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2023-10-13 00:13:08

VIKA AI 营销素材 & 工作指南 - 2023-10-13 FRI

Hi, 我是AI市场经理。 我通过分析趋势时事、参考竞品博客文章、搜索引擎关键词、配合运营节奏,结合AI大模型,给你汇报今天市场团队的传播计划,以及推荐一些内容选题。


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  1. 你是否曾经为了高效地规划、协调和追踪任务而苦恼?项目管理的关键在于有效地计划、协调和追踪任务。不管你是一名经验丰富的项目经理,还是刚入行的新人,都需要一个有效的工具来帮助你实现项目管理的成功。现在,我们的vika维格云可以帮助你实现这一切,让你的任务规划、协调和追踪变得更加高效简单。快来体验一下吧!

  2. 合作是团队成功的关键。在构建一个支持LGBTIQ成员的团队文化方面,我们有着独到的见解。与其进行无效的头脑风暴,不如听听著名教授Sheena Iyengar的观点。她指出,头脑风暴通常是浪费时间的。我们可以通过其他更有效的方式来促进团队合作,如共享思考和互相倾听。让我们一起构建一个支持多元化的团队文化吧!

  3. 在当今数字时代,企业不断寻求创新的方式来与客户互动并优化运营。AI技术是一项革命性的技术,已经改变了客户互动的方式。聊天机器人从简单的基于规则的系统发展为能够进行智能对话的虚拟代理人。你是否希望通过聊天机器人策略提升你的业务成果?在本文中,我们将解释有效聊天机器人策略的关键组成部分,并指导你开发和推出成功的聊天机器人。准备好提升你的客户互动体验吧!

  4. 在工作中,有时候我们只需一瞥就能了解任务和项目的进展情况。当你参与一个大型项目或活动时,有时候只需要偶尔一瞥,就能知道离达成里程碑的目标还有多远。现在,vika维格云的进度条功能可以帮助团队和领导者快速获取工作状态的视觉更新。进度条是一种显示你在实现预定目标方面进展情况的可视化工具。我们建议你在复杂、关键的项目(如活动和产品发布)旁边显示进度条,这样每个参与者都能快速了解项目的状态。

  5. 在Airtable的公式中,使用强大且灵活的“IF”函数可以测试输入数据。IF函数是数据库和电子表格中最常用的函数之一,它可以在逻辑选择中比较输入数据,并在结果为真时执行一项操作,结果为假时执行另一项操作。IF函数的应用广泛,比如在营销活动中,你可以使用IF函数来判断哪些营销活动的预算超过了5万美元,哪些没有。通过应用IF函数,你可以更好地了解你的数据,并从中获取有价值的洞察。

  6. 作为一家小型企业,你是否想通过聊天机器人来推动增长?作为小型企业的所有者,你肯定面临着各种挑战。你可能经常发现自己需要更多的时间,因为你通常是一个人负责市场营销策略、产品开发、吸引新线索,并同时保留现有客户。在本文中,我们将探讨小型企业如何利用聊天机器人来推动增长。让我们一起利用这项技术来提高工作效率,吸引更多的潜在客户,并保留现有客户。

  7. 数据库和电子表格是不同的工具,各自有不同的用途。然而,很多人错误地认为它们是一样的。电子表格是我们熟悉的工具,因为它们易于使用和普及。当我们需要处理数字、平衡预算或组织信息时,我们往往会选择电子表格。但是,电子表格并不适用于所有情况。对于一些更复杂的应用场景,如内容日历、项目跟踪和用户体验研究,数据库提供了更大的灵活性和功能。现在,随着正确的工具,任何会使用电子表格的人都可以使用数据库。了解它们的区别将帮助你为你的业务做出正确的选择。

  8. 在市场上有许多强大的大型语言模型可供使用。这些语言模型正在改变我们处理和分析语言的方式。作为一家企业,你是否好奇目前最强大的语言模型是什么?在本文中,我们将探讨最强大的AI聊天软件系统,并讨论它们如何革新我们的沟通方式。利用这些先进的技术,我们可以与客户建立真实的关系,增强信任,更深入地了解客户需求。让我们一起利用这些先进的技术来提升市场营销策略,建立信任和忠诚度,并提升客户体验。

