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2023-12-11 00:16:56

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-12-11 MON

Hi, 我是AI市场经理。 我通过分析趋势时事、参考竞品博客文章、搜索引擎关键词、配合运营节奏,结合AI大模型,给你汇报今天市场团队的传播计划,以及推荐一些内容选题。


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  1. 从机器到人类 | 如何让你的聊天机器人听起来更自然


  1. 小公司如何利用聊天机器人推动增长


  1. 通过Drift实现更多销售机会




  1. 聊天机器人 vs 实时聊天 | 哪个对你的业务更好?


  1. 我是Drift的销售发展代表,我每天都在使用它。这是我如何使用它的。




作为Drift的主要用户 - 事实上是销售者 - 我想告诉你我如何在我的日常工作中使用Drift,并解释为什么在使用该产品一年后,我现在无法想象没有它的生活。


  1. 如何利用Facebook聊天机器人提升客户支持

成功的企业不断寻求创新解决方案以满足客户的期望。通过利用通过Facebook发送消息的受欢迎程度和便利性,Messenger Chatbot可以彻底改善客户支持。你是否正在寻找提高客户支持服务的方法?通过使用Facebook Messenger聊天机器人,你可以自动化和提升客户支持,确保及时的帮助并提高运营效率。在这篇文章中,我们将探讨Facebook Messenger聊天机器人在提升客户支持中的作用以及自动化的好处。

  1. 聊天机器人营销的诚实指南


  1. 如何为企业选择最佳对话技术?


  1. 如何为你的聊天机器人命名:需要考虑的技巧和创意聊天机器人名称想法


  1. 人工智能(AI)和增强现实(AR)的终极指南




  1. Title: Boost Your Business Insights with AI-Powered Product Feedback Tools Description: Collect valuable customer insights and improve your products and services at scale with AI-powered product feedback tools. Discover how can help you analyze feedback and make better decisions based on customer sentiment and preferences.

  2. Title: Stay Ahead of the Curve with AI-Enhanced SaaS Revenue Forecasting Description: SaaS revenue forecasting is crucial for business growth and decision-making. Learn how AI can accelerate your forecasting capabilities and drive revenue growth. Explore the benefits of using to accurately predict future revenue and optimize your sales strategies.

  3. Title: Creating an Inclusive Work Environment: Empowering Gen Z in the Workplace Description: Many young workers struggle in the workplace due to lack of preparation and support. Discover practical tips and strategies for building an inclusive work environment that empowers Gen Z employees. #InclusionMatters

  4. Title: Master the Power of IF Functions in Unleash the Potential of Your Data Description: Learn how to leverage IF functions in to analyze and gain insights from your data. Unlock the power of conditional statements and make data-driven decisions with ease.

  5. Title: What's New in Exciting Updates for Improved Project Management Description: Discover the latest updates in, including a redesigned home screen and a new progress bar feature. Stay organized, track project status, and enhance collaboration with these new enhancements.

  6. Title: Revolutionize Customer Support with AI-Powered Facebook Chatbots Description: Discover how AI-powered Facebook chatbots can improve your customer support experience. Learn how to leverage chatbots to answer common queries, generate leads, and provide instant responses. #CustomerExperience

  7. Title: Choosing the Right Conversational Technology for Enterprise Companies Description: With a wide range of conversational technology options available, find out how to choose the best one for your enterprise company. Explore the benefits of AI-powered conversational platforms and their potential to enhance customer experience and reduce operating costs.

  8. Title: Secure and Private: Overcoming Challenges in WhatsApp Banking Description: Learn how to implement a successful banking strategy on WhatsApp while ensuring maximum security and privacy. Discover the potential of conversational banking and how it can transform the customer experience.

  9. Title: Drive Customer Satisfaction with First Interaction Resolution in Conversational Banking Description: Discover the importance of resolving customer queries in the first interaction for exceptional customer satisfaction. Learn how to leverage conversational banking strategies to provide instant and effective solutions to your customers.

  10. Title: AI Use Cases in Life Sciences: Transforming the Future of Healthcare Description: Explore the groundbreaking use cases of AI in the life sciences industry. Discover how AI is revolutionizing drug discovery, clinical trials, and personalized medicine. Stay updated on the latest advancements in AI-powered healthcare solutions.


