driving installs, and maximizing app revenue.
AI-Driven Chatbots: Enhancing Customer Experience Across Industries AI-driven chatbots, customer experience, industry applications Explore how AI-driven chatbots are revolutionizing customer experience across various industries. This article will discuss the benefits of using chatbots for personalized interactions, efficient customer support, and improved customer satisfaction.
The Impact of AI in Ecommerce: Personalizing the Online Shopping Experience AI, ecommerce, personalized shopping experience Discover the impact of AI in ecommerce and how it is revolutionizing the online shopping experience. This article will explore the benefits of AI-powered personalization, including tailored product recommendations, dynamic pricing, and improved customer engagement. vs. ThoughtSpot: Unleashing the Power of Data-Driven Decision Making, ThoughtSpot, data-driven decision making Compare the capabilities of and ThoughtSpot in enabling data-driven decision making. This article will discuss the key features and advantages of using for streamlined data analysis, generative business intelligence, and affordability compared to ThoughtSpot.

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
An Honest Guide to Chatbot Marketing Chatbot Marketing, Automation, Remedies
- Why: Understand the ins and outs of chatbot marketing
- What: Discover the challenges and pitfalls of automation in marketing and how it can turn into a nightmare for customers
- How: Learn proven remedies and strategies to ensure successful and effective chatbot marketing
Title Keywords Outline
How to Choose the Right Interface Layouts for Your Interface Layouts,, Design, User Experience
- Why: Understand the importance of interface layouts in
- What: Explore the different prebuilt interface layouts offered by and how they can enhance user experience
- How: Learn how to choose the right interface layout for your specific needs and goals in
Title Keywords Outline
The Power of Conversational Marketing with Conversational Marketing,, Customer Engagement, Personalization
- Why: Discover the benefits of conversational marketing in driving customer engagement
- What: Explore how's conversational marketing tools powered by AI can create personalized connections and foster trust with customers
- How: Learn how to leverage's conversational marketing features to build authentic relationships with customers and enhance the overall customer experience
Title Keywords Outline
The Advantage of Conversational Banking with Conversational Banking,, Resolution from First Interaction, Customer Satisfaction
- Why: Understand the importance of resolution from the first interaction in conversational banking
- What: Explore how's conversational banking strategy can deliver exceptional customer service by providing instant resolution
- How: Learn how's conversational banking features can satisfy customers' needs and increase overall customer satisfaction
Title Keywords Outline
Chatbot vs Live Chat: Which One is Best for Your Business with Chatbot vs Live Chat,, Customer Service, Pros and Cons
- Why: Understand the differences between chatbots and live chat for customer service
- What: Explore the pros and cons of using chatbots and live chat in customer service with
- How: Learn how to make an informed decision on whether to use chatbots or live chat for your business based on your specific needs and goals in
Title Keywords Outline
Database vs Spreadsheet: Choosing the Right Tool for Your Business with Database vs Spreadsheet,, Data Management, Comparison
- Why: Understand the differences between databases and spreadsheets for data management
- What: Explore the advantages and limitations of databases and spreadsheets in different business use cases
- How: Learn how to choose the right tool, whether it's a database or a spreadsheet, for your specific business needs and goals in
Title Keywords Outline
The Latest Trends in Conversational Banking with Conversational Banking,, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation
- Why: Stay updated on the latest trends in conversational banking
- What: Explore how new technologies are impacting conversational banking and customer expectations
- How: Learn how's conversational banking features can help traditional businesses offer digital experiences, simplicity, and quality of service demanded by customers
Title Keywords Outline
The Evolution of Conversational AI with Conversational AI, Chatbot Flows, Personalization, Customer Service
- Why: Learn about the evolution of chatbot flows in conversational AI
- What: Discover how's conversational AI has evolved to provide personalized and automated conversational journeys for each individual user
- How: Learn how's conversational AI features can enhance customer service interactions and provide a more engaging conversational experience
Title Keywords Outline
What's New in July 2023 Updates, Progress Bar, Redesigned Home Screen
- Why: Stay updated on the latest features and improvements in
- What: Explore the new progress bar and redesigned home screen in
- How: Learn how these new features can enhance project management and improve the overall user experience in
Title Keywords Outline
Supercharge Your Workflows with AI Tools for Consultants AI Tools for Consultants, Workflow Optimization, Productivity
- Why: Discover how AI tools can supercharge workflows for consultants
- What: Explore the top AI tools transforming the consulting industry and their specific applications
- How: Learn how to integrate AI tools into your workflow to optimize efficiency and deliver better results for your clients in the consulting industry