  9. 在内容营销团队中,通过独特的方式查看工作,我们可以提高产能、团队管理和资产审查。在我们之前的博客文章中,我们已经介绍了一些最佳的Airtable视图,用于跟踪交付、将工作与营销活动相关联和接收新的创意。现在,在第二部分中,我们将进一步探讨更多的视图,帮助您顺利完成内容营销工作。只需点击一下按钮,团队就可以以他们需要的方式查看信息,点击视图以查看每周交付进度、检查团队资源时间表等等。vika维格云对于任何公司都是一个很好的资产。

  10. 每个潜在客户都是独特的,就像每个销售代表都是独特的。为了最大化与潜在客户的每个机会,将他们与最适合的销售代表配对非常重要。这可能意味着按地理区域分配潜在客户,或者将符合特定资料的潜在客户分配给具有相关优势或经验的销售代表。无论如何,潜在客户的分配对于培养每一个潜在客户都至关重要。本博客文章将更详细地介绍潜在客户分配的重要性,以及您可以应用于您的业务的几种不同的潜在客户分配方法。



  1. "Choosing the Right CRM for Your Industry: A Guide for Productivity Tools like" Description: Not all industries have the same customer relationship management needs. Discover how can help you tailor your CRM to fit your industry-specific requirements and boost productivity.

  2. "Unlocking the Power of IF Statements in Simplify Your Data Analysis" Description: IF functions can be a game-changer for data analysis. Learn how's IF statements can help you make logical choices and gain valuable insights from your data.

  3. "Boosting Growth for Small Companies with Conversational AI:'s Guide" Description: As a small business owner, you can leverage conversational AI to drive growth. Explore how's chatbot capabilities can help you attract new leads, engage customers, and retain existing clients.

  4. "Track Your Work Progress with's Progress Bars: Stay on Top of Your Goals" Description: Visualize your project progress with's progress bars. Discover how this feature can help you and your team achieve milestones and stay motivated.

  5. "Enhancing Customer Engagement with Conversational AI:'s Tips" Description: Providing excellent customer service is crucial for any business. Find out how's conversational AI can help you boost customer engagement and deliver top-notch customer experiences.

  6. "Chatbot vs. Live Chat:'s Guide to Customer Service Solutions" Description: Choosing between chatbots and live chat for customer service can be challenging. Learn the pros and cons of each approach and discover how can help you make the right choice.

  7. "Creating Natural Chatbot Conversations with Engage Your Users" Description: Chatbots can be more than just automated assistants. Explore's tips for making your chatbot sound natural and engaging, fostering meaningful conversations with your users.

  8. "Designing an Effective Relational Database with Optimize Your Data Management" Description: A well-designed relational database can streamline your data management processes. Discover's four design tips for maximizing the use of your database.

  9. "Maximizing Lead Opportunities with The Importance of Lead Distribution" Description: Distributing leads effectively is crucial for nurturing each opportunity. Learn why lead distribution matters and explore different lead distribution methods with

  10. "Transforming the Banking Sector with Chatbots:'s Insights" Description: Discover the benefits of using chatbots in the banking sector and how can help financial institutions deliver exceptional customer service and improve customer experiences.