  1. Looking for a productivity tool to build custom ChatGPT with just one click? Check out, the AI-powered alternative to Airtable and Smartsheet. #AI #ProductivityTools

  2. Want to boost your project management success? Discover the features and pricing of, the ultimate tool for planning, coordinating, and tracking tasks. #ProjectManagement #AITable

  3. Looking for an interface designer that answers all your layout questions? has got you covered. Find out how to build apps with ease and create interactive experiences for end-users. #InterfaceDesign #AITable

  4. Unlock the power of SaaS marketplaces with Learn how to optimize your app for increased visibility, lower user acquisition costs, and sustained growth. #SaaS #AppOptimization

  5. Improve your banking strategy with maximum security and privacy using WhatsApp. Discover the potential of conversational banking with #Banking #ConversationalAI

  6. Join the revolution in buyer engagement with AI-powered products from Drift. Discover how personalized customer experiences are created one conversation at a time. #AI #BuyerEngagement

  7. Boost your pipeline generation with Drift and its conversational strategy. Engage site visitors in real-time and gain valuable insights to inform your go-to-market strategy. #PipelineGeneration #ConversationalStrategy

  8. Dive into the world of AI-generated images with ChatGPT DALL-E 3. Explore its unique features and find out why it's the go-to image generator. #AI #ImageGeneration

  9. Solve customer queries in the first interaction with conversational banking. Learn how to achieve exceptional customer experiences with #ConversationalBanking #CustomerService

  10. Transform your banking customer service experience with ChatGPT. Discover how generative AI is revolutionizing the industry and creating intuitive user experiences. #ChatGPT #BankingExperience

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
如何让你的Chatbot更具人性化? AI, Chatbot, 人性化 - 为什么人性化的Chatbot对用户体验至关重要
- Chatbot从机器人到人性化对话的演变过程
- 如何让你的Chatbot更具人性化与用户进行有意义的对话
小公司如何利用Chatbot推动增长? Chatbot, 小公司, 增长 - 小公司面临的挑战和需要解决的问题
- Chatbot如何帮助小公司提升业务增长
- 小公司如何利用Chatbot实现增长的最佳实践
Drift的超级用户分享如何通过Drift推动销售 Drift, 营销, 销售 - 如何使用Drift提高销售团队的效率和成果
- Drift的超级用户分享使用Drift的专业技巧
- Drift如何帮助销售团队实现更好的业绩
Chatbot与在线客服哪个更适合你的业务? Chatbot, 在线客服, 业务 - Chatbot和在线客服的优缺点对比
- 如何根据业务需求选择合适的客服解决方案
- Chatbot和在线客服如何提升客户服务的最佳实践
我是一个Drift的SDR,我每天如何使用它? Drift, SDR, 销售 - 一个Drift SDR的日常工作使用经验分享
- Drift如何帮助SDR提高工作效率
- Drift对SDR工作的影响和成果
如何利用Facebook Chatbot提升客户支持 Facebook Chatbot, 客户支持, 自动化 - Facebook Chatbot在提升客户支持方面的作用
- 如何利用Facebook Chatbot自动化和提升客户支持
- Facebook Chatbot在客户支持中的最佳实践
Chatbot营销的诚实指南 Chatbot, 营销, 自动化 - Chatbot营销的现状和挑战
- 有效的Chatbot营销策略和技巧
- Chatbot营销的成功案例和最佳实践
企业如何选择最适合的对话式技术? 对话式技术, 企业, 技术选择 - 不同对话式技术的优势和适用场景
- 如何根据企业需求选择最适合的对话式技术
- 对话式技术对企业发展的影响和未来趋势
如何为你的Chatbot取名? Chatbot, 取名, 创意 - 研究发现给技术取一个有人性化特征的名字对人们的感知有影响
- 如何为你的Chatbot取一个合适的名字
- Chatbot命名的最佳实践和创意名字建议
人工智能和增强现实的终极指南 人工智能, 增强现实, 应用 - 人工智能和增强现实的基础知识和概念
- 人工智能和增强现实在各行业的应用案例和前景
- 人工智能和增强现实对我们现实世界的影响和未来发展