  1. "Give your chatbot a personality that leaves a lasting impression. Learn how to create a character for your AI assistant. #ChatbotPersonality #AI #AITable"

  2. "Not all industries have the same CRM needs. Find out which CRM is the best fit for your business and industry. #CRM #AITable"

  3. "Improve customer support with Facebook chatbots. Learn how these AI-powered bots can assist with inquiries and generate leads. #FacebookChatbots #CustomerSupport #AITable"

  4. "Choose from a variety of interface layouts to create apps that show users the data they need. Discover the power of Interface Designer. #InterfaceDesign #AITable"

  5. "Chatbots are transforming the banking sector. Explore the benefits of using chatbots in improving customer service. #Chatbots #Banking #AITable"

  6. "Build meaningful connections with your audience using conversational marketing. Learn how to leverage AI chatbots for authentic customer relationships. #ConversationalMarketing #AI #AITable"

  7. "Learn the psychology and UX techniques for writing engaging chatbot scripts. Engage your users in meaningful conversations. #ChatbotScript #UX #AITable"

  8. "Develop a chatbot strategy that delivers results. Streamline operations and enhance customer experience with AI-powered chatbots. #ChatbotStrategy #AI #AITable"

  9. "Discover the latest updates and features in Airtable. Track records, customize forms, and more to enhance your workflow. #AirtableUpdates #Workflow #AITable"

  10. "Explore the synergy between AI and AR. Discover how these technologies are transforming industries and creating immersive experiences. #AI #AR #AITable"

选题: 简体中文-中国内地

标题 关键词 大纲高效构建企业级AI Chatbot的1-click工具, 企业级AI, Chatbot, 1-click工具 - 为什么构建企业级AI Chatbot很重要?- AITable.ai的功能和优势- 如何使用AITable.ai构建高效的企业级AI Chatbot
如何利用AITable.ai构建一个多维表格AI Chatbot, 多维表格, AI Chatbot - 为什么多维表格在AI Chatbot中很重要?- AITable.ai如何支持多维表格AI Chatbot的构建- 如何使用AITable.ai构建多维表格AI Chatbot
AI Chatbot vs. 人工客服:哪个更适合企业客户服务? AI Chatbot, 人工客服, 企业客户服务 - AI Chatbot和人工客服的优势和劣势对比- 如何选择适合企业客户服务的解决方案- AITable.ai如何提供高效的AI Chatbot方案高效管理和协作的企业级多维表格工具, 多维表格, 高效管理, 协作 - 为什么企业需要高效的多维表格工具?- AITable.ai的多维表格管理和协作功能介绍- 如何使用AITable.ai提高企业的管理和协作效率
企业级AI助手:AITable.ai如何提升企业的生产力和效率, 企业级AI助手, 生产力, 效率 - AITable.ai如何提供企业级AI助手服务- 如何利用AITable.ai提升企业的生产力和效率- AITable.ai的成功案例和用户反馈 vs. Excel:为什么AITable.ai是更好的企业级表格工具, Excel, 企业级表格工具 - AITable.ai和Excel的功能对比- AITable.ai如何提供更高效和更强大的企业级表格工具- 为什么企业应该选择AITable.ai而非Excel
如何利用AITable.ai构建一个AI Copilot助手, AI Copilot助手 - 为什么企业需要AI Copilot助手- AITable.ai如何支持AI Copilot助手的构建- 如何使用AITable.ai构建高效的AI Copilot助手高效管理项目进度的工具, 项目进度管理工具, 高效管理 - 为什么项目进度管理对企业很重要?- AITable.ai如何提供高效的项目进度管理工具- 如何使用AITable.ai提升项目进度管理效率 vs. Airtable:为什么AITable.ai是更好的表格工具, Airtable, 表格工具 - AITable.ai和Airtable的功能对比- AITable.ai如何提供更高效和更强大的表格工具- 为什么企业应该选择AITable.ai而非Airtable如何利用AI技术提升表格处理和分析的效率, AI技术, 表格处理, 分析效率 - AI技术在表格处理和分析中的应用价值- AITable.ai如何提供高效的表格处理和分析功能- 如何利用AITable.ai提升企业的表格处理和分析效率

选题: 繁体中文-中国内地

Title Keywords Outline
A Comprehensive Guide to Conversational Marketing with 自動化吸客, A.I. 化生意系統, ChatGPT, AI chatbot, Enterprise ChatGPT assistant - Why Conversational Marketing is essential for businesses
- What is Conversational Marketing and how it works
- How can help businesses build authentic connections with customers through Conversational Marketing
Building an Inclusive Team Culture: Lessons from Diversity and Inclusion, Team Culture, - The importance of creating an inclusive team culture
- How to foster an inclusive environment for LGBTIQ members
- Strategies and best practices for building an inclusive team culture at
Maximizing Small Business Growth with Chatbots Small Business Growth, Chatbots, - The benefits of using chatbots for small businesses
- How Chatbots can help automate tasks and improve customer service
- Tips for implementing Chatbots to maximize small business growth
Lead Distribution: Why It Matters and How can Help Lead Distribution, Sales Team Efficiency, - The importance of lead distribution for nurturing potential customers
- Different lead distribution methods and their benefits
- How can streamline lead distribution and improve sales team efficiency
Mastering Airtable Formulas for Effective Data Analysis with Airtable Formulas, Data Analysis, - The power of using formulas in Airtable for data analysis
- How to use the IF function in Airtable formulas
- Examples of Airtable formulas with for efficient data analysis
How to Write a Compelling Chatbot Script with Chatbot Scripting, UX Psychology, - The importance of writing a well-crafted chatbot script
- Techniques based on UX psychology for engaging users in chat conversations
- Examples of compelling chatbot scripts created with
Enhancing Customer Support with Facebook Chatbots Facebook Chatbots, Customer Support, - The benefits of using Facebook Chatbots for improving customer support
- How can help businesses implement and manage Facebook Chatbots
- Tips for maximizing the effectiveness of Facebook Chatbots in customer support
Revolutionizing the Banking Sector with Chatbots Banking Sector, Chatbots, - The advantages of using chatbots in the banking sector
- How Chatbots can enhance customer service and satisfaction
- Case studies showcasing the successful implementation of Chatbots in the banking industry
Developing a Unique Personality for Your Chatbot Chatbot Personality, User Engagement, - The importance of giving your chatbot a unique personality
- Tips and considerations for developing a chatbot character with
- Examples of successful chatbot personalities created with
Unveiling the Power of The Next Generation Chatbot Platform, Chatbot Platform, AI Integration - Introduction to the new features and capabilities of
- How is revolutionizing the chatbot building process
- Case studies showcasing the power of in creating advanced and personalized chatbot solutions

选题: 英语-美国

Title Keywords Outline
Choosing the Right CRM for Your Industry CRM, industry-specific CRM, general CRM, CRM selection, industry needs - Why industry-specific CRM matters
- Understanding the advantages of industry-specific CRM
- Factors to consider when choosing a CRM for your industry
- Examples of industries and their CRM needs
Mastering IF Functions in AITable Formulas AITable, IF functions, formulas, data analysis - Why IF functions are essential in data analysis
- Understanding the logic behind IF functions
- Practical examples of using IF functions in AITable formulas
- Tips for optimizing IF functions in AITable
Boosting Growth for Small Companies with AI Chatbots AI chatbots, small business growth, customer engagement, automation - Why AI chatbots are valuable for small businesses
- Identifying areas for growth and customer engagement
- How AI chatbots can automate tasks and improve efficiency
- Real-life examples of small companies using AI chatbots for growth
Maximizing Project Management with AITable AITable, project management, features, pricing - Overview of project management challenges
- Exploring the features and benefits of AITable for project management
- Pricing options and affordability
- Success stories of companies using AITable for project management
Enhancing Customer Service: Chatbots vs. Live Chat Chatbots, live chat, customer service, automation - Understanding the pros and cons of chatbots and live chat for customer service
- Identifying the right approach for your business
- Tips for implementing chatbots or live chat effectively
- Real-life examples of companies improving customer service with chatbots or live chat
Creating Natural Conversations: Designing Human-like Chatbots Chatbots, conversational AI, natural language processing - The importance of human-like chatbots in customer interactions
- Strategies for making chatbots sound more natural and engaging
- Leveraging natural language processing to improve chatbot conversations
- Case studies of companies with successful human-like chatbots
Mastering Relational Databases: Best Practices for AITable Users AITable, relational databases, database design, data management - Understanding the fundamentals of relational databases
- Tips for designing and optimizing databases in AITable
- Best practices for data management and organization
- Real-life examples of companies benefiting from effective relational database design
Lead Distribution Strategies: Optimizing Lead Nurturing with AITable AITable, lead distribution, lead nurturing, sales optimization - The importance of lead distribution in maximizing sales opportunities
- Different lead distribution methods and their benefits
- Implementing lead distribution strategies in AITable
- Success stories of companies improving lead nurturing with AITable
Transforming Banking with Chatbots: Benefits and Use Cases Chatbots, banking sector, customer service, automation - Understanding the impact of chatbots on customer experience in the banking sector
- Exploring the benefits of using chatbots in banking
- Use cases and success stories of banks leveraging chatbots
- Tips for implementing chatbots effectively in the banking industry
Staying Updated with AITable: Latest Features and Updates AITable, product updates, new features, interface enhancements - Overview of the latest features and updates in AITable
- How the new features enhance user experience and productivity
- Step-by-step guides on using the new features
- Testimonials from users who have benefited from the latest AITable updates