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline智能化生意系統,提升企業運營效率 自動化吸客, A.I. 化生意系統, 企業級AI, Poe, CRM系統, 客戶管理 企業如何通過使用AITable.ai智能化生意系統來提升運營效率?本文將介紹AITable.ai的自動化客戶管理功能和企業級AI解決方案,幫助企業實現更高效的CRM管理和客戶關係建立。
智能聊天機器人:提升客戶服務品質的新趨勢 智能聊天機器人, 客服機器人, 在線客服機器人, AI助手 如何通過使用智能聊天機器人提升客戶服務品質?本文將介紹智能聊天機器人的優勢和應用場景,並分享如何利用在線客服機器人和AI助手提供24小時自動化客戶服務。
數據分析工具的重要性和選擇指南 數據分析工具, 數字化轉型, 數據可視化 數據分析工具在企業數字化轉型中的重要性不可忽視。本文將介紹數據分析工具的種類和選擇指南,幫助企業選擇最適合自己的數據分析工具,實現數據可視化和數字化轉型。
AI在市場運營管理中的應用和優勢 市場運營管理, AI自動營銷軟件, 數據分析師 AI技術在市場運營管理中的應用越來越廣泛。本文將介紹AI自動營銷軟件的優勢和市場運營管理中的AI數據分析師角色,幫助企業實現更智能化和高效的市場運營管理。 vs Airtable:選擇更適合企業的生意管理平台, Free Airtable, 數據分析工具, 項目管理 AITable.ai和Airtable都是功能強大的生意管理平台,但哪個更適合企業使用?本文將比較AITable.ai和Airtable的特點和優勢,幫助企業選擇最適合自己的生意管理平台。
如何透過AI技術提升企業的客戶參與度 智能聊天機器人, 客戶參與度, AI助手 了解如何透過智能聊天機器人和AI助手提升企業的客戶參與度?本文將介紹AI技術在提升客戶參與度方面的應用和優勢,並分享如何建立具有個性化互動的智能客服系統。
數據分析工具在研發管理中的應用和效益 數據分析工具, 研發管理, 需求管理 如何利用數據分析工具提升研發管理效益?本文將介紹數據分析工具在研發管理和需求管理中的應用場景,幫助企業實現更高效的研發管理和需求管理。
個人ChatGPT:開啟個人智能助手的新時代 個人ChatGPT, AI助手, 機器人助手 個人ChatGPT是一種全新的個人智能助手技術,可以提供個性化的服務和互動。本文將介紹個人ChatGPT的優勢和應用場景,並分享如何建立自己的個人AI助手。
如何利用AI技術優化項目管理流程 項目管理, PMO專案管理軟件, 企業如何利用AI技術優化項目管理流程?本文將介紹項目管理中的AI應用和PMO專案管理軟件的優勢,並分享如何使用AITable.ai實現更高效的項目管理。
AI助力數據分析師:提升數據分析效率的新趨勢 AI助手, 數據分析師, 數據分析工具 AI技術正在改變數據分析師的工作方式和效率。本文將介紹AI助手在數據分析師工作中的應用和優勢,並分享如何利用AI助手提升數據分析效率。

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
14 Best Product Feedback Tools (+ AI Superpowers) Product feedback tools, AI, customer insights, improve customer satisfaction - Why businesses need product feedback tools
- The power of AI in enhancing feedback platforms
- Top product feedback tools with AI capabilities
- How these tools help businesses analyze feedback and improve customer satisfaction
Master SaaS Revenue Forecasting with AI SaaS revenue forecasting, AI, business growth, decision-making - The importance of revenue forecasting for SaaS companies
- Challenges in SaaS revenue forecasting
- Methods and tools for more accurate forecasting
- How AI-based tools like Akkio can enhance forecasting capabilities and drive revenue growth
Building an inclusive environment on your team Inclusive environment, team dynamics, workplace diversity - The challenges faced by Gen Z in the workplace
- The importance of building an inclusive environment
- Strategies to create an inclusive team culture
- The benefits of workplace diversity
How to use the IF function in formulas IF function,, data analysis, insights - Understanding the power of the IF function in data analysis
- How to use the IF function in formulas
- Examples of using the IF function in different scenarios
- The benefits of leveraging the IF function for data-driven decision-making
What’s new in July 2023, updates, progress bar, home screen redesign - Highlights of the latest updates in
- Introduction of new features like progress bars and redesigned home screen
- How these updates improve user experience and productivity
- Tips and tricks for maximizing the use of
How to Use Facebook Chatbots to Improve Customer Support Facebook chatbots, AI, customer support, automation - The role of AI-powered chatbots in improving customer support
- Benefits of using Facebook chatbots for customer inquiries and lead generation
- How to effectively implement and optimize Facebook chatbots
- Real-life examples of successful chatbot use in customer support
How to choose the best conversational technology for enterprise companies Conversational technology, enterprise companies, customer experience - Overview of different conversational technologies available
- Factors to consider when choosing the best technology for enterprise companies
- Use cases and benefits of integrating conversational technology into business strategies
- Tips for successful implementation and adoption
WhatsApp Banking: Overcoming Privacy and Security Challenges WhatsApp banking, conversational banking, privacy, security - The rise of conversational banking and its benefits
- Privacy and security challenges in implementing WhatsApp banking
- Strategies and technologies to ensure maximum privacy and security
- Real-life examples of successful WhatsApp banking implementations
Conversational banking: How to solve in the first interaction Conversational banking, resolution from first interaction, user satisfaction - The importance of resolving customer queries in the first interaction
- Common challenges in delivering exceptional conversational banking experiences
- Strategies for improving resolution rates and customer satisfaction
- Case studies of successful conversational banking implementations
AI Use Cases in Life Sciences: Groundbreaking Innovations AI, life sciences, drug discovery, personalized medicine - The impact of AI on the life sciences industry
- Exciting use cases of AI in drug discovery, clinical trials, and personalized medicine
- Ethical and regulatory considerations in implementing AI technologies in life sciences
- Future prospects and advancements in AI-driven life sciences innovations

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
Smartsheet vs Which productivity tool is right for your business? Smartsheet,, productivity tools, comparison - Why choose between Smartsheet and for your productivity needs?
- vs Smartsheet: Features, pricing, and benefits compared.
- How can help you build AI Agents and Custom ChatGPT with just one click.
- Problem: Finding the right productivity tool that meets your business needs.
- Solution: Comparing Smartsheet and to determine the best fit for your organization.
- Solving productivity challenges with's AI-powered features and customization options.

| The future of productivity tools |, productivity tools, AI-powered, automation, future | - Why is the future of productivity tools. - Harnessing the power of AI to automate tasks and streamline workflows. - How can revolutionize your business with its AI-powered features. - Problem: Traditional productivity tools are no longer sufficient in today's fast-paced business environment. - Solution: Embracing AI-powered tools like to stay ahead of the competition. - Solving productivity challenges with's advanced automation and customization capabilities. |

| vs Excel: Which tool is right for your data management needs? |, Excel, data management, comparison | - Why choose between and Excel for your data management needs? - vs Excel: Features, usability, and benefits compared. - How can enhance your data management processes with AI-powered features. - Problem: Finding the right data management tool that meets your organization's requirements. - Solution: Comparing and Excel to determine the best fit for your business. - Solving data management challenges with's AI-driven functionalities and seamless integration capabilities. |

| The ultimate AI CRM for your business |, AI CRM, customer relationship management, automation | - Why is the ultimate AI CRM solution for businesses. - Leveraging AI to enhance customer relationship management and drive business growth. - How can automate tasks, analyze customer data, and provide personalized experiences. - Problem: Traditional CRM systems are limited in their capabilities and require manual data entry. - Solution: Adopting as your AI-powered CRM to automate processes and gain valuable insights. - Solving CRM challenges with's advanced AI algorithms and intuitive user interface. |

| Empowering businesses with AI automation |, AI automation, business automation, productivity | - How is empowering businesses with AI automation. - Automating repetitive tasks and streamlining workflows for increased productivity. - How can save time, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency. - Problem: Manual tasks and inefficient processes hinder business productivity. - Solution: Implementing's AI automation capabilities to optimize business operations. - Solving productivity challenges with's advanced automation features and intuitive interface. |

| Unlocking the potential of AI with |, AI technology, unlocking potential, business growth | - How is unlocking the potential of AI for businesses. - Harnessing the power of AI to drive innovation, efficiency, and growth. - How's AI-driven features can transform your business processes and decision-making. - Problem: Businesses struggle to leverage AI technology to its full potential. - Solution: Embracing as a comprehensive AI solution to unlock business growth. - Solving the AI adoption challenge with's user-friendly interface and powerful AI capabilities. |

| Revolutionizing project management with AI |, project management, AI-powered, automation | - How is revolutionizing project management with AI. - Leveraging AI to automate task tracking, collaboration, and decision-making. - How's AI-powered features can improve project efficiency and success rates. - Problem: Traditional project management tools lack automation and real-time insights. - Solution: Adopting as an AI-powered project management solution to enhance productivity. - Solving project management challenges with's advanced AI algorithms and customizable workflows. |

| The future of AI-powered chatbots |, AI-powered chatbots, conversational AI, customer engagement | - Why is the future of AI-powered chatbots. - Transforming customer engagement with conversational AI and personalized experiences. - How's AI chatbots can enhance customer service, lead generation, and sales. - Problem: Traditional chatbot solutions lack personalization and natural language understanding. - Solution: Adopting's AI-powered chatbots to deliver exceptional customer experiences. - Solving customer engagement challenges with's advanced AI algorithms and natural language processing capabilities. |

| vs Airtable: Which tool is right for your business? |, Airtable, productivity tools, comparison | - Why choose between and Airtable for your business needs? - vs Airtable: Features, pricing, and benefits compared. - How can enhance your business processes and improve collaboration. - Problem: Finding the right productivity tool that meets your organization's requirements. - Solution: Comparing and Airtable to determine the best fit for your business. - Solving productivity challenges with's AI-powered features and customizable workflows. |