选题: 英语-加拿大

Title Keywords Outline
Chatbot Personality: Creating a Memorable Bot Experience Chatbot personality, AI agents, User interaction Explore the importance of giving your AI chatbot a unique personality to create a memorable user experience. Learn why personality matters, what factors to consider when crafting a bot's character, and how to implement it effectively.
The Role of CRM in Different Industries CRM industries, Industry-specific CRM, General CRM Understand how customer relationship management (CRM) systems cater to the specific needs of different industries. Discover the advantages of industry-specific CRM solutions, the factors to consider when choosing a CRM, and the key industries that heavily rely on CRM technology.
Leveraging Facebook Chatbots for Enhanced Customer Support Facebook chatbots, Customer support, AI automation Learn how Facebook chatbots can revolutionize customer support by providing instant responses and generating leads. Discover the benefits of using chatbots on the social media platform, best practices for implementation, and how to improve the overall customer support experience.
Choosing the Right Interface Layout: A Beginner's Guide Interface layouts, User experience design, Interface Designer Dive into the world of interface design and learn how to choose the right layout for your applications. Explore the prebuilt layouts offered by's Interface Designer, their benefits, and how they can enhance user experience by presenting relevant data.
The Advantages of Chatbots in the Banking Sector Chatbots in banking, Customer service automation, Improved user experience Explore the benefits of integrating chatbot technology into the banking sector. Discover how chatbots enhance customer service, streamline banking operations, and improve overall user experience.
Conversational Marketing: Building Authentic Connections with AI-Powered Chatbots Conversational marketing, AI-powered chatbots, Customer engagement Uncover the power of conversational marketing and how AI-powered chatbots can help businesses build authentic connections with their audience. Learn how chatbots foster trust, understand customer needs, and enhance the overall customer experience.
Writing Engaging Chatbot Scripts: Psychology and UX Techniques Chatbot script writing, User engagement, Psychology and UX Master the art of writing engaging chatbot scripts using psychology and UX techniques. Explore 12 proven techniques to captivate users and create meaningful conversations with your AI chatbot.
Developing an Effective Chatbot Strategy for Business Success Chatbot strategy, Business automation, Customer experience Gain insights into developing a successful chatbot strategy that drives results for your business. Learn the key considerations, best practices, and implementation steps to create a chatbot strategy that enhances customer experience and achieves business goals.
What's New in July 2023 Updates updates, New features, Improved user experience Stay up-to-date with the latest updates from Discover the new features, enhancements, and improvements introduced in July 2023, and how they enhance the overall user experience.
The Fusion of AI and AR: Transforming Industries AI and AR, Applications in industries, Immersive experiences Explore the dynamic fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its transformative impact on various industries. Discover how AI and AR technologies are solving problems, making predictions, and creating immersive experiences in fields such as healthcare, education, and entertainment.



